What are you Thinking? Resident Evil Edition!

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I remembered hearing dehydration and mirages were also supposed to affect the character but maybe I’m wrong.
CT: I really want to preorder RE2 - it's a remake of my favourite classic after all, and it's been four years since the last time I got excited for a new entry in the series - but this Mister X situation isn't giving me any peace, especially since it's been confirmed that other enemies such as zombies and lickers will also have a limited ability to follow you around the RPD. And with zombies not dying from headshots anymore unless you're lucky, I'm afraid the game is going to turn out too hard for me. I think it's best to wait for a few reviews after it has come out, written by people who aren't paid to give their opinion, to see what they have to say about Mister X especially. Just 18 more days to go until the official release date.
Why only for Xbox One? Is Microsoft trying to buy up exclusive rights for demo releases? Wouldn't surprise me at all, they're desperate to draw attention from the PS4.
Genuinely can't believe that the RE2 Remake is out this week. I don't know where the time has gone!

Definitely looking forward to having a week off solely for gaming. :smile:
Question. Say I didn't want to get the deluxe edition on Friday and just got the normal version. Will the DLC outfits and the soundtrack swap be available as separate DLC later for people who just got the regular version?
Question. Say I didn't want to get the deluxe edition on Friday and just got the normal version. Will the DLC outfits and the soundtrack swap be available as separate DLC later for people who just got the regular version?

Nothing has being confirmed, I can't see it though as it's deluxe pre order content and if they do release it to players who bought the standard edition it will be behind a pay wall, But you never know there's only one way to find out wait and see if they do.
The only preorder content, which you will get no matter which version you preordered, is Chris's and Jill's Samurai Edge pistols. All the other extras (Wesker's Samurai Edge, outfits, soundtrack swap) are part of the Deluxe Edition, and based on my experience, yes, it will eventually become available to everyone as a separate DLC, but definitely not for free, and no date has been given so far.
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As much as people disliked the spin offs I enjoyed all of them and their concepts greatly. I'd especially kill for a console budget Mercenaries, The Game, a "Chronicles" game of RE4, 5 REV series, and hell, get a better team, and even ORC2 would be nice to see.
Just not Umbrella Corps.

Additionally, I can't wait to see what else they can crank out with the RE Engine.
It's Capcom's Fox Engine and I love that, the series might go all over the place, but they consistently put effort in what they do no matter what kind of project it is.
been thinking about something related to the G virus. its said that they need someone with the matching DNA like a biological child. does identical twins or Siblings fall under matching DNA?
Loving the update of this site!

Also I am shocked at how amazing I find REmake2. My faith in the series kind of depleted after RE7 and I avoided and even lost interest in the making of this game and didn’t even test the demo. But Capcom came back swinging with this game. It’s stunning and is the epitome of how future installments should be handled- IMO. It has a great balance of action and horror and they’ve done a wonderful job at fleshing our beloved characters (at least I can speak for Claire because that’s who I’m playing as first). Love how the characters curse at the monsters when you fight/aim at them.
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I'm totally with you, @bSTAR_182! Despite the few things that disappointed me about the game, I find myself having so much fun with it that I'm already in the middle of my second playthrough, this time Leon A / Claire B. So far I've unlocked Hunk's scenario (which I only tried once and quickly gave up), several costumes, a Samurai Edge pistol with infinite ammo, and I think I'm close to finishing my Mister Raccoon collection. Can't wait to see what else this game has in store, future updates included!