I hate adaptive difficulty! I like my RE games nice and easy and don't want them to get harder just because I'm "good".
I feel that. I thought that was only really an issue during the RE4-RE6 period. Are they still doing it?
It takes me the whole night to beat him when i was playing on nightmare , 4 or more hour of repeating that boss battle, Whitout any special weapon or item, it's really hard, but when you understand his move you will be able to beat him easy...So I restarted my Nightmare game and got to final Nemmy 20 mins faster... Unfortunately I still can't beat him. I've gotten a little better at dodging his attacks but I'm nowhere near beating him.Shoulda saved for the infinite launcher to save myself the rage quits.
If you have time to do the Carlos Hospital KILL ALL THE ZOMBIES hack and can afford the Rocket Launcher - it makes the game REAL easy even on Nightmare. But if you feel like beating the game on your own merit, nobody will judge you if you get the Rocket Launcher and use it on FINAL Nemmy. haha
Even on Inferno, with all of the coins and the Infinite Rocket Launcher, Nemesis can still kill you in 2-3 second if you don't have your dodges right.
I always like it when DC Douglas makes Wesker videos like this one.
Oh yeah, I REALLY miss RCS as Chris. He was awesome! It really bummed me out when he was replaced in RE Vendetta. If he had to be replaced, it should have been after that movie as it featured the RE5-6 version of Chris.I always like it when DC Douglas makes Wesker videos like this one.
On a side note, did this make anyone else miss Roger Craig Smith voicing Chris? :sad:
It's really hard to accomplish something like this whit mediocre director like Anderson and the new one, unfortunatelyOk, I know I’m probably on a bit of an obnoxious kick with The Shining as of late but I could not help but notice, after what is probably my 10th viewing of the film, how much inspiration developers of Capcom had for the first game with this movie. The unsettling and large building that is an elaborate maze. Bathrooms with rotting corpses attacking the characters. The similarities are there.
This is the level of film adaptation I hoped for with Resident Evil. No, it does not have to and should not play beat by beat with the events in the game. But keep the barebones of the story with the series characters intact. The idea of a movie that captures the unsettling and downright scary halls of the Mansion, like Kubrick does with the Overlook Hotel, would be ideal. You don’t necessarily need monsters to be at every turn, but capture the unsettling feeling of watching characters wander down the halls as the viewer feels the tension and uncertainty of what could be lurking around the corner. Ground the horror but also put emphasis on the real threat that is more human than monster.
Idk, just some thoughts I had. I get that between The Shining and the actual RE games, they are different calibers of horror as one is more paranormal and psychological while the other is more scientific and physically in your face. Still, there is an art to balancing that suspense for viewers watching a horror movie and it’s not being done with most horror films today- let alone any RE adaptations. Even Romero’s scripts failed to capture the original game’s story and feel.
Funny how RE6 revolves around the C-virus with a bunch of wheezing infected and takes place in China. :lol:
That's... prophetic if I've ever seen it. Were there effing psychics working on the game? :lol:
But lost in all these "Chris is gonna turn bad/die in RE8!" concerns is the fact that I'm pretty sure the only reason he's returning again is to rectify the whole situation with his RE7 model. I could easily be wrong, but something tells me they weren't immediately set out on having him return for the 4th straight game and only did so because of all the backlash over his RE7 redesign, especially when there's supposedly a third playable character we don't yet know about (and there is according to leaks, which have turned out to be spot-on).
It wouldn't be the first time Capcom supposedly had a change of plans due to backlash over the direction they were heading in. Jill was reportedly supposed to be dead for real in RE5 until the immense fan backlash hit the interwebs (and rightfully so) and the same supposedly happened with Chris in RE6, albeit regarding concerns about potential backlash in the case of Chris. I touched on this in an earlier post a few years back, although I must say, if they were just gonna kill off Chris, anyway, they should've just pulled the trigger right then and there and passed the torch onto Piers. At least then something good could've came out of it (though he could've just been another one-off character they introduced and then kicked to the side). If they really do kill off Chris in RE8, it's just he's dead, that's all there is to it. I don't see how Ethan or whoever killing Chris (brainwashed or otherwise) really helps anyone in this case. Love him or hate him, he's an important player in the RE lore, arguably being apart of the biggest storylines the series has had to offer. Capcom has even said they recognize him as the star of the series, so I'm in the camp that they better have a good reason for killing him off if that's truly what they plan to do and I just don't see it with the information given to us about RE8 so far.
Maybe I'm wrong and it totally pays off in ways we never saw coming, but I just don't see it.