What are you Thinking? Resident Evil Edition!

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I am in the middle of RE6 right now. Completed Leon and I am half way through Chris' and I have to say... WTF! I know I complain about this game a lot and truthfully, I am having SO much fun with it since it is a game about pure unadulterated fun, but WTF. Before RE6 came out, Capcom said they would include much less action compared to RE5. Then you skip to Leon's scenario and here is what he and Helena survive after crashing the vehicle:

A car crash, A bus crash, A train crash, A helicopter crash, a mine cart crash, AND an AIRPLANE crash. And that is just one of FOUR scenarios! And there is also a plane falling from the sky and exploding all around them. WILD! Like I said, pure fun! But WOW. The directors on this game straight up lied about less action, haha.
Leon’s campaign oozes everything I hate about RE6. My favorite part in the campaign is when you’re in the gun shop but even that is short lived and strictly reminds me of RE2/Outbreak. Leon is merely there to support Helena and look cool. Nothing else.
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I always thought Leon had my favorite campaign, but I may have to review my stance. I am enjoying Chris' right now, but the cliche amnesia/drunk story line literal gives me a pain in the side. I'll have to keep going and report back to y'all when I am done!
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I always thought Leon had my favorite campaign, but I may have to review my stance. I am enjoying Chris' right now, but the cliche amnesia/drunk story line literal gives me a pain in the side. I'll have to keep going and report back to y'all when I am done!

I don’t mind the angry drunk angle to Chris’ story but the amnesia aspect is pretty pointless. By the time he remembers Ada/Carla’s involvement in his team’s death, his memory is perfectly fine. I did appreciate seeing a different side to Chris rather than the Garry Stu he became from REmake/RE5 though. Plus I loved RCS’s range of emotions.

Considering how often Chris questioned his faith with ‘fighting the good fight’ it would have been completely believable had they went with a storyline that Chris went AWOL due to PTSD and survivor’s guilt and built on that from there.
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I suppose we'll see how this all translates to Chris in VIIIage. But I have to say - after surviving the events of RE1, RECV, and RE5 - maybe the Edonia crisis was enough to make him snap. But again, why are they even thrusting Chris in to the Captains chair in this game when he continually proves himself to me reckless and overly aggressive? I feel like every chapter is Piers saying, "You've gone too far! You're not fit for duty!" And then immediately saying, "I'll follow you wherever you go Captain!" But in a game where every story is a mess, at least Chris and Piers have an actual connection.
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Chris was always meant to be an unconventional hero. Him not following orders was why he was discharged from the Air Force after all. On top of the events of the main games, when taking into account the Revelation series, the corruption within the BSAA would have been enough to shake up some of his faith as well.

But you are right in that he was not fit to serve as Captain again shortly after being found.
He was one of the founders of the BSAA though so I suppose that gives him some pull.

Even then though, perhaps he should have been placed as a field agent again. I would think he’d prefer that position anyways because they do get to be off on their own in a sense. But Capcom wanted to have that military feel which still kind of works for the story progression of bioterrorism so.... yeah.
As you said, Chris and Piers established a sort of brotherhood/mentor bond so, in a senseless game, it makes sense. :lol:

As for how he will behave in RE8, it’s hard to really say what’s going on. We know he’s not truly bad, he made it clear that he doesn’t trust Blue Umbrella and wanted to keep a close watch.

I don’t think Mia is as good as people think but it could also be a case of Chris doing what he feels is right for the sake of stopping the threat. I guess we shall see though, it might be something so random and unthinkable to even guess.
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I just finished Chris and Piers' story last night and they do the whole... Chris was going to kill "Ada", but justice is more important thing. It's like they watched every cheesy 80's action movie and added it here. But I did enjoy it. Chris and Piers probably have the worst locations in their story due to everything feeling gray and samey. But the story actually was better than the Leon one now that I review it. I just think that Leon and Helena had a lot of interesting locations which is a huge draw! It's fun to see things differently the second time through.
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I just finished Chris and Piers' story last night and they do the whole... Chris was going to kill "Ada", but justice is more important thing. It's like they watched every cheesy 80's action movie and added it here. But I did enjoy it. Chris and Piers probably have the worst locations in their story due to everything feeling gray and samey. But the story actually was better than the Leon one now that I review it. I just think that Leon and Helena had a lot of interesting locations which is a huge draw! It's fun to see things differently the second time through.

Chris's campaign was the only one I liked, and only because of Piers. The extra stuff was good but I just couldn't really get into anything else about 6. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people that thinks 6 is terrible, it just wasn't good. I have bigger issues with other games in the series.

@Soul Fist I can't wait for RE8, I've been looking forward to it since it was announced and the trailer that was released just made me want to play it even more. I haven't really seen anything I don't like so far and I like the direction they seem to be taking with 8.
Nice Flipqy! I never think of that! Soon, it will be RE2 and RE3 Day... in about 2 months. Hope someone remembers to say it!

I just finished RE6 again. Now I am going back through to grab some last trophies. It ended up being much better than I remembered. It is still a bundle of action cliches that is too overbloated. But it was certainly fun to play. I think I still like Leon's story the best because in the results of a tie among all of the stories, I will pick location above all else. And Leon has awesome locations in spades.

After beating this, I might even go as far as to say that I liked it more than RE3 REmake. The sour taste from Capcom's betrayal is gone. And I can say this game is honestly at like a 7.5 or so. But it's still a 6.5 on the RESIDENT EVIL scale if I am judging by the criteria of what makes the series so great.
I was thinking about Ethan and RE7/8 the other day and had a weird epiphany that summed up how I felt about his character. To me, Ethan is to the Resident Evil games what Alice is to the Resident Evil movies. Both were random characters dropped into an existing franchise and the stories of the main characters and the series as a whole were bent to accommodate them. To me, that's the easiest way to sum up the problem with him.
I've been in a massive resident evil mood lately and been having fun with trying to theorise future plot points.

The one I have been focusing on lately is tying up loose ends caused by re6 and Alex weskers future revival.

(I know this could be easily disproven depending on Re8)

My theory is as follows:

Alex has connections to the Family, an organisation introduced in re6 which Simmons was a part of, I do not think she's a part of the organisation but possibly has friends who are (Possibly Daniel Fabron).

Alex as you should know has successfully digitised a copy of herself within Natalia Korda in revelations 2 which judging by the true ending, is starting to manifest itself within her.

According to the canon comic which takes place on Sonido de Tortuga Island Alex still has a devoted following (almost cult like) which are still carrying out experiments.

Anyway she is waiting to awaken within Natalia but then what? She may be trapped within this child's body forever. She is quite clearly vain with looks and may want to become herself again and find ways to have an infinite supply of "her selves" to cheat death and become immortal this way.

The solution: the C Virus.
From re6 we find that Derek Simmons and Carla Radames had found ways to effectively clone people through means of the C Virus.

So she now has a target (herself) and a means of doing this, but the virus is still pretty unstable and the fact she will have a new body and is currently within a body completely different from her own means she doesn't have the resistances from whatever experiments the wesker child program had on her old body.
This Virus was pretty potent and required Jake Meulers blood to either increase effectiveness of the virus or neutralise it.

So perhaps the solution lies within a wesker child heir, Jake.

She may have need to capture Jake to continue the research left behind by carla/Derek at the end of re6. It may take some time as Ada destroyed the lab.

Carla and Derek were associated with the Family. If Alex has a contact within the family this could lead way to her knowing about the C virus research or finding out about it. Jakes blood could give her back what she lost and perform the re-cloning with more success. She has alot of researchers who would help her achieve this goal.

Unfortunately for Natalia all of this could spell out her demise. Not like Alex would care though.

Alex needs Jake, and the C virus to become herself again through help from her friends in the Family.
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I still dont like the fact that the scenarios in re2 2019 dont connect to each other unlike in re2 and re6.

Another thing ı dont like is for some reason; ada's theme from re2 doesnt even play in the game, even if you turn on the classic soundtrack. However it plays in re6, after you defeat simmons at the quad tower and ada throws him down; it comes back and plays in leon's campaign. It also plays during ada's campaign's credits sequence, more specifically after her special theme fully plays out.

Man; still cant believe how my opinion about re2 2019 changed from very positive, to positive, to mixed.

Re3 2020 also caused that; thank god they arent canon and replacements for og games.

Though it's still a missed opportunity that they arent remade in the same way re1 got remade in 2002 and instead got reimagined with unnecessary changes and realism excuses. Wasnt a fan of the cut stuff either.

I'll take bloated over gutted every single time.
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Absolutely all true. I still think RE2 REmake is a marvel of a game and a wonderful experience, but it is assuredly a lousy remake. How can a PS1 game have more content and locations when so much work was put in to the new game? RE2 REmake feels great and has great pacing and additions, but man, I wish they could have connected the A and B scenarios more and.... actually have a B scenario with more than like 5 changes.
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I didnt play re3 2020 so ı cant say whether it's better or worse than re2 2019 but there are some things re3 2020 does better than re2 2019.

Between those 2 games; ı think re3 2020 handles the story and characters better than re2 2019 does.

Plus it's one run and it doesnt have multiple scenarios that cant connect to each other unlike re2 2019.

Re2 2019 is such a giant hot mess storywise. Characters are extremely changed when compared to og game. It doesnt even connect to future events well.

Like leon is more naive and blindly follows everyone around him. They changed his " drunk due to having issues with girlfriend " backstory to " He simply wanted to investigate the rpd. " backstory. They changed his relationship with ada to the point where they act more like " friends " rather than " love interests " . It even contradicts the " Leon and ada " file in re6. Seriously the way the kiss scene is handled in re2 2019 is lame and they changed ada's " death scene " to falling one rather than getting attacked by t-103 one. I also dont like how he isnt aware of sherry until the end with the weird " ok " response. Contradicts one of the files in re6 where leon considered committing suicide in raccoon but didnt cause he thought claire and sherry needed him. Like why didnt they build upon that file's part in re2 2019? He isnt forced into government either and he wants to join fbi by himself. Even though that wasnt fbi, that was usstratcom.

They changed ada's backstory from " searching for john " to " fbi agent. " The photo from og re2 is also removed and instead replaced with annoying hacking part. In re6; ada says " I suppose ı should return the kindness their parents showed to me. This is as good a time as any. " while she's helping jake and sherry. Meanwhile in re2 2019; ada doesnt even encounter william, he doesnt try to rip her head off in cable car.

Claire doesnt even care about finding her brother, she finds chris' letter but dismisses it. Instead she's too busy with trying to adopt sherry with leon instead of trying to find chris. Oh and leon doesnt care about trying to bring justice to umbrella either. For some weird reason; there are romantic feelings between leon and claire even though most of the interactions from og re2 is cut and in og re2; there isnt any romance between leon and claire. Not to mention; she's unnecessarily edgy with swear words even though she wasnt like that in her other appearances. I dont mind swearing; there are good ways to do so seen in jake, moira and dmc5 nero but claire's way reminds me of donte from the garbage reboot.

And as for sherry; they contradict her phone call files in darkside chronicles. " Why didnt you stay in the house? It was safe there. " Line from annette which contradicts darkside chronicles. Oh and she's free of g-virus even though she wasnt in og re2 and this carried over to future re titles.

I think jill and carlos are handled better in re3 2020 compared to main characters in re2 2019.

I'm glad they didnt change jill's and carlos' backstories in re3 2020.

It also better ending than re2 2019's 2nd run ending cause jill is determined about taking down umbrella.

And while jill losing her samurai edge ( Thankfully it comes back as an unlockable though it still should have been be able to be obtained in the story and the unlockable should have been dual samurai edges. ) is a bummer; it's not as bad as claire losing her stars knife.

She also lost her brother's lighter; unlike og re2, there's no lighter in re2 2019 and it cant be found in rpd.

How is it gonna connect to recv then where she has the lighter in her inventory?

Between t-103 and nemesis; ı think nemesis in re3 2020 is handled better than t-103 in re2 2019.

Sure t-103 stalks you more in re2 2019, especially when compared to nemesis in re3 2020.

But the thing ı dont like is; you cant down the monster and get the loot in re2 2019 unlike og re2.

Meanwhile; you're still allowed to fight and down nemesis to obtain its drops in re3 2020.

I dont like how they cut / replaced his drops but at least the monster contains some unlike t-103.

Another reason is nemesis at least has a cool mutation which is its 2nd form.

Though unfortunately; its last form is lame, it's a boring giant mutated wall.

Meanwhile t-103's mutated form looks pathetic; it cant even fully mutate.

Why cant it fully mutate?

Ada previously rammed the rpd van to its face while exploding that thing.

I dont understand why it cant fully mutate when it was caught by nest explosion.
CT: Resident Evil 3 Remake is currently 50% off on Steam. I wonder if I should finally get it, even though I won't have time to play it until next weekend at the earliest.

(Now that I think of it, I haven't bought anything on Steam in ages…)
So I finally started Code Veronica for the first time, and um, I'm not really feeling it. I'm getting like a weird anime vibe from it and at this point, I think the series ditched horror but it's just kind of stuck in that Resident Evil formula despite clearly wanting to be a more action oriented game.

I'm actually really liking the design, it's different but it still has that classic satisfying loop, but I'm not quite enjoying it because the game just keeps throwing enemies at me. Either they're respawning endlessly, or they just keep throwing new ones in places they weren't in before. And if the game wanted to be more action heavy, the least they could do is have enough health lying around and have more item boxes evenly spread apart.

I've honestly reached a point where I feel I have to start over entirely and have a more perfect run because if the game keeps progressing this way, there's no chance I'm making it to the end at this rate and I feel like I've been doing really well for a blind playthrough too.

Also, Alfred and Steve can both go f*cking die in a fire, holy sh*t, they are annoying as f*ck.
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CT: Resident Evil 3 Remake is currently 50% off on Steam. I wonder if I should finally get it, even though I won't have time to play it until next weekend at the earliest.

(Now that I think of it, I haven't bought anything on Steam in ages…)

Despite the negative responses from a lot of the people on the forum, RE3R is still a very fun game. You will go in with low expectations which might make the game seem even better than it is honestly. It's not a bad game. It's just short and removes a lot of the iconic pieces of the original game.

And Turo - Yeah, Code Veronica did up the action even more than RE3 did before it. But it still feels like a classic RE. I think that CV excels most in its unique locations and enemies. Some say it has the best locations in the series and I can honestly see why.