Just putting the fact that I cannot wait for RE8 out there. I just love playing Resident Evil and can't wait to see what Village has in store.
Finally some positivity about RE8 in this site! I am sure it will turn out to be greatJust putting the fact that I cannot wait for RE8 out there. I just love playing Resident Evil and can't wait to see what Village has in store.
I always thought Leon had my favorite campaign, but I may have to review my stance. I am enjoying Chris' right now, but the cliche amnesia/drunk story line literal gives me a pain in the side. I'll have to keep going and report back to y'all when I am done!
I just finished Chris and Piers' story last night and they do the whole... Chris was going to kill "Ada", but justice is more important thing. It's like they watched every cheesy 80's action movie and added it here. But I did enjoy it. Chris and Piers probably have the worst locations in their story due to everything feeling gray and samey. But the story actually was better than the Leon one now that I review it. I just think that Leon and Helena had a lot of interesting locations which is a huge draw! It's fun to see things differently the second time through.
CT: Resident Evil 3 Remake is currently 50% off on Steam. I wonder if I should finally get it, even though I won't have time to play it until next weekend at the earliest.
(Now that I think of it, I haven't bought anything on Steam in ages…)