Here's my beef with it...It's a Resident Evil game. This shouldn't be. If it were anything else, or a new Capcom IP, I wouldn't b*tch. But this isn't what I want, or I think most fans want, as part of the RE mythos. Just like I don't want my Sonic the Hedgehog games to be RPG's (Sonic the Dark Brotherhood), my Fallout games to be MMO's (Fallout 76), or my Technical Fighters to start using Auto Combos (Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite). And I certainly don't want my "Horror" titles to be multiplayer. And if it's not a horror game, it shouldn't have Resident Evil in the title. Capcom's track record with multiplayer RE hasn't exactly been well received in the past, and with the information we have so far, I'm not seeing a difference. If this is as souring to other fans, as it is to me so far, it may very well hurt all the good will they've built up with RE7 and/or 2, damaging the idea of the ongoing main title games.
All regards to your beefs, I have no problems with my horror games being multiplayer because like I said, I really enjoyed Mercs and Raid even though they had nothing to offer the universe. Secondly, while this game obviously takes part in the universe, it is not called Resident Evil. It's called Project Resistance. It's a spin off, not a part of the main series. Also, I really liked that they put a skill tree in GoW so I'm not worried about formulas getting mixed up a little bit. As far as multiplayer not being good, maybe this is their attempt at fixing that?