Remember 1998 through 2005? A Glorious time to be a Resident Evil, and by proxy, a Capcom fan? They gave us everything we wanted. We were as spoiled as Dudley Dursely in Harry Potter. Resident Evil 2? A masterpiece. Resident Evil 4? Reinvented a Genre. Then…Much like Einstein spent his life studying, time kept flowing. And it flowed in one direction for Resident Evil fans. Abysmal. And the flow was in a constant state of abysmal until Resident Evil 7 graced our consoles in 2017. From there, the flow was not only great, but superb! Resident Evil 2 in 2019 to follow up!? It was as if Capcom was an alcoholic abusive father that had spent 3 months in rehab, discovered Jesus, and came home with the ultimate guilt filled apology, and understanding of the error of his ways. We were a family again…for the first time in years. And then Capcom hits the bottle once more…
What are you doing daddy Capcom!? No…Please. No. Stop it. It hurts! I’ll be a good boy! I mean come on…Remember Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City? No? No one does. What about The Umbrella Corps. Oh who are we kidding, no even knew that game existed to forget it in the first place. Capcom, did you “Flowers for Algernon” us? Take medicine to become a genius, and improve the world, only for the medicine to wear off, and you become the bumbling, glue eating 37 year old retarded man who can’t even properly spell his name? That
must’ve been what happened, because no sane Company would think that this is what its dedicated fans want. A Resident Evil version of a f*cked up, T-Virus infected love child between Friday the 13th and Left4Dead? No thanks, I’d rather sell my first born to Satan in return for becoming the new CEO of Capcom so that I can maybe salvage your worthless company and get back into the good graces of gamers the world over.