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I will buy a Biohazard 2 remake when at least one condition is satisfied:

When I have a brand-new job that pays better than my previous job at Giant; this Biohazard buy needs to stand out as the 1st time I've bought a Biohazard game independently of my parents' money:cool:
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Some people might know that the original PC port of RE4 was so terrible I could hardly play it, I also didn't purchase the HD remaster right away because I didn't know whether or not I should trust it, and so I never actually finished this game that so many fans consider one of the greatest REs of all time.

Well, that's going to change now. I got the HD remaster yesterday in a very nice sale, now I'm giving the game another chance and I'm already in the chapter after the cutscene where you run into Ada for the first time. So far, my biggest complaint is the same as it was back then: the controls. But a mod that lets me control Leon with the mouse rather than just the camera has made it bearable. Now if only he could move sideways...

Regardless, I'm going to play through it this time, and maybe then I will understand why everyone loves it so much. (Because so far I don't, but... let's see.)
Some people might know that the original PC port of RE4 was so terrible I could hardly play it, I also didn't purchase the HD remaster right away because I didn't know whether or not I should trust it, and so I never actually finished this game that so many fans consider one of the greatest REs of all time.

Well, that's going to change now. I got the HD remaster yesterday in a very nice sale, now I'm giving the game another chance and I'm already in the chapter after the cutscene where you run into Ada for the first time. So far, my biggest complaint is the same as it was back then: the controls. But a mod that lets me control Leon with the mouse rather than just the camera has made it bearable. Now if only he could move sideways...

Regardless, I'm going to play through it this time, and maybe then I will understand why everyone loves it so much. (Because so far I don't, but... let's see.)

Game cube controller analog is hands down the best control for RE4, REmake, Zero, RE2, RE3 and CVX.

I just replayed RE CVX and there's one thing that's really got me curious. How did they fit that card inside the ball?:confused:

I was playing this the other day but i can´t remember this right now. What card and what ball?
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Its near the end of the game before the Steve boss you get it from a cannon next to that crushing block thing.

Oh that´s right, i forgot. Whem the glass was being blown they probably tossed the card inside before it was completely sealed.
Game cube controller analog is hands down the best control for RE4, REmake, Zero, RE2, RE3 and CVX.

Can't aim without a mouse, never needed to either, I'm fine with all the other games.

I'm currently in chapter 5-4, stopped right after the Krauser fight, and if there's one thing I love about RE4, it's that it makes me appreciate 5 and 6 even more. Not saying it's a bad game, but the controls are killing me - literally! I have died roughly 40 times by now, not because I'm too blind or stupid to know a threat when I see one, but because I just can't make the Leon tank move quickly enough to evade the occasional lightning-fast one-hit killer, and then there's those totally random QTEs popping up out of nowhere and expecting way too much of an old woman's reflexes.

But apart from that, I noticed for the first time how suspiciously similar RE4 and 5 are, not just because you're basically fighting the same enemies with different names and getting into the same situations all over again, but also story-wise: A boy travels to a remote village to save a girl and stop the bad guy from destroying the world, meanwhile running into a rich male drama queen with an inflated ego who transforms into a huge monster, a shady woman in an inappropriate dress who works for Wesker, and a former friend who was presumed dead, but came back evil and has to be fought. The only difference is that 4 doesn't feel as much like a comic book, which I appreciate.
Can't aim without a mouse, never needed to either, I'm fine with all the other games.

I'm currently in chapter 5-4, stopped right after the Krauser fight, and if there's one thing I love about RE4, it's that it makes me appreciate 5 and 6 even more. Not saying it's a bad game, but the controls are killing me - literally! I have died roughly 40 times by now, not because I'm too blind or stupid to know a threat when I see one, but because I just can't make the Leon tank move quickly enough to evade the occasional lightning-fast one-hit killer, and then there's those totally random QTEs popping up out of nowhere and expecting way too much of an old woman's reflexes.

But apart from that, I noticed for the first time how suspiciously similar RE4 and 5 are, not just because you're basically fighting the same enemies with different names and getting into the same situations all over again, but also story-wise: A boy travels to a remote village to save a girl and stop the bad guy from destroying the world, meanwhile running into a rich male drama queen with an inflated ego who transforms into a huge monster, a shady woman in an inappropriate dress who works for Wesker, and a former friend who was presumed dead, but came back evil and has to be fought. The only difference is that 4 doesn't feel as much like a comic book, which I appreciate.

I must be immune to Resident Evil 4's problems, because I've played the game front-to-back so much, lol.

The controls haven't been an issue for me since playthrough #1. But I will say, the QTEs can be a b!tch, especially in the GameCube version. That controller is just not the sort that should be dealing with twitch reactionary button presses... so many deaths by Krauser in that one cutscene.

As an aside, the GameCube version also has enemy AI that is toned down in future ports, it's really inconvenient to the player. The villagers with weapons are EVIL on the GameCube, you swear their swings never miss.
But I will say, the QTEs can be a b!tch, especially in the GameCube version. That controller is just not the sort that should be dealing with twitch reactionary button presses... so many deaths by Krauser in that one cutscene.

The original PC port managed to top that by displaying buttons that aren't even on the keyboard, meaning that you either had to play it with a controller (a no-go for a PC game, the controller should be an option, not a requirement), or memorise which controller button translates to which key on the keyboard and still press it in time. For someone like me with a rather slow reaction time when it comes to sudden QTEs, that was an absolute nightmare, and it was one of those fatal QTEs at the end of a rather arduous mine car section that put the final nail in the coffin when I first played this game.

The HD remaster averts some of these problems, and I'm already past the point where I quit the last time. Granted, I still had to mod a few things to make it playable for me, and it's still not perfect, but I can work with it as it is now. I'm probably going to finish it tonight.
The original PC port managed to top that by displaying buttons that aren't even on the keyboard, meaning that you either had to play it with a controller (a no-go for a PC game, the controller should be an option, not a requirement), or memorise which controller button translates to which key on the keyboard and still press it in time. For someone like me with a rather slow reaction time when it comes to sudden QTEs, that was an absolute nightmare, and it was one of those fatal QTEs at the end of a rather arduous mine car section that put the final nail in the coffin when I first played this game.

The HD remaster averts some of these problems, and I'm already past the point where I quit the last time. Granted, I still had to mod a few things to make it playable for me, and it's still not perfect, but I can work with it as it is now. I'm probably going to finish it tonight.

Hey, that's great! If you enjoyed it a great deal more this time, I hope you revisit it in the future, it's a game that really rewards multiple playthroughs. Plus, everyone's first time through is always a little rocky.
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My biggest gripe with RE4's controls were after I played RE5 and got used to controlling the character with 2 analog sticks. Going back to 4's one stick control felt a bit odd and dated, but I've adapted fine since.
Can't aim without a mouse, never needed to either, I'm fine with all the other games.

I'm currently in chapter 5-4, stopped right after the Krauser fight, and if there's one thing I love about RE4, it's that it makes me appreciate 5 and 6 even more. Not saying it's a bad game, but the controls are killing me - literally! I have died roughly 40 times by now, not because I'm too blind or stupid to know a threat when I see one, but because I just can't make the Leon tank move quickly enough to evade the occasional lightning-fast one-hit killer, and then there's those totally random QTEs popping up out of nowhere and expecting way too much of an old woman's reflexes.

But apart from that, I noticed for the first time how suspiciously similar RE4 and 5 are, not just because you're basically fighting the same enemies with different names and getting into the same situations all over again, but also story-wise: A boy travels to a remote village to save a girl and stop the bad guy from destroying the world, meanwhile running into a rich male drama queen with an inflated ego who transforms into a huge monster, a shady woman in an inappropriate dress who works for Wesker, and a former friend who was presumed dead, but came back evil and has to be fought. The only difference is that 4 doesn't feel as much like a comic book, which I appreciate.

RE4 story is cheese but in a lil Robert Rodriguez kind of way, that´s why i enjoyed it so much. The stories of the following sequels where more into the saga´s main characters in a cringy way but still enjoyable games. 4 is by far the one i liked the most of the OTS. Revelations 2 comes in 2nd place for me.

I must be immune to Resident Evil 4's problems, because I've played the game front-to-back so much, lol.

The controls haven't been an issue for me since playthrough #1. But I will say, the QTEs can be a b!tch, especially in the GameCube version. That controller is just not the sort that should be dealing with twitch reactionary button presses... so many deaths by Krauser in that one cutscene.

As an aside, the GameCube version also has enemy AI that is toned down in future ports, it's really inconvenient to the player. The villagers with weapons are EVIL on the GameCube, you swear their swings never miss.

RE4 has dynamic difficulty inplemented, meaning that if you suck at the game, the game will tone down the enemies agressiveness but if you´re good at it and you´re not getting damaged too much or at all, enemies will get more agressive. There´s more precise data regarding this so look into it if you´re interested. I believe dinamyc difficulty is only activated on professional difficulty.

After hundreds of hours spent in REmake, i can guarantee you this game has dynamic difficulty too, but is not as noticeble as 4 as you are not fighting enemies that much.

Also, Krauser´s first encounter is THE ONLY QTE i liked. It was awesome and tense and bad ass!

My biggest gripe with RE4's controls were after I played RE5 and got used to controlling the character with 2 analog sticks. Going back to 4's one stick control felt a bit odd and dated, but I've adapted fine since.

I feel ya. I do love not being able to move while you shoot tho, TENSION.
I feel ya. I do love not being able to move while you shoot tho, TENSION.

I agree. I never had a problem with not being able to move and shoot. If anything, not having that mechanic is what made RE4 and RE5, despite being so action oriented, not feel like generic cookie cutter shooters, and still feel like Resident Evil to some extent. However, I don't mind its implementation so long the intention is for the player to back away and shoot and not mow down enemies while moving forward.
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RE4 has dynamic difficulty inplemented, meaning that if you suck at the game, the game will tone down the enemies agressiveness but if you´re good at it and you´re not getting damaged too much or at all, enemies will get more agressive. There´s more precise data regarding this so look into it if you´re interested. I believe dinamyc difficulty is only activated on professional difficulty.

After hundreds of hours spent in REmake, i can guarantee you this game has dynamic difficulty too, but is not as noticeble as 4 as you are not fighting enemies that much.

I'm well aware of the dynamic difficulty, but going back and playing the GameCube version, I'm certain that enemy behaviour is just another thing that was changed for the PlayStation 2 port onward. I can't really prove it, but after hundreds of hours of Wii Edition and HD, a Round 1 playthrough on GameCube was a lot more time consuming than it should have been.

But god, I missed those stacking first aid sprays and weird glitches. Ashley suplexes and Novistadors in the castle dining room galore.
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I'm well aware of the dynamic difficulty, but going back and playing the GameCube version, I'm certain that enemy behaviour is just another thing that was changed for the PlayStation 2 port onward. I can't really prove it, but after hundreds of hours of Wii Edition and HD, a Round 1 playthrough on GameCube was a lot more time consuming than it should have been.

But god, I missed those stacking first aid sprays and weird glitches. Ashley suplexes and Novistadors in the castle dining room galore.

lol. I wouldn´t be surprised at all. Ps2 RE4 is the worst RE4. Also, the control on the 360 ver is awful.