He will be in my prayers ill pray he will get better
Thanks darlin' I appreciate it and I'm sure he would as well.
He will be in my prayers ill pray he will get better
Lets hope he keeps close to God's commandments and God will take care of him.Thanks darlin' I appreciate it and I'm sure he would as well.
Tremor, very sorry to hear this!I'm a little choked up right now...I just found out my boss had two heart attacks last night. He's the only person I really and truly care for at my job. Not to mention he is such an amazing human being. God please let him be alright. I can't do this right now...I just can't. ****, this man might as well be family..we're that close.
Dammit man....choke it down Tremor. Choke it down.
Mabe this will make you feel betterCT: Not sure if people are referring to me (most paranoid person ever) or someone else. Kind of flipping out right now, but alas beer will fix this problem and my other problems right now. Under too much stress... Need a release. Everything is hitting me like a ton of bricks, happened lastnight. I hope things get better soon. I don't like being sad, I'm always the happy person! I'm supposed to be here cheering everyone else up, but I can't and that saddens me too. Bleh.![]()
I'm the complete opposite...At the Hotel i work at,When people say things happen for a reason, I'm starting to believe its true. I truly think I was meant to cross-paths with all the people I'm working with now at this hotel - my entire department, management and all have become like a second family to me... there's far too much drama, favouritism, and yelling and screaming over spilt milk that goes on at home and I've had it with it. I'm very happy to swap that nonsense for booze and an endless supply of **** jokes.![]()
.....I'm sorry, I just don't see what the problem is here.the rest are the types who would sell their granny for a Snickers bar.
The problem is, that they trade her for a single bar.. they've no business sense......I'm sorry, I just don't see what the problem is here.
Ah! Now I get it. At least trade her for Snickers icecream.The problem is, that they trade her for a single bar.. they've no business sense.
I'm a Magnum Caramel man myselfAh! Now I get it. At least trade her for Snickers icecream.
Delicius now im goin to the store to get some icecreamAh! Now I get it. At least trade her for Snickers icecream.
I'm the complete opposite...At the Hotel i work at,
The sheer amount of Backstabbing, Bitching, politics, favouritism, games, mocking of peoples disabilities and ass kissing turns my stomach at times. Out of about a 200 strong work force, there is probably about 4 i have time for... the rest are the types who would sell their granny for a Snickers bar.
LOL now there is an offer.It's certainly the people around you that can either make or break the job and I'm super lucky to have found the hotel I found, I imagine it's a rare gem here in Niagara or with hotels in general. Don't get me wrong, apart from the other desk agents and desk managers/supervisors, I actually don't see a lot of the other staff... but I think the front desk manager here is incredible at getting together a team of personalities that'll really mesh and work together well. And it's super cool when your bosses ask you out for drinks after a busy shift to just shoot the ****.. that kind of stuff goes along way in keeping your employees happy. You should come work for us.![]()
Beauty of living near the beachI wish I was at the beach. Surfing, seafood, and the sand in my toes. I'm missing it!
Challenges come so we can grow and be prepared for things we are not equipped to handle now. When we face our challenges with faith, prepared to learn, willing to make changes, and if necessary, to let go, we are demanding our power be turned on.CT: So f'ing sick of this ****. SO sick.