Is that the same as a curfew?
Norway is closing down too now, but we don't have curfew.
One of the earliest cases here is an employee at a Oslo hospital. He came home from Italy and went back to work at the hospital. He later tested positive for the Covid-19 virus and many others who worked at, or was patients at his division in the hospital was infected. Hundreds were put in quarantine after being near that person.
How can you have qualified to a doctor or nurse and have so poor judgement in a medical matter like this? After returning from Italia he should have stayed at his home for two weeks. Not go to work at a hospital like he was some fu**ing zombie.
I think it's similar to curfew but there are no hour to respect, we must stay home all the day... We can only go out whit an autocertification, a sort of permission, and we can only go to work, if the work you are performing is still active of course, if you want to go to the medic, doctor, hospital, supermarket, post office and bank, but only one people per family can go out and go to this places, and they are only opened from 6 am to 6 pm, supermarkets are closed Saturday and Sunday
I think it's possible to go out for a walk but you also need this auto certification, but there is no one outside, the cities are completely desert, school, university, cinema, bar, restaurant, park, museum, cinema, theater ecc are all closed
Regarding the situation in your city, that doctor should have stayed at home, knowing the situation
Edit: and i was the one that thinked that jill staying in her apartment during the outbreak in raccon city was stupid, i was so wrong