What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Gotta admit: I've never had too much of an interest in Star Wars, I had only ever seen the first one - and that was forever ago -but I just finished watching Rogue One and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it was totally badass.
Gotta admit: I've never had too much of an interest in Star Wars, I had only ever seen the first one - and that was forever ago -but I just finished watching Rogue One and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it was totally badass.

I came in the theater when I saw that Darth Vader scene at the end. Speaking of badass.
@Foxtrot94 Yes it was, my friend. Yes it was.

So after completely falling in love with Rogue One -cause I'm totally in love and I won't even deny how in love I am right this minute- I tried to go back and watch the first one again... And I remembered why I never got into Star Wars, lol. But I did manage to take in The Force Awakens with some interest. Not as good as Rogue One, in my opinion but, since I really don't do Star Wars like that, I'm sure my opinion isn't worth a hill of beans.
CT: While almost everybody is complaining about how terrible 2016 was, I seem to have missed the hype train once again. Yes, several famous people died, but I'm glad that my family was spared for once. Yes, UK and USA are competing for the title of the country making the dumbest decisions, but $hit happens evey year, and at the end of every year there's people claiming it was the worst year in human history. If it really was the worst year for some of you for whatever personal reasons, I'm sorry.

However, I'm looking back on a year that was filled with little personal and professional successes. Everything is still far from perfect, especially my current job situation, but first steps have been made, and even second or third steps in some cases. As long as there's room for improvement, things can still get even better, right? With that said, all I can think to add is: Welcome to the world, 2017, it's nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to continuing the relationship I had with your predecessor with you!
Today we got a phone call from my grandmother. My mum's cousin turned sixty recently and was sent for a full medical. The results came back a week before Christmas, and she went to her doctor to talk about them. Her usual doctor wasn't there, so she saw a trainee doctor, and she was told that she had cancer in her liver and it was terminal. She spent all of the Christmas season trying her best to keep her spirits up for the grandchildren, but she and her husband cried all the time when they were on their own.

My cousin (her daughter) works at the hospital and pulled a few strings and got her a CT scan, so that they could find out more about the cancer.

The results came back: there's nothing wrong with her.

Confused, she went back to her doctor and saw the one she usually sees. He couldn't understand why the trainee had told her that she had terminal cancer when there was absolutely nothing in the first set of results that indicated it.

My mum's cousin was very good about it, saying that everyone makes mistakes and she's a trainee. I don't think I could be that calm about it all. I'd be furious. But the good thing is, at least she isn't sick.
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Today we got a phone call from my grandmother. My mum's cousin turned sixty recently and was sent for a full medical. The results came back a week before Christmas, and she went to her doctor to talk about them. Her usual doctor wasn't there, so she saw a trainee doctor, and she was told that she had cancer in her liver and it was terminal. She spent all of the Christmas season trying her best to keep her spirits up for the grandchildren, but she and her husband cried all the time when they were on their own.

My cousin (her daughter) works at the hospital and pulled a few strings and got her a CT scan, so that they could find out more about the cancer.

The results came back: there's nothing wrong with her.

Confused, she went back to her doctor and saw the one she usually sees. He couldn't understand why the trainee had told her that she had terminal cancer when there was absolutely nothing in the first set of results that indicated it.

My mum's cousin was very good about it, saying that everyone makes mistakes and she's a trainee. I don't think I could be that calm about it all. I'd be furious. But the good thing is, at least she isn't sick.
I'm glad she's okay. That makes me furious, even if they are a trainee. They clearly need more training.

CT: Why are they wasting resources on Charles Manson?
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@Hel, I've found a match for you! Someone with a similar... maturity, I just stumbled across this by chance. It's a Norwegian living in Sweden, that's not a problem?

Old Tjikko

Joke aside, an age of 9559 years for a living thing is far beyond impressive, without carbon dating it would perhaps not have sounded credible. Where were humans 7542 BC? It's in the Neolithic period, I imagine humans living in caves and hunting with spears.
Inventions such as writing and the wheel are several thousand years younger, that tree's roots even predates agriculture and pottery.
What do you mean, a match for me? Just because I'm older than the entire human race, doesn't mean I'm plantsexual. :wink: But it's cute that this tree is approaching 10,000 years. When I turned 10,000, this planet didn't exist yet, and I didn't come here until quite recently (note: "recently" in astronomic terms), so I don't know much about stone-age humans. I guess they weren't that different from the ones living in medieval times, considering that societies and technologies barely evolved until the 19th century or so. At least that's my impression, when I look back at the past of human history, it all looks the same to me.

CT: That moment when you don't know if you should be amazed or disturbed...

CT: Donny McCaslin's "Beyond Now" is a wonderful companion piece to Bowie's "". If you like ragged, visceral sax lines, you'll get 'em in spades.
Hadn't it been for Aldo, Giovanni & Giacomo I would have never discovered this band. This song in particular was the background music for one of my favorite scenes from their movies, and every time I listened to it, I got nostalgia. It's as good as I remembered it.

CT: Wondering if I should finally buy Sims 4 or not. Sims 2, which I've been playing for almost a decade, doesn't get along with my new Windows 10, but 4 offers a lot more freedom anyway, and it's on sale... The catch is: Even with the sale, my calculations say I would still have to spend 170+ on just the base game and the currently available expansions and stuff packs. That's a little much, isn't it? Especially since there are probably more expansion packs on the way (which is good, because Sims 4 doesn't have pets, seasons and magic yet - but the additional cost!!), and the base game alone isn't much fun because there's barely anything you can do. Decisions, decisions...
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Sims 4 is a decent game - I haven't played in a few months but I have most of the expansions. I think it isn't as bad as a lot of people think it is and I prefer it massively to Sims 2... there's just a lot more you can do. If you wait for holidays Origin usually has some pretty good deals. I know over the Christmas break and Black Friday the base game was like, 70% off. The problem is, for me at least, that Sims 4 feels like a successor to Sims 2... Sims 3 had the updates that I valued the most in how customizable the Sims and households were and the lack of loading screens.... and World Adventures was by far by my favourite expansion pack in any Sims game.
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Today, I practiced my 1st session as a Student Driver. In this session, the teacher had me start driving in my neighborhood and I managed to drive 16 miles; thankfully, I'm now not as scared of driving as I was in the past.
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Today we got a phone call from my grandmother. My mum's cousin turned sixty recently and was sent for a full medical. The results came back a week before Christmas, and she went to her doctor to talk about them. Her usual doctor wasn't there, so she saw a trainee doctor, and she was told that she had cancer in her liver and it was terminal. She spent all of the Christmas season trying her best to keep her spirits up for the grandchildren, but she and her husband cried all the time when they were on their own.

My cousin (her daughter) works at the hospital and pulled a few strings and got her a CT scan, so that they could find out more about the cancer.

The results came back: there's nothing wrong with her.

Confused, she went back to her doctor and saw the one she usually sees. He couldn't understand why the trainee had told her that she had terminal cancer when there was absolutely nothing in the first set of results that indicated it.

My mum's cousin was very good about it, saying that everyone makes mistakes and she's a trainee. I don't think I could be that calm about it all. I'd be furious. But the good thing is, at least she isn't sick.

Wow so happy everything turned out alright! Damn that trainee sucks. Idk how calm I would be either in that situation... I suppose nothing would ****ter my spirits though if I learned I was healthy and going to live when I thought otherwise.
Sims 4 is a decent game - I haven't played in a few months but I have most of the expansions. I think it isn't as bad as a lot of people think it is and I prefer it massively to Sims 2... there's just a lot more you can do. If you wait for holidays Origin usually has some pretty good deals. I know over the Christmas break and Black Friday the base game was like, 70% off. The problem is, for me at least, that Sims 4 feels like a successor to Sims 2... Sims 3 had the updates that I valued the most in how customizable the Sims and households were and the lack of loading screens.... and World Adventures was by far by my favourite expansion pack in any Sims game.

Thanks for your reply! I got the base game and the major expansions during the latest holiday sale and... now I kind of want my money back, but I haven't completely given up hope yet. (At least CAS is great.) My main issue at the moment is that there is so little space, you only have three, maybe four free lots per neighbourhood, which would be okay if you could create new lots and neighbourhoods like in Sims 2, but you can't. For someone like me, who wants to populate the world with all kinds of real and fictional characters at the same time, that's a huuuge problem. Could you tell me that the world isn't actually that small, that there's a blatantly obvious solution that I'm just too blind to see - pretty please?

Edit: Never mind, I just figured out you can have several savegames that don't affect each other, so I can still build separate worlds filled with different sets of characters without having to delete others. It's not ideal, but still a huge relief!
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I haven't ran into issues with space yet, but I only have a dozen or so active families. You can do a couple of things - you can evict pre-made Sims from their homes and move in your own Sims... and you can also bulldoze 'duplicate' properties to build houses. All Sims can access any lot on any neighbourhood now and there's no difference in loading times when travelling anywhere, so you really only need one gym, one library, one park, etc etc. If you need to you can bulldoze the rest and you'll get a good number of lots out of it.
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Seems like I edited my post just when you wrote yours. But you're right, I didn't realise everyone could go anywhere at any time, that does make things easier when it comes to map space. And now that I know about the separate save files, I can go to bed light-heartedly. Thanks a lot for your help!