What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Little update:

My stepmom passed away late Sunday night. It hasn't completely sank in with me yet but I know the funeral this Saturday will most certainly change that. She put up one hell of a fight though and lived longer than anyone expected. Long enough to see her birthday last week.

Better news though, I completed my final exam tonight and am all done with classes. Graduation is next week.

Crazy, mixed feelings all around.
Little update:

My stepmom passed away late Sunday night. It hasn't completely sank in with me yet but I know the funeral this Saturday will most certainly change that. She put up one hell of a fight though and lived longer than anyone expected. Long enough to see her birthday last week.

Better news though, I completed my final exam tonight and am all done with classes. Graduation is next week.

Crazy, mixed feelings all around.
I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm always here if you need to talk to someone.

Congratulations on graduating!
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Little update:

My stepmom passed away late Sunday night. It hasn't completely sank in with me yet but I know the funeral this Saturday will most certainly change that. She put up one hell of a fight though and lived longer than anyone expected. Long enough to see her birthday last week.

Better news though, I completed my final exam tonight and am all done with classes. Graduation is next week.

Crazy, mixed feelings all around.
Really sorry for your loss, chick. You've got all of us here if you ever need to chat.

Congratulations on completing your exams and on your graduation. :)
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And so it begins... another day, another garbage-looking Transformers film.

Transformers: The Last Knight trailer:

Yay, I can't wait to be disappointed for a 4th time! :rolleyes:

I'll probably skip this one outright (unless, by some divine miracle, it gets good word of mouth, which it won't, so... pass), I've given these POS movies enough of my time and money and came away with the same recycled garbage every time (I actually found the first one to be pretty good). It looks like dog sh*t just like the all the other Bayformers sequels, but of course, the special needs kids will eat it up, so it'll make a pretty penny at the box office while having a Tomatometer in the teens again.

I don't even care that it's got Unicron (and Megatron returning), Michael Bay will find a way to f**k him up as always just like he did the Dino Bots in Age of Explosions, err, Extinction, which are unscrewupable. Other than Uwe Boll (and maybe Roland Emmerich), he's the only man on this earth capable of effing THEM up and he did it. The same fate awaits Unicron in the Bayverse, just you wait.

If there's any silver lining to this, I saw this in my Youtube subscriptions, and I LOL'ed at Steph Cozza (AggressiveComix)'s reaction to this joke of a trailer and film franchise:

Best Bayformers 5 trailer reaction vid I've seen all day. :lol:

I'm still going to see it but I am so mixed with this. 3 and 4 were just terrible as far as Transformers goes. 3 was mediocre as a film but was absolutely terrible as a Transformers brand. Personally I think the 1st film is fantastic and is a cinema hallmark for a number of different reasons. It's just great, the second one gets better on the 3rd or 4th viewing. There's a few hicks that fans need to get over that iron itself out. After that the series start its road to no redemption. I really had hopes this film was going to fix things up but it's not.

Bay thinks the films cannot survive without deeply focusing and developing the human characters because with out them there is no human connection. This is such a BS claim because many fans had no troubles connecting to the cartoons and comics when there were no humans in sight. He needs to learn to make the characters much more relatable. He only bothered to do that with Optimus Prime through his character development of having him be a robotic leader who holds sympathy for Humanity. He failed with bumblebee because he made him too cartoonish in a realistic setting. Then again a lot of people hated Mudflaps and Ski, but their cartoonish personality fit with the tone and intentions of their characters and was more believable imho. I have nothing against the humor of the films but rather the treatment of the characters. Marky Mark offered nothing in Age of Extinction, yet the film could had a great moment if they focused on the plot thread of Humanities betrayal of the Autobots and stick with it because it was actually consistent with the film universe.

Honestly I think they need to either reboot the series or knock Age of Extinction off the canon. I think the films should be a 9 film Saga with a trilogy for each era of Transformers.
I'm really sorry for your loss @bSTAR_182 . I'm sorry if I came off as rude that I posted something without acknowledging your situation :( I haven't been back reading much as things have been hectic. I really wish you the best and wishing you well. Congrats on the exam and your graduation. That's one hell of an accomplishment :) Oh and as Maddy and Jen said we're always here if you need to talk! Cheers :)

Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer :D

It looks pretty decent. The humor is looking great and I like how there seems to be some visual nods to the other two Spider-Man series as well as references to the MCU. I really hope that Marvel and Sony can keep their partnership and keep this unified as Sony build their own Spider-Man universe in unison with the Silver Sable and the Venom films.

I am still skeptical with the Vulture as a villain because there is only so much they can do with him. Surely there is going to be a whole new take with his character. I am confident that Michael Keaton will be a phenomenal villain.... but the Vulture? I'm quite mixed on this one. I'm also not a fan of Aunt May being so young lol. Also the actors seem young but I think the point is that this is going to be a long term project by the looks of things.

On the bright side there is much to be excited about. Zendaya is not Mary Jane, she's a character named Michelle. The Shocker will be in it (this is more of a "**** yes" moment for the people that grew up with Spider-Man). Angourie Rice is rumored to be Gwen Stacy which is an interesting choice. Micheal Mandos character is rumored to be Cletus Kassidy but I kind of doubt that will happen this early if this is a long term prospect. Also apparently "The Sinister Six" film might still be on the cards and will be repurposed for this new universe. To be fair Andrew Gardfield's saga was filled with great ideas and concepts but the second film was very poorly executed with the exception of all the near perfection scenes with Dane DeHaan. Perhaps Sony will cannibalize a lot of those ideas with Marvels guidance to give the fans something special. The Amazing Spider-Man series seemed to be more for the hardcore fans and didn't click with the masses. Not the way Toby Macquarie did a decade before.
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Little update:

My stepmom passed away late Sunday night. It hasn't completely sank in with me yet but I know the funeral this Saturday will most certainly change that. She put up one hell of a fight though and lived longer than anyone expected. Long enough to see her birthday last week.

Better news though, I completed my final exam tonight and am all done with classes. Graduation is next week.

Crazy, mixed feelings all around.

I know that what you are going through right now is very difficult, just know that we are here for you. I am truly sorry for your loss.

Congratulations on the graduation.
Little update:

My stepmom passed away late Sunday night. It hasn't completely sank in with me yet but I know the funeral this Saturday will most certainly change that. She put up one hell of a fight though and lived longer than anyone expected. Long enough to see her birthday last week.

Better news though, I completed my final exam tonight and am all done with classes. Graduation is next week.

Crazy, mixed feelings all around.

I'm sorry for your loss :/
My thoughts are with you
Little update:

My stepmom passed away late Sunday night. It hasn't completely sank in with me yet but I know the funeral this Saturday will most certainly change that. She put up one hell of a fight though and lived longer than anyone expected. Long enough to see her birthday last week.

Better news though, I completed my final exam tonight and am all done with classes. Graduation is next week.

Crazy, mixed feelings all around.
I'm terribly sorry for your loss hun. My thoughts are with you.
Congratulations on your exam!
Little update:

My stepmom passed away late Sunday night. It hasn't completely sank in with me yet but I know the funeral this Saturday will most certainly change that. She put up one hell of a fight though and lived longer than anyone expected. Long enough to see her birthday last week.

Better news though, I completed my final exam tonight and am all done with classes. Graduation is next week.

Crazy, mixed feelings all around.
I'm so sorry for your loss baby. If you ever need to talk, I'm only a message away.

Congratulations on your exam and your graduation, though. ;)
I'm curious as to if people would like a new game set in a WII setting. Would people be interested in it? Would it have an appeal within the near future?

Personally I think in the end it needs to be unique and not just some joy of guilty pleasure. It needs to show the fear and horrors of war to the players. To highlight the pain, the anguish, and the suffering for all the sorrow that was endured by that era. Too many WWII games tend to have little substance to them and too many gamers just unleash their fury and vengeance upon the axis. Even though you still would... but it desperately needs some substance to stand out.

I will state that I'm not really a fan of WWII games in general but I know their appeal and quite curious on peoples thoughts on this topic . Personally I would be potentially interested in something unique if it can be meaningful to the player. I also quite enjoyed Wolfenstein: The New Order. That game was fantastic and very well designed.

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The Fates of the Furious (The Fast and the Furious 8) trailer

Well this looks interesting. I think the action and physics is way over the top. I don't think they need to go all "Die Hard" and "Mission Impossible" in a series that doesn't need it. But it sells. Anyways I'm pretty sure that Dom is being manipulated by Cipher. Maybe even mind controlled or mind wiped with some MK Ultra type tech given by what was said in the trailer. Not to mention her means "Zero" or "Code". So she could have reprogrammed him for her own agenda. Either way I think Cipher might be one of the best villain this series has seen so far. Maybe even more terrifying than Luke Evans as Owen Shaw. Luke Evans gave a terrific performance with that character.
It's working on 2 web browsers on my PC and the app on my phone is working.... so there doesn't seem to be any problems on my end. Try resetting or clearing your cache.
Thanks that worked :) Been a while since I cleared the cache actually.
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