What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Yes that's him! He was awesome as Superman.

Yeah... We don't want to get into how I feel about Batman's grey morality that constantly keeps Gotham on the cusp of danger for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

You know I think New 52 Wonder Woman said it best about why she doesn't have as many enemies as Batman and even Superman; when she has a problem, she takes care of that ****.
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@Magnolia Grandiflora
Instead, I tend not to like goodie two shoes characters. Those are the ones I find irritating amd nerve-grating. I find characters with a more grey morality such as Batman a whole lot more interesting. They usually tend to be the more badass too.

I tend to agree with that, but only partly. Heroes who are good just for the sake of being good, with no personality to speak of and especially no flaws, are the most boring kind. That's the reason I prefer Ada over Jill. But then again, there's a difference between being flawed and being a complete asshole, and people who cheat, are mean for no reason, or endanger entire cities because they're in a bad mood, definitely belong into the latter category in my opinion.
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Batman can easily be seen as a jerk but saying that all he does is endangering Gotham, just for the sake of it to boot, is a gross exaggeration, spawning from the hate you feel towards the character. Bruce Wayne may be an asshole sometimes, that wastes a ton on money into his own vigilantism, but as far as I know, he has also done a friggin lot for the city. Relocation projects, building affordable houses, creating jobs so that people don't have to be criminals.

I feel you both are just looking at the side you wanna look at, ignoring everything else. It's like saying Spiderman is a bad hero cause he always quits being Spiderman, or that Superman is a bad hero cause pretty much every time he shows up in a fight he causes a lot of property damage. I mean, those things are there, but they're not all there is. As I see it, it's a superficial way to look at it, that accomodates the way you view such characters, which often, like in the case of Batman, have more than one layer to them. For example, Bats is the epitome of the man who constantly struggles with his inner demons. Put it simply, he has a lot of rage and bad feelings inside which sometimes lead him to do more harm than good, despite his good intentions. That's a legitimate character trait/flaw, not "being an asshole for no reason".

Of course, we should also take into account the fact that different writers can write a character in different ways, which in the comic book world isn't a rare occurrance.
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I feel you both are just looking at the side you wanna look at, ignoring everything else.

Well, you could say I'm ignoring pretty much everything, because I don't read any comics and don't actually know any of those superheroes myself (at least not the comic book versions), so the only thing I'm looking at is what you and others are telling me about them. I'm sorry if I misjudged Batman based on the little information I have, but that wasn't my intention anyway. In fact, I never talked about Batman specifically. All I was trying to say is that even those flawed heroes that I personally prefer can take it too far occasionally, and even if they're doing it for a reason, feeling pity for them because you understand what they're going through doesn't mean you have to like them, or can't be annoyed by them. Some people (and that applies to real life as well) think that for each time they are nice to you, they get a free pass to be mean some other time, and that's the kind of vibe I'm getting from Batman right now, like: "I saved the city last year, so I can endanger it this year."

Again, sorry if this isn't true, I'm just explaining what it looks like to me as an outsider.
Not to worry. I didn't mean to bash you and Magnolia, if any of you got that impression, I'm sorry, next time I'll try and make sure to word my thoughts better. I was just trying to explain how I disagree with you gals.
@Foxtrot94 No offense was taken but please don't misunderstand my post. I wasn't saying Batman endangers Gotham just for fun or that he doesn't do any good for the city. I said he's an asshole whose sense of morality puts Gotham in danger for absolutely no reason.

On all accounts, Joker's giggling ass should be dead by now, a million times over. And I don't buy that **** that he's an important villain and blah, blah, blah. Batman has some very talented writers that should be able to come up with something else besides just running to Joker for every little thing. Not to mention how many other solid, interesting villains Batman has besides the Joker. Many of them even being way better characters than the Joker.

No one's dissing the good that Batman does for Gotham but I'm also not overlooking the danger that Batman's inability to kill Joker puts Gotham in either.

For every good thing Bruce Wayne/Batman does for Gotham, Joker does at least two terrible things in return.
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CT: Considering how much I hated it back then, I never thought I was ever going to say this, but... I miss my old job. I might have been a fish in dirty water there, but at least I knew how to swim. Now I feel like a fish trying to climb trees. Which would be fine if there was something atop those trees that I want, but there isn't. Nothing but a pointless struggle.
So i met this girl in a live stream of RE4 that i mod in a couple of days ago. and we've been talking to each other in the streams. Yesterday she told me that she really likes me and gave me her phone number. when she did that i felt that i got torn to two pieces. because i like chatting with her. but she broke the rules of the stream by sharing some personal info. so i ended up banning her. and now i am not sure what to do.
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CT: When I started taking martial arts lessons, I thought my biggest issue was going to be the physical contact, as I'm very fussy when it comes to touching or being touched by people, especially strangers. So when I first watched two of the advanced students fighting on the floor, it looked to me like they were doing... um... something else, and instead of liking it (as I usually do when I see something that resembles gay porn), I was frozen in shock at the thought that someday, it was going to be me and some stranger down there on the floor.

As it turns out, however, learning those moves isn't quite as easy as the homepage promised. I'm usually so focused on keeping up, and embarrassed when I fail, that I don't even think of that other kind of embarrassment anymore. Does that mean I have successfully mastered the art of physical contact with strangers? Hell no, but sometimes there's more important stuff to think about. So I guess my occasional clumsiness is good for something after all.
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So i met this girl in a live stream of RE4 that i mod in a couple of days ago. and we've been talking to each other in the streams. Yesterday she told me that she really likes me and gave me her phone number. when she did that i felt that i got torn to two pieces. because i like chatting with her. but she broke the rules of the stream by sharing some personal info. so i ended up banning her. and now i am not sure what to do.
I'm sorry to hear about your dilemma. I don't know that community so I'm not the perfect judge for the situation, but if she only shared her number with you and not publicly, and after you had become friends (or "firends"), how bad is that? She would perhaps not have shared her number with anyone, maybe she trusted you because you are a moderator. If I were in your place, I would have guided her rather than banning her.
Perhaps you can consider unbanning her, if you think she's been banned long enough.

Edit: May have accidentally sounded like criticism.
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I used to have the same problem the first year, I remember, when I got paired with girls for sparring.

I think ultimately it's good for you. Does help you fight and get past your inhibitions.

What are you studying by the way? It looks like there's quite some grappling involved.
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Loving my new phone, it's way better than my old one. Then again, that's not saying much since my old phone started rebooting itself every couple of minutes and constantly overheated. :P
@Foxtrot94 No offense was taken but please don't misunderstand my post. I wasn't saying Batman endangers Gotham just for fun or that he doesn't do any good for the city. I said he's an asshole whose sense of morality puts Gotham in danger for absolutely no reason.

On all accounts, Joker's giggling ass should be dead by now, a million times over. And I don't buy that **** that he's an important villain and blah, blah, blah. Batman has some very talented writers that should be able to come up with something else besides just running to Joker for every little thing. Not to mention how many other solid, interesting villains Batman has besides the Joker. Many of them even being way better characters than the Joker.

No one's dissing the good that Batman does for Gotham but I'm also not overlooking the danger that Batman's inability to kill Joker puts Gotham in either.

For every good thing Bruce Wayne/Batman does for Gotham, Joker does at least two terrible things in return.

I've always thought the same thing but you know, comic book logic. Gotta keep the stories going. Though at the same time, why should it be Batman's job to kill Joker? Realistically, you'd think a cop or several cops would have already taken it upon themselves to murder him for all the sick sh*t he's done.
And so it begins... another day, another garbage-looking Transformers film.

Transformers: The Last Knight trailer:

Yay, I can't wait to be disappointed for a 4th time! :rolleyes:

I'll probably skip this one outright (unless, by some divine miracle, it gets good word of mouth, which it won't, so... pass), I've given these POS movies enough of my time and money and came away with the same recycled garbage every time (I actually found the first one to be pretty good). It looks like dog sh*t just like the all the other Bayformers sequels, but of course, the special needs kids will eat it up, so it'll make a pretty penny at the box office while having a Tomatometer in the teens again.

I don't even care that it's got Unicron (and Megatron returning), Michael Bay will find a way to f**k him up as always just like he did the Dino Bots in Age of Explosions, err, Extinction, which are unscrewupable. Other than Uwe Boll (and maybe Roland Emmerich), he's the only man on this earth capable of effing THEM up and he did it. The same fate awaits Unicron in the Bayverse, just you wait.

If there's any silver lining to this, I saw this in my Youtube subscriptions, and I LOL'ed at Steph Cozza (AggressiveComix)'s reaction to this joke of a trailer and film franchise:

Best Bayformers 5 trailer reaction vid I've seen all day. :lol:
I used to have the same problem the first year, I remember, when I got paired with girls for sparring.

I think ultimately it's good for you. Does help you fight and get past your inhibitions.

What are you studying by the way? It looks like there's quite some grappling involved.

It's called Ju-Jutsu, a more modern kind of self-defence that's mostly about... well, defending yourself rather than attacking, but it also teaches you a few interesting counter moves that mostly rely on using an opponent's attack against them. The description says it's suitable for people of all ages, sizes and genders, but I'm still struggling a little. No wonder, though, since I haven't really done any sport in a while.
Ah yes, I imagined that was it. Well yeah it's suited to everybody cause you don't need particularly high speed, strength, or agility. As the description says, it's all about exploiting the opponent's momentum against him.

However make no mistake, it doesn't mean it's easier. Entering the thinking process of using only your opponent's strength instead of yours and translating that into practice is no easy task, and struggling is perfectly normal. You have nothing to worry about, you'll get there eventually.