What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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And even if you were, that'd just be one more reason to learn. That's partially why I did.

True, but then it wouldn't be so surprising that people can't imagine me beating up bad guys. In my case, however...

CT: The Pokémon series has proven repeatedly that there are at least some hotties among its loads and loads of characters. (Well, as "hot" as a drawn anime character can be, that is.) They are rarer than legendary pokémon and only appear few and far between across the many, many episodes, but they are there. Look at this guy for example:


He's older and taller than Ash, actually voiced by a male actor, pretty cute with those blue eyes, and he has a Houndoom (!!), the perfect hellhound Pokémon for a goddess of the dead! He'd make a great companion, right? But no... He's just a throwaway character for a few episodes at best, and instead we get this fugly abomination for a companion:


I mean... the hair alone... Some fans might have heard of that one episode from the first season containing intense flashes of light that caused kids all over Japan to have seizures. It was banned and never aired again for that very reason, which is completely understandable, but this eye cancer-inducing hair is okay?? To make things worse, it's not just for one episode, it won't leave anytime soon...
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CT: So, 2016 has been pretty sh*t so far, what with the celebrity deaths and the whole Trump and Clinton thing. But hey, at least the Cubs won the World Series, right?

Disclaimer: Not a Cubs fan or a sports fan of any kind. I just appreciate good news, whatever it may be.
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CT: Okay so here's what I've been thinking for a while. At some point in my life if I stumble across a briefcase with a billion dollars in it, I'll probably end up building and living in a victorian/gothic mansion in the middle of nowhere. Yup. That's one of my very few goals in life right now.
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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I'll be away for a week. I'll be taking my laptop but I won't have internet where I'm going. So I may or may not get on through wi-fi but I'll probably wait until I'm back in about a week or so :) Not that I've been the most active lately. There's been a lot going on for me these days. Anyways I'll miss you guys and see you all on here in a little while.
CT: I hate that feeling when you have a secondary character in a game and you think, 'I really like this person'.

Usually that thought is soon followed by, 'Yeah, they're probably gonna die now. I've pretty much sealed their fate'.
Oh, great. A bunch of brats will be coming to steal all the candy we already ate tonight.
...I mean, yay, lovely children...! I'll have to go get more chocolate for them... heh..?
LOL that sounds so funny. :lol:

Currently watching Beauty and the Beast, I can't wait for the live action movie!
Beauty and the Beast? Makes me think of Jackie and Fez. :smile::smile:
*massaging temples* I am so sick of seeing everyone on Facebook crying over this whole election. It is legit giving me a headache. All I have seen is "omg I'm soo scared!"

The dude isn't even in office yet lol. I can't stand the man but let's atleast see what he's going to do first. Now I will say that if he truly wants to unify us then he needs to tell his supporters to stop harassing minorities. I've witnessed more racism since he won the election than I have my whole life. I live in redneck nation though so I'm sure this will be going on for a while...
So a mass email went out in the fashion industry and Lady Gaga took a screenshot to share it with the fans who are struggling through the country's decision. This email talks about how everyone needs to be strong and rise above Trump's racism (while everyone overlooks Hillary's). Then they follow up with things that they should start doing differently... "Change your casting" so that it includes blacks and minorities. "Put black and brown people on your covers" and "sign them for your biggest contracts". These are among the racist suggestions made by this industry.

How f*cked up and hypocritical.

I didn't realize that they needed to be told to do these things, however, I did notice that they do not utilize people of color for the cover of many magazines- along with other media formats. The people that are used, typically have white features. The entire entertainment industry influences people on a daily basis as they tell the rest of the world what's "in" and what's "beautiful". Their entire industry helps produce such racist and sexist views.
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Today was an interesting day at work. So this guy comes in with an issue with his disability pension (if you're disabled you can claim your pension earlier than 65), Service Canada says he had cashed a duplicate cheque after he told SC he hadn't received the first one and now has to pay back the overpayment. He was telling me that it wasn't a duplicate, his pension didn't come in July of that year so he had July and August's payments deposited in August. I tell him he has to show SC his bank statements from that time forward showing there was no duplicate payment. He says ok, and then comes back a few hours later and says he couldn't afford to pay $5 a page for copies of his bank statements for this period of time. I say ok, we need just need to indicate to Service Canada that this would be a financial hardship for him and they can get that info themselves in the investigation.

The first red flag is that he tells me he just wan't them to check from July-Sept of last year. I'm like 'well, that doesn't really prove you didn't cash the check - that would just prove you didn't cash the check from July to September.' He's like 'I really value my privacy and I don't want you guys to go through my stuff'. I again tell him that's pretty counterproductive and they'll probably tell him to **** off more or less, however he insists so I include that in the letter I was helping him to write.

He leaves and I find it really awkward so I google him. His name is pretty unique and the first things that come up are pretty harmless things - found out he has a brain injury from being hit by a car when he was a kid and there was a few news articles from the brain injury association he often volunteers at. Then the next few hits are like, 2 dozen lawsuits - 10 years ago he apparently was just suing the **** out of errybody. Then he used his full name on Kijiji ads - selling a bunch of things and offering 'free massages to women' because he's apparently studying to be a masseuse. And then his name came up on the 'Rate my Doctors' website as a gynaecologist. It was for sure him - like I said, super unique name, same initial and in the same city. One comment was like 'I don't believe this guy is a doctor - he charged me $170 for a bandaid!' and another was like 'this guy operates out of his home - it was super weird, never again!'. This dude has been making $$ on the side by pretending to be a gynaecologist. How ****ing creepy.

Now I know why this asshole didn't want us to look at the rest of his bank statements. :D Gotta talk to my boss next week to see if we should report it.
So today I went to a fake surprise party for my uncle's 60th. Why was it fake, you ask? Because the proper surprise party was blown by one of their friends and they had to create a fake surprise party to throw him off the scent of the real surprise party. Also at the party was a family friend who is sharing the surprise party with my uncle, so we also had to pretend that this was the real party in front of her too, to keep the secret of the original party from her. There were so many whispered mentions of the proper surprise party, and then one of the two would come over and we'd have to change the conversation in an instant.

Only in my family....
I hope I wake up tomorrow to find this past week has just been a really bad nightmare. I can take President Trump, my heart can't take Fernando being gone. :(