And even if you were, that'd just be one more reason to learn. That's partially why I did.
True, but then it wouldn't be so surprising that people can't imagine me beating up bad guys. In my case, however...
CT: The Pokémon series has proven repeatedly that there are at least some hotties among its loads and loads of characters. (Well, as "hot" as a drawn anime character can be, that is.) They are rarer than legendary pokémon and only appear few and far between across the many, many episodes, but they are there. Look at this guy for example:

He's older and taller than Ash, actually voiced by a male actor, pretty cute with those blue eyes, and he has a Houndoom (!!), the perfect hellhound Pokémon for a goddess of the dead! He'd make a great companion, right? But no... He's just a throwaway character for a few episodes at best, and instead we get this fugly abomination for a companion:

I mean... the hair alone... Some fans might have heard of that one episode from the first season containing intense flashes of light that caused kids all over Japan to have seizures. It was banned and never aired again for that very reason, which is completely understandable, but this eye cancer-inducing hair is okay?? To make things worse, it's not just for one episode, it won't leave anytime soon...