Well, Fallen has already explained what would have been my primary rebuttal to this. I haven't liked a single Canadian politician since Pierre Trudeau. But just not liking the candidates is in my opinion, not a justifiable enough reason NOT to vote. There are other wasy to do it. You mentioned education - what other social, economical issues are important you? For me, it's education and healthcare. We have four major political parties, and there is one party in particular which is far more attentive to these issues than the others. Don't rely solely on the leaders, look at the policies they are proposing, and decide which ones you can get behind. Furthermore, if you really don't like any of the parties, do what Fallen says and spoil the ballot. Spoiled ballots tells officers that you're not in favour of any of the candidates. Not voting says you don't care.
And here's the thing - we are so fortunate to live in countries where WE can choose who we want in government. Unless you're wiping your ass with $100 bills, there's usually only one way in which to directly influence the government - and it's by voting. There are SO many millions of people who don't have this right. Like Angel said, people have died for our right to vote and live in a democracy, and there are millions who are still dying for that right around the world. Don't take that priviledge for granted. I understand not wanting to get a summons, but voting is way too important.
Besides, it's not difficult to talk your way out of jury duty if you really need to.