The Redfields...

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The Master Of Unlocking
May 17, 2009
Raccoon City with my pet Licker
So I made this awhile back, and I decided to post it to see what you think.:)

I also just realized that it got squished because it was a little too wide for the forum...but the ages are all going to be ten years after the original age from 1998. So Chris' is 35 while Claire's is 29.:)
Yeah..But,then again,timeless characters such as,for example Lara Croft do have their advantages,such as infinite game history...

I mean,Barry was the elder to begin with...48,that's
Trinity;43267 said:
Yeah..But,then again,timeless characters such as,for example Lara Croft do have their advantages,such as infinite game history...

I mean,Barry was the elder to begin with...48,that's

Yeah, he is about to get to the big 5-0.:) And he didn't even look like Schwarzenneger before it....
Well, age has certainly been kind to Wesker. I thought it might have something to do with the virus until RE5 screwed with stuff. But then again, Wesker had a youthful face before he died in part 1. And he looked really young in CV. It could also be good genes, but genes can only go so far, so maybe the virus does help, but meh I dunno what to think about some things anymore.
Wesker did look pretty young considering he is the same age as Barry, but I have just assumed he has really just kept his youthful appearance from the virus, also since he was never really doing too much behind the scenes.

RE5 is when he went into Africa and must have soaked up the sun, and maybe that made him look just a bit younger, but Inoticed that both him & Chris had completely different cheek bones too...
Spike991;43302 said:
Wesker did look pretty young considering he is the same age as Barry, but I have just assumed he has really just kept his youthful appearance from the virus, also since he was never really doing too much behind the scenes.

RE5 is when he went into Africa and must have soaked up the sun, and maybe that made him look just a bit younger, but Inoticed that both him & Chris had completely different cheek bones too...

Yeah, they didn't do too well on Wesker's face in this one. They overdid his cheeks and underdid his lips. I guess that might have been an attempt to make him appear older, but meh. (I also noticed his darker complextion.)

Chris looked great though, he looked like a 30 year old that took good care of himself, I might even say mid to late 20s.

I still couldn't think of Rebecca getting old, lol. I wonder what she looks like now after 10 years. D:

I think Wesker looked a lot older in RE5 though.
Rebecca isn't that old though, she should be 28 in RE5. They would probably just give her longer hair or something. Lol long hair is how they take care of supposedly aging female characters, and males they just give em a beard or a shadow. Which was kinda freaky on Wesker, funnily enough it dissapeared later on in the game lol.

About Wesker looking older in 5, that was one of the things that I found dissapointing. In UC just a few years before, he looks all young then a few years later in 5 it's like WTH. I mean he still looks young for his age in 5, but from UC to 5 that's a big jump.

I know they gave Chris one hell of a make-over, but his is better, and to be honest, he kinda needed it in my opinion.
013;43322 said:
Yeah, they didn't do too well on Wesker's face in this one. They overdid his cheeks and underdid his lips. I guess that might have been an attempt to make him appear older, but meh. (I also noticed his darker complextion.)

Chris looked great though, he looked like a 30 year old that took good care of himself, I might even say mid to late 20s.

Yes, I also noticed that they underdid his lips...which is actually alot more what it looked like in RE0, but in REmake, RE4, & UC, his lips were a bit different. His cheeks were also overdone, with his hair looking kind of ridiculous too, almost like a Final Fantasy character's.

His hair was lighter, but this seems to have a rhyme & a reason, as I have noticed that in games where his hair is darker, REmake, RE4, UC, it looked like he had hair gel or spray in it, thus making it darker, while his hair was lighter in the ones where it didn't appear to have anything in it, like in CVX, RE0 & RE5.:) I thought the darker complection, tan and all, looked great on him, in addition to the new glasses(I woudn't want them to replace the other ones, but they look nice in this game), it made him look pretty cool despite the stupid trenchcoat and rip-off of his CVX outfit.

I couldn't agree more about Chris, he was awesome in RE5, I wish we could have got to see more of him in his first outfit, the one where he was wearing that shirt, before he got his weapons and holsters...

Otherwise he looked great, his face and all didn't change too much, other than the facial hair and head hair, and they seemed to overdo his cheeks too, but it seemed more appropriate than Wesker's.:)
013;43322 said:
Rebecca isn't that old though, she should be 28 in RE5. They would probably just give her longer hair or something. Lol long hair is how they take care of supposedly aging female characters, and males they just give em a beard or a shadow. Which was kinda freaky on Wesker, funnily enough it dissapeared later on in the game lol.

About Wesker looking older in 5, that was one of the things that I found dissapointing. In UC just a few years before, he looks all young then a few years later in 5 it's like WTH. I mean he still looks young for his age in 5, but from UC to 5 that's a big jump.

I know they gave Chris one hell of a make-over, but his is better, and to be honest, he kinda needed it in my opinion.

In 10 years time Rebecca would lose the very reason why I like her... Her youth. I still can't imagine her with long hair, or a different voice, or different personality. I would pretty much miss her young(yet attractive) ways.

I guess the developers wanted Wesker to look his age in RE5, he looked a bit too young at his age in UC.

I think the change on Chris was too much, now everybody's saying he's on steroids, lol. Yeah he needed it, but at least not that bulky. :p
@Spike, I liked his hair in 5 except for the dark roots. It made him look like an unnatural blonde, but it seems to be corrected in his action figure.

In 0 his hair didn't seem to have gel in it, true. However in CV and 5 it looked perfectly slicked back with gel, in 5 it had to be. >< He goes through hell and finally Capcom decides to FINALLY let a few strands of his hair fall down during the high sky skirmish, then when he comes back his hair is magically perfect again, like he had a spare gel packet in his pocket. I think his Uro form should have had slightly messed up hair, it would give him more of a stressed out beat up look.

Lol, you didn't like his trench coat? I though it looked nice, but it did kinda made him look...stupid, I mean your in Africa, with black leather AND a black trenchcoat??? Are you retarded? Even Chris said screw the second shirt he had on at the beginning of the game.

And yeah, his RE5 outfit is basically his CV outfit in leather with squares with upgraded graphics.

As for Chris, his cheeks look bigger than his earlier designs, but I think it was fit for Chris to appear to have a larger skull and thicker cheeks to go with that meat head body of his, I was grateful that they kept his familiar facial features.

Does anyone else notice that Claire and Chris have the same ears? How cute. They looked more alike in CV though, but now they don't resemble each other anymore. That's why new comers are all like, "Is she Chris' wife?" XD
Wesker did look older in RE5, and more tanned, but he still doesn't look 48 by a long shot, it most probably is the virus. I'd quite like to see what some of the other characterswe haven't seen in a while look like now, like Rebecca, Barry and Billy.