I use to get SS with my roommate on nearly every level, at the time I wasn't into Res 5, he just needed help unlocking and killing. Well I recently dusted off the cover two years after him being gone and I've done everything but Merc's and I'm needing companionship.
The reason that we did so well, I believe was that as a team we worked well, we knew what each other would do, where we would g, and all around made one of the most badass duos around. I memorized hourglass and bonus spots and took care of them while he slayed away until all was taen care of and we would go back to back taking out the remainder.
Well Ive long since lost the skill I once possessed, I lost my pal, forgot about hourglasses. I'm starting over so to speak, and, well, I need a new partner or two, or three maybe. Anyone who desires to be one. Frankly though I dont have a mic and so this makes smooth running difficult in hop-ins. I'd really like someone dedicated (as far as dedication to games go), someone who'll converse and discuss with me plans of action, strategies, someone who I can learn from and them have something to learn from me, and who I can develop a flow with that will ultimately dominate the Merc games like I used to do.
Of course this.. Would imply that I'll also like to know who I'm with. Know how they think, what they do, their favorite course of action most of which I'll determine on my own through said discussions, like your way of thinking and how you handle your ****. Hope I can say that..
I'm not a nerd but, the fun I find from these games, these, co-operative plays, is the team work or flow as I put it that is either found or developed and the duo becoming more and more a dangerous double as they progress in said flow. And I need something to pass time until I can acquire the other titles on my wish list, or until add-ons for Skyrim come.
And hopefully if some do step up this flow will be able to transfer to other games that come and go.
GT Sickography and I get alot of adds so if you are keen to the conditions above then you wont mind introducing yourself and letting me know you came from here.