I spent a half hour trying to beat his second form (on Easy) and gave up.
Same with Alexia's second form when I played Code: Veronica last night, except I actually beat her.
Game developers need to come together and say "NO" to tentacles as a cheap boss tactic.
I've noticed that the game got ridiculously hard with RE3 onward, to the point where I had to play the last chapter on Easy... and even then, I couldn't beat it.
I ended up watching the ending cutscenes and all the Wesker stuff on YouTube. I may return to the game some day, but for now, I want to start my RE4 playthrough.
The gap between Chris saying "WE'RE GONNA GET UMBRELLA ONCE AND FOR ALL" in Code: Veronica and Leon's "Umbrella got killed offscreen lawl" monologue in RE4 is now filled.
Same with Alexia's second form when I played Code: Veronica last night, except I actually beat her.
Game developers need to come together and say "NO" to tentacles as a cheap boss tactic.
I've noticed that the game got ridiculously hard with RE3 onward, to the point where I had to play the last chapter on Easy... and even then, I couldn't beat it.
I ended up watching the ending cutscenes and all the Wesker stuff on YouTube. I may return to the game some day, but for now, I want to start my RE4 playthrough.