Umbrella Chronicles Talos is impossible

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To Let The World Be
Feb 10, 2012
I spent a half hour trying to beat his second form (on Easy) and gave up.
Same with Alexia's second form when I played Code: Veronica last night, except I actually beat her.
Game developers need to come together and say "NO" to tentacles as a cheap boss tactic.

I've noticed that the game got ridiculously hard with RE3 onward, to the point where I had to play the last chapter on Easy... and even then, I couldn't beat it.

I ended up watching the ending cutscenes and all the Wesker stuff on YouTube. I may return to the game some day, but for now, I want to start my RE4 playthrough. :D The gap between Chris saying "WE'RE GONNA GET UMBRELLA ONCE AND FOR ALL" in Code: Veronica and Leon's "Umbrella got killed offscreen lawl" monologue in RE4 is now filled.
I gave up on Talos too i did ok with the rest until i got up to Talos.

This is what Talos looks like. I'm not 100% sure if he's a replica I haven't played this in a while. From the wikia "The Umbrella research team stationed at the Arklay Laboratory originally conceived the T-A.L.O.S. as the North American Branch's answer to the Nemesis-T type, an Umbrella Europe project"

I hope that answers any questions you have.
I gave up on Talos too i did ok with the rest until i got up to Talos.

Before the fight with T-ALOS, there's a weapons room hidden in the labyrinth leading up to the fight room. In order to find it, you have to follow this path: Left, Right, Left, -, Right, -, -. ("-" means that the room only has one possible door).
Once you reach this room, you'll have to be fast to break the glasses and then catch the weapons. Maybe a grenade would help breaking most of the glasses. Stock up on Machine Gun HP and Shotgun SA ammo. Automatic pistol is also useful.

Once you reach T-ALOS, use the automatic pistol when he's far from you and the shotgun when he's close. When he shoots missiles use the Shotgun to destroy them easily. Also make good use of your grenades here.

In the second form, use the Machine gun HP to hit the glowing points in his body, and his weak spot, when exposed. Use the automatic pistol to shoot the tentacles and the stones (there's some ammo in the room).

This is what Talos looks like. I'm not 100% sure if he's a replica I haven't played this in a while. From the wikia "The Umbrella research team stationed at the Arklay Laboratory originally conceived the T-A.L.O.S. as the North American Branch's answer to the Nemesis-T type, an Umbrella Europe project"

I hope that answers any questions you have.

T-ALOS is basically a Tyrant model developed in Arklay, and later in Caucasus, and is controlled by a computer. He is armored and has a rocket launcher, making him a tough one to kill. I prefer to disconsider his second mutation, since it makes no sense at all.

T-ALOS stands for Tyrant-Armored Lethal Organic System.
I don't remember this fight. I finished Code Veronica this year I think and yes, alot of hard bosses in this one.

The tyrant in the plane was a pain in the know what. I was so mad that he would throw me out and then I'd start saying things like, "And why is Claire the one to fight him?! Where the hell is macho Steve at when you need him?"
Then when I finally beat him and Claire says something about it being another bug she squashed...I was thinking, "B**** you lying through your motha****** teeth! That f****** was hard as hell!!"
I don't remember this fight. I finished Code Veronica this year I think and yes, alot of hard bosses in this one.

The tyrant in the plane was a pain in the know what. I was so mad that he would throw me out and then I'd start saying things like, "And why is Claire the one to fight him?! Where the hell is macho Steve at when you need him?"
Then when I finally beat him and Claire says something about it being another bug she squashed...I was thinking, "B**** you lying through your motha****** teeth! That f****** was hard as hell!!"
This forum is about The Umbrella Chronicles, not Code Veronica. T-ALOS is the boss of Umbrella's End 3.
No problem. I agree that the Tyrant in CV is one of the hardest bosses in the series, especially because people usually get to that part with very little resources.
I know what you mean, the first time I played the game I ended up with suck low items the the only way I could finish it was with no ammo and in the danger status.
No problem. I agree that the Tyrant in CV is one of the hardest bosses in the series, especially because people usually get to that part with very little resources.
When i was playing it when i downloaded that and RE4 in HD, first time through it, but i was conservative about my ammo, so he really wasn't a problem. Nosferatu on the other hand... stuck, i can't seem to one shot him with the rifle.
yeah i must agree with ts, the boss fights in the later resident evil games are just silly i think
i prefer the old school ones, leons boss in re6 made me wanna throw up
I could have thrown my controller out of frustration from fighting talos.The others had their moments, but talos was terribly hard.