--As for real ships: I liked the Queen Dido... yeah I liked that one. Or was it the Queen Zenobia? Well, sh*t I forgot
Anyways. Here are my thoughts on some ships.
Chris and Jill: Get a room you f*cking trolls! We all know you wanna bang each other really bad, so stop pretending you're not into each other! The two of you need need to blow off some steam already. Chris needs someone who doesn't break in a half in bed and Jill certainly knows how to handle the "Big Boys". You two are a perfect match. So I say go and spend some "sexy-time" together. Problem solved!
Leon and Ada: Leon, you either move on and forget about Ada or you'll end up chasing her your entire life.I'm just givin' you an advice, broand Ada stop trolling with Leon's emotions
Chris and Piers: I hate to burst your bubble, but Piers ist dead so I don't believe this relationship has a future, unless Chris is a gay necrophile... Yuck! That's just gross!!! Even I don't want Chris to do such a creepy thing like that 0_O. So a big NOPE to ChrisxPiers.
Leon and Claire: That could work and I think Claire is way much better choice for Leon than Ada. So Leon, you better go for Claire
Chris and Wesker: Same as Piers. Seriously, what's wrong with people wanting Chris to screw dead guys? He isn't into that kind of stuff... Well at least I hope he isn't, that'd be ouright creepy 0_O
Leon and Jill: It could work and I gotta admit they both look good together, but it'd only result in Chris being jealous as hell, then he'll try to throw a boulder at Jill and that doesn't sound really healthy to me. Also, considering Chris acted like a princess with raging and unbalanced hormones, I'd say he def needs more Valentine-Love than Leon now. So Jill don't you even dare think about Leon or you'll get a boulder in your (actually very pretty) face as a Valentine's gift from Chris next year... Just sayin'...
well...he thought jill was dead on 5 and there was love...