Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil VII confirmed.

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This game needs to have something more. A Mercs mode or even Raid. I've been disappointed by the trash they call Triple A games recently. And while this is the most promising, it's suffering from what Star Fox Zero did.

One of the next two trailers will show actual zombies, I just have that gut feeling.

But yeah, we can officially cross "no zombays/mahnsturs" off the detractor's excuses list.
Capcom will attend PSX (PlayStation Experience) early next month. The event is basically Sony's mini E3. That being said I think they'll reveal TAPE-3 trailer as early as 3 or 4 December. Possibly along with the final update for the demo as well.
Rely on Horror has published a new article about a recent press conference with minor news on RE7. Here's the gist of it:

* Returning characters (s = plural) confirmed, but only in non-playable minor roles.
* Several melee weapons, including a chainsaw. You can pick up weapons dropped by enemies.
* VR support is coming to the demo with a new update.
* A completely new virus.

One of the next two trailers will show actual zombies, I just have that gut feeling.

But yeah, we can officially cross "no zombays/mahnsturs" off the detractor's excuses list.
I'm sorry, but exactly why do detractors automatically have to be idiots? Nobody's on here saying that kind of **** in the opposite camp.
Opinions of an outsider:

You see the fact that I'm here is because of the characters. I haven't played the games besides a little bit of RE4. I've always seen arts and stuff. The characters are what keeps my interest to this day in the series even though I can't say that I really played it.

RE7 from my perspective seems like a top notch version of those clone-horror games coming out nowadays. I'm saying clone horror because every new game seems to go by the same formula just a different location. Compared to them RE7 looks just like that but perfected.

The thing is that that is not what RE games are like. I'm okay if they want to create something totally new and forget all what happened before ( < if that's the case there still is some thing they absolutely must do about the characters, read on about that a bit later in my reply) but if they want to return to the 4 3 2 1 overall feeling then this game is not coming out that way.

It's too serious. We just have a demo but I don't think you can expect sandwiched comedy. The color palette is too grey at certain times. The characters look more fitting for Silent Hill or those clone horror games. They are empty, not empty in characterization, but empty in design. I don't see a character when I look at them... It's just like a temporary voodoo doll or some ****. It's like that actor who replaces the true actor. There's an expansion to the demo or something? The lantern thing or what was it called? the one where you can see characters at a dinner table? that's the only RE thing I got from what I've seen so far. (It reminds me on RE4).

The first person view is good for scares but bad for characters and gore. You should be able to see your character and should see the gore ON THAT CHARACTER. I don't want developers to allow choices for camera views though because the experience will differ for people, and in that aspect (with the camera) I don't think it should. Mixing them throughout the game would be a good choice I think.

I have an idea for the camera thing regarding TPV: play the game mostly in third person and occasionally when a new area loads start the scene from a somewhat top down isometric-like camera view slowly going down to the point where you can see the whole area and then you can use the moment for a jumpscare or something (that kind of camera must appear sometime before and after too so you can never know when a jump happens)

or play from that Third Person Isometric-like camera and make the enemies appear directly on camera. What I mean is imagine your character in the middle of the room (with the said camera angle) and suddenly over that image a monster appears, then it disappears, your camera is still at the same distance but it's a little bit closer to the character (so the character is not in the middle anymore but at some wall side or corner) and then the character is suddenly pulled and disappears. Then bang the character is smashed into your face. They should do this in various ways tho.

or sometimes over the shoulder view sometimes leg-side-forward view

Those ideas come to mind because third person view just doesn't scare me. Over the shoulder is the good way to go because you can get scared and see your character. But I feel like third person is also good and should be implemented.

I know all we have is a demo but where's the biohazard..

Advice: Less detective-wannabes, less geek-boss-minded characters (I feel like this might happen but don't take it for granted) and more badasses and casuals with charisma
No chapters also confirmed.
By the looks of it, this game will probably succeed. It will be forgettable because of the characters and the outlast (not RE) like vibe, but that won't matter to the makers. They will probably start using this formula with every new game. I hear that a remake of 2 is coming? if that ends up more popular then this than there's a chance for chapters..

I don't like the autosave option
We know that the saving is different for each difficulty.
Even though I barely played RE I know how good it is to have limited saves..

Having auto-save or checkpoint won't make RE 7 frustrating to the newer fans who are not used to play classic RE games which lack auto-save.
RE doesn't need fans who don't know how great it is for a horror game to have limited saves. Sure I don't want to impose stuff on people like conservatives but I think that the makers should have chosen the better option which was to only keep manual saves. imo
Here's an interesting little video that is sure to get you people hyped!

Nothing new but from what I understand, Baker is very similar to Nemesis; the game has boss fights and elaborate puzzles, and various doors will need to be unlocked as you progress.

I didn't watch all of it because they started talking about boss fights, enemies and various rooms more elaborately. I'd like to experience that stuff myself.
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Looks fantastic, but dare I say it looks like what I imagined Outlast 2 would look like. Not a complaint, but boy, they've gone way back to the horror roots with this one. Curious why they are calling this RE7? Already preorded and can't wait to find out
It will be forgettable because of the characters and the outlast (not RE) like vibe


AGAIN with this "P.T./Outlast ripoff" excuse? The fact that you actually have a gun/weapon in your hands and can fight back renders that theory completely moot.

Plus, how many times do we have to point out that the demo is not part of the actual game? The final game has puzzles, exploration, item management, combat, weapons, savepoints, all the essential elements of the classic games just in first person. Hell, the layout of the Dulvey mansion takes a TON of vibes from the Spencer mansion from the first game, I don't know where you get off saying that after watching the 8 minute gameplay trailer posted above.
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There has been a noticeable decrease in activity in this thread, but I'm still sharing this new trailer for the upcoming demo update. Why? Because it is the first trailer for this game that has actually managed to catch my interest a little bit.

Here's the news (or at least it's news to me, I don't remember it being revealed earlier):

For the last three years, James Ethan was actually under the impression that his wife Mary Mia was dead! That certainly adds a new layer of mystery to it.

Still not enough for me to change my mind and buy RE7, but at least it's something.