Maybe Ethan isn't a total newbie after all. If this is true, he was involved with Umbrella way back.Oh wait a second, now that we know Ethan's last name is Winters, it's actually the person that was mentioned in RE 5. He's supposed to be dead but it's RE anything can happen.
Ethan Winters in RE 5
Maybe Ethan isn't a total newbie after all. If this is true, he was involved with Umbrella way back.
It's looking that way! Maybe this is the link Capcom have been talking about all along, would explain that Umbrella photo too. Of course, we don't know yet, but it would make sense for this to be the link.Oh, so the thing about Ethan having ties to the series lore is true after all!
If you look at the start of TAPE-3 trailer we see a ship exploding and Ethan drowning in a sea, maybe that was when Ethan W. was supposed to be "deceased" (as shown in RE 5) but he survived somehow. Maybe Ethan and Mia were both targets of assassination possibly by Umbrella, both were believed to be dead but they somehow survived and got separated while trying to do so, that's why Ethan finds out that Mia's still alive years later. Remember Kawata stated that RE 7 "might get started somewhere quite surprising". So I think it's possible that RE 7 starts in a ship with Ethan and Mia together.Maybe Ethan isn't a total newbie after all. If this is true, he was involved with Umbrella way back.
1.) The assassination attempt that I'm referring here is Ethan's not Mia's. But yeah that means how Mia survived is unknown. I'm pretty conviced that that Ethan in RE 5 file is the RE 7 Ethan because again the initial W stands for Winters and the start of TAPE-3 trailer is his failed assassination attempt. Could be just pure coincidence but I doubt it.
1.) The assassination attempt that I'm referring here is Ethan's not Mia's. But yeah that means how Mia survived is unknown.
before anyone dismisses the idea, you have to remember that the RE7 we were going to get before RE6 was released was a very differnt one to the one we're getting. Im sure that when Capcom threw this Ethan guy into a file and said he was dead, they had no idea he would end up being the main character of a future game (assuming he is the same guy of course).
I have 2 theories:
1. Mia is short for Ethan (or like a middle name or something). They're both named Ethan Winters, and the file is actually talking about her.
Well at the beginning of the trailer we see a ship exploding and a seemingly defenseless Ethan drowning in the ocean, that implies that there's some kind of hostility toward Ethan, no? Also near the end of TAPE-3 trailer we see a lil girl in what looks like a hallway inside a ship. Maybe she's a BOW deployed by Umbrella to eliminate Ethan. RE 7 might start somewhere quite surprising according to Kawata so I guess it's possible that the game's prologue takes place in a ship where the assassination attempt occurs. This could be wrong of course but again I doubt it.Wait, does TAPE-3 suggest at all that the beginning of the video is an assassination attempt, or are you believing that based on other observations?
Also, the initial W could stand for anything, Winters, Waters, White- I know it could end up being Winters but I'm not holding my breath on that. In fact, I would hope that it isn't Ethan Winters purely because I want to play as a completely new protagonist with no ties to Umbrella.
Duhhh, it's obviously not that black and white :wink:AGAIN with this "P.T./Outlast ripoff" excuse? The fact that you actually have a gun/weapon in your hands and can fight back renders that theory completely moot.
Plus, how many times do we have to point out that the demo is not part of the actual game? The final game has puzzles, exploration, item management, combat, weapons, savepoints, all the essential elements of the classic games just in first person. Hell, the layout of the Dulvey mansion takes a TON of vibes from the Spencer mansion from the first game, I don't know where you get off saying that after watching the 8 minute gameplay trailer posted above.
Something like that. Though theory number 2 is my current frontrunner as far as what I believe to be true. With all the files and minor characters and major characters they've had over the course of I don't even know how many games, they've used a lot of names over the years. It's entirely possible that there's no relation. I'm not saying I would be surprised if it was the same guy. It's certainly not the first time they would've used a character who was only briefly mentioned in a game prior. But if we looked hard enough we could probably find just about any name somewhere in RE lore.So... Mia is a blonde transvestite married to a guy with the same name, and they only call her Mia to distinguish?Because I never heard that Ethan could also be a female name. Or maybe the real Ethan isn't actually married, he just thinks he is, impersonating both himself and his wife, like Alfred did with his sister, and the journey through the Bakers' mansion looking for his other self is actually a journey through his ****tered memories that will end on the couch of Doctor Kaufmann, who tells him that this fantasy wife of his isn't even a ghost...
Well at the beginning of the trailer we see a ship exploding and a seemingly defenseless Ethan drowning in the ocean, that implies that there's some kind of hostility toward Ethan, no? Also near the end of TAPE-3 trailer we see a lil girl in what looks like a hallway inside a ship. Maybe she's a BOW deployed by Umbrella to eliminate Ethan. RE 7 might start somewhere quite surprising according to Kawata so I guess it's possible that the game's prologue takes place in a ship where the assassination attempt occurs. This could be wrong of course but again I doubt it.
I think you may be right, the arms do look a little bit slimmer. I'm still pretty convinced that Ethan W. is Ethan Winters though. By the way youtuber "Where'sBarry" just made an analysis video about this.Uhh, I'm pretty sure that's Mia. Slender arms and kinda feminine fingernails tells me it's Mia.
If it is Mia, I know how you make this work... Wesker threw her off the ship! But seriously, she has some kind of ties to the Baker family, who might be harboring an Umbrella research lab underneath their freakish house, so there IS some material to work with there for Revelations 3.