Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil VII confirmed.

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Hasn't the old woman in the wheelchair already been confirmed to be another member of that family, Camille or something? (I hope that's not a spoiler, I'm getting quite confused about what still counts as a spoiler on this forum and what doesn't.)
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Hasn't the old woman in the wheelchair already been confirmed to be another member of that family, Camille or something? (I hope that's not a spoiler, I'm getting quite confused about what still counts as a spoiler on this forum and what doesn't.)
Yeah that's a woman. Apologize to the poor lady... but in all seriousness I'm pretty sure that's Camille yeah. Idk if that's a spoiler or not. She was officially announced, so she's not a leak, but maybe somebody doesn't want to know about any of the characters? Her existence is literally all we know about her at this point, so it's not like plot details or anything, but still could be a spoiler I guess.
HOLY ****, please tell me that doesn't look like Ozwell E. Spencer.

Either Capcom MUST be onto something here or they're gonna get that GIF pulled in due time. I highly doubt they'd just let a huge plot point concerning one of their biggest characters be left out in the open for all to see months before the game even comes out.

It's confirmed to be Camille (Baker?) . She's the granny of the family, not sure if she's on Jack's side or Marguertite's but hey! Maybe she's related to Spencer? Kidding, but we can play with the though :P
So in a way it kind of is like Jim "least favorite character in the entire extended RE universe" Chapman's lucky coin.
We also know that there's gonna be at least 3 different healing items.

- Supply Box containing Herbs, a First Aid Med and a Strong First Aid Med

I hope they bring back "Fine, Caution, and Danger electrocardiogram" as health mechanism.
Alright so Masachika Kawata was interviewed in The Philippines, here's the vid

Some key points:
- Save room confirmed. There will be both auto-save/checkpoint and save room (manual save).
- The game isn't linear in terms of progression but it is still a linear story, meaning not that there’s only one way through, rather it takes place in a linear timeline. No chapters also confirmed.
- There will be situations where there are several enemies. Just to note, there will be no situations where it’s you versus 20 or 30 enemies like RE 6, but it’s also not just 1 versus 1.
- Terrifying creatures and the Bakers are some of the enemies.
- Resident Evil 7 will be pure single-player survival horror which means that the game is not supporting any online modes.
They do plan to update the demo one more time on PSN for the players to experience the other aspects of the game. No fixed date for the update yet, but it will definitely be out before the game comes out. It'll be coming to other platforms as well.
- In conclusion, they dropped hints that there will be heavy item management including item boxes, lots of exploration, and that combat will be a major thing.
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No online modes? That's so disappointing for me. I'd spend hours and hours playing online when I'd finished with the campaign...

Though I guess with the kind of game this is, it would be difficult to incorporate an online mode. But still, I'm a little disappointed.
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One thing im kinda down about, is no mercs. Yes yes i know it dosen't exactly spell horror, but it dosent have to, it's a bonus mode. I guess it would be a little out of place, and it's not exactly like they could have Ethan be an average joe in the campaign, then be a tank in mercs, but still. Mercs extended my time with RE5 & 6 literally hundreds of hours and even now me and my brother or me and my friends fire up mercs. Ah well, a bonus mode or lack of isnt going to spoil the game i guess. Just a shame if mercs died at 6.
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I see 2 possibilities here
- There will be indeed both auto and manual save (separate slot) and how it works is probably gonna be similar to GTA V. It's not pointless if they are separated (not overwrite each other).


- They mean checkpoint. Now checkpoint =/= auto save.
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One thing im kinda down about, is no mercs. Yes yes i know it dosen't exactly spell horror, but it dosent have to, it's a bonus mode. I guess it would be a little out of place, and it's not exactly like they could have Ethan be an average joe in the campaign, then be a tank in mercs, but still. Mercs extended my time with RE5 & 6 literally hundreds of hours and even now me and my brother or me and my friends fire up mercs. Ah well, a bonus mode or lack of isnt going to spoil the game i guess. Just a shame if mercs died at 6.
All of this. Literally all of it.
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Hey, in reference to the couple of posts above me, yes, mercenary mode was definitely a great addition to Resident Evil.
-Resident Evil 1 for sega Saturn introduced the first battle mode ever. The Ex. Battle mode for Resident Evil 2 is also super fun, starting from the lab and going back the police station to find the four bombs. Playing as Chris and Ada is cool too.
-Resident Evil 3 Mercenary mode was kinda cool, it had the time factor where the time was counting down and you had to kill enemies to keep it going. And you can only play as Nicholia, Mikhal, and Carlos.
-Code Veronica had a similar mode as well, where you can play as Wesker and Steve.
-Resident Evil Zero had Leech Hunter mode which was super fun.
-Resident Evil 4 was the next level of mercenary game play.
-5 continued and 6 continued that fun,
-But ya cant forget Raid Mode on Revelations 1 and 2.
Revelations 2 Raid Mode was incredible, being able to paly with another player and leveling up tons of characters and obtaining weapons and getting special perks for your guns. I think Raid Mode on Revelations 2 was the best.

Now in reference to Resident Evil 7, I cant freakin wait. The most anticipated game I ever lived through to play. And I lived through em all! I cant explain the psychedness Im feeling. Similar to how Resident Evil 4 changed the pace of the Resident Evil games, I feel 7 is going to deliver as well. Im a fan of all Resident Evil games, everytime I play one, im like, this is my favorite, then I play the next im like this is my favorite. I could play any Resident Evil game anytime and enjoy them all the same, going from the first from 96, all the way to Revelations 2. Theres qualities and aspects of each game that make each one unique.
I was.... technically alive when RE2 came out; a whopping four days old. But yeah I'm really excited for re7 as well. I was one of those people who was excited from the getgo, but everything we've heard since has only upped my hype levels. Haven't been able to play the updated demo though because I'm stuck at college atm, but there's always thanksgiving break. And who knows, maybe the next demo update will be out by then.

I love mercs because it's got pretty much endless replayability. To me raid isn't that fun after you beat everything, but that might just be me. Though I wouldn't be surprised if other people got bored of mercs more quickly than I. I just love it because my brother and I really bond over mercs and it's a fun pastime for us whenever he's home.
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From the interview:

"Should we expect to see the changes here for future titles like the First Person Perspective?

It really depends on the goals of the title. We’ll definitely look at not only what future titles need, but also how fans accept this move, so if it’s popular with them, we’ll probably keep using it."