I have a bit of good news for those of you who were disheartened by the Resi 7 E3 trailer: Capcom confirmed during the aforementioned Twitch feed that the playable demo is just a tech demo/teaser meant to set the tone and NOT part of the actual game much like the Silent Hills P.T.
Great news, and really not all that surprising seeing how it literally looked like a carbon copy of the P.T. Hell, Kojima probably gave them the assets after Konami fired him like the pretentious assholes they've sadly become, LOL. Notice how it uses the exact same textures as the P.T. and blatantly ripped it off 7 ways from Sunday.
Capcom also hired one of the main devs from Konami to work on the game, no doubt that may have also factored into the decision.
That being said, if it (and by that, I mean the actual game) really is gonna be in first person, I wish they'd give us a 3rd person option or at least a zoom out feature at bare minimum, though I seem to be one of the few actually willing to give it a chance and play it first before judging. Even after they said there's NOT gonna be any ghosts or paranormal **** in the game itself, the trolls in the comment section still bitched and moaned about them copying Silent Hills, bunch of whiners.
Great news, and really not all that surprising seeing how it literally looked like a carbon copy of the P.T. Hell, Kojima probably gave them the assets after Konami fired him like the pretentious assholes they've sadly become, LOL. Notice how it uses the exact same textures as the P.T. and blatantly ripped it off 7 ways from Sunday.

Capcom also hired one of the main devs from Konami to work on the game, no doubt that may have also factored into the decision.
That being said, if it (and by that, I mean the actual game) really is gonna be in first person, I wish they'd give us a 3rd person option or at least a zoom out feature at bare minimum, though I seem to be one of the few actually willing to give it a chance and play it first before judging. Even after they said there's NOT gonna be any ghosts or paranormal **** in the game itself, the trolls in the comment section still bitched and moaned about them copying Silent Hills, bunch of whiners.