Um, though MOST of this is true, the Leon thing is false...Just cause the movie is coming out that year doesn't mean thats when it takes place...RE1 came out in 1996, but took place in 1998...RE5, came out in 09, but took place in 08, and Degeneration i don't remember, but i KNOW it takes place earlier than it's actual release fact, i'm willing to bet ANYTHING that Damnation takes place in 2009...In any case, it will see ligth no sooner than fall 2012...
This adds to the idea that it can't be Leon... He will be the protagonist of his own CGI movie then...
Claire is not much of a choice, they explain in the first CGI movie (the one in the airport, can't remember the name) that she has moved to the "desk job" side of counter-bioterrorism...
Billy Coen is "dead"...
Rebecca, probably...
Barry, too old...
Carlos, we haven't heard of him since RE3, and I have the feeling we won't see him again...
Ada, please; but unlikely, she is bound to appear in Leon-games...
Jill and Chris, Revelations...
Wesker, DEAD (accept it!)
A platypus, it woud be too much...
But we will have games in between...Like Revalations possibly...There hasn't been a confirmed release date yet has there...And They used Jill in both Revelations AND RE5...Besides, Leon is gonna be in ORC, and what if Damnation is the next installment after ORC...The thing is not when they take place, but the way we see characters in the reality...
The point is that Capcom doesn't use the same characters more than twice, look:
RE0: Billy-Rebecca
RE1: Jill-Chris
RE2: Leon-Claire-Ada
RE3: Jill-Carlos
RE-CV: Claire-Steve-Chris
RE4: Leon-Ada
RE-DEG: Leon-Claire
RE-REV: Jill-Chris
RE5: Chris-Sheva-Jill
RE6: ???
RE-DAM: ???
Where do you assume Damnation occurs?
After revelations?
Before RE6?
how has jill been overused? she has appeard in two games!Then I'll go with Claire...
Jill and Chris have both been overused in the last years...
Nope. No Milla. And I would not want Milla in an RE game ever unless she was some weird dlc for mercenaries or something. I just don't like the movies that much.I do... But I only have eyes for Milla... Did she appeared in one?
He should look all moutain man looking nowdays... longer hair and a bigger beard. That would be totally badass!!!It was present, just not as full as his original incarnation's. But yeah, BRING ON THE FUZZ.
I think Capcom would catch a lot of crap if they put Alice on the disc. They'd catch crap either way. Most Capcom fans bitch at them for whatever reasons they can really.
I'd actually love to see a game of the movies. I think it would make for a really action packed, fast paced game. Plus I just LOVE Milla.. so... yeah.