Yup, I was freakin out on that part the first time by the way... "Oh, god... not like the movie" lolClosest we get is laser corridor in RE4 (inspired by first movie)
Yup, I was freakin out on that part the first time by the way... "Oh, god... not like the movie" lolClosest we get is laser corridor in RE4 (inspired by first movie)
See i want Leon and Chris too, but I love the guy girl traditon...So i think if the do Leon Chris now then it has to be Jill and Claire in the follow up...Leon all the way.
I'll tell you what would be really cool? Leon-Chris. It don't HAVE to be a girl, right?
I agree...it both worries me and makes me really happy...I'm just stating what would be awesome.
I agree...it both worries me and makes me really happy...
Ya, but i don't want it to be a stupid co op thing...that would take away from it ALL...They need to make it like RE1, 2, 3, and 4 where they are both there, but not always together...you just run into each other at certain points...They could do double scenario style. Leon-Chris is one scenario (like Resi 5 style) and Jill-ShevaClaire as the other one. Get it?
I did. see there is a sort of pattern with the RE charatars and if there will be two possable people Claire has a strong chance of coming. the three most likely charactars for this game arealbert wesker died in the mansion and alex wesker as took is identity and he killed spencer and that's why he is the main charactor with claire redfield want prove look on the internet for a leak source xxx
'Twas kinda thinking the same thing.albert wesker died in the mansion and alex wesker as took is identity and he killed spencer and that's why he is the main charactor with claire redfield want prove look on the internet for a leak source xxx
he wont because he just had his roll in like the last gameI would love to see Jill and Leon pair up. But I know one thing, if Chris is the primary or secondary character in RE6, I am going to cry.
he wont because he just had his roll in like the last game