My first (and so far only) playthrough kept me busy for almost an hour because I took it reeeaaally slow, going everywhere and looking at everything. I found the shotgun and the combination for the safe, but no way to open the yellow locks and only 6 of the 20 dolls. I hope they're not that well hidden in the finished game (if they even appear there at all), or else I'll have a problem.
I don't think I need to say anything about the graphics, atmosphere and sound design, they are flawless, and while I did encounter a few reused zombie sounds and faces from the previous game, that doesn't bother me personally. Zombies are either weaker now or my ability to deliver headshots has improved, but I haven't quite mastered the dodge yet; I was an expert at it in Revelations 2, but then REmake 2 took that away and now I keep forgetting that I can do it again, instead trying to run away from enemies that get too close like the previous game taught me. Another thing where muscle memory gets in the way is the usage of the knife and grenades, in REmake 2 I would scroll through firearms with the mouse wheel and click it to bring out the sub weapon, now the mouse wheel also brings up the knife like a regular weapon, which has ruined quite a few of my attacks because I was expecting the shotgun. But that's something I will get used to eventually.
Nemesis is definitely scarier and harder to avoid than in the original thanks to his enhanced abilities. He managed to corner and stunlock me to death the first time I encountered him, which I can see becoming annoying in the long run, but I retaliated by bringing him to his knees three times, and the sounds he makes while he's down (like heavy rocks moving) only contribute to his impression of an unstoppable avalanche headed directly towards the player!
"Something Valentine" is super bitchy and I'm not sure I like it. Granted, she has every right to distrust the Umbrella soldiers, but in the original she was able to express that without sticking her head towards Carlos and saying "I know how a radio works" like a bratty teenage daughter who got mad at him for underestimating her maturity. All that's missing is her squinting her eyes and wrinkling her nose as she says it. Then again, I'm the one who always criticises her for her lack of personality and emotions (except in the original RE3), so I guess this Ada-esque cattiness, which will probably not last throughout the entire game anyway, is still better than that dullness from Revelations 1. I'm also starting to get used to her new voice, I like how it can be feisty or soft depending on the situation, like in the original.
All in all, despite a few little annoyances, I'm quite pleased with what I've seen so far and looking forward to the full game.