First of all when we were on the topic of what makes a PS1 character more recognisable, the costume or the face I already answered that both are equally important and that is my answer,
I don't think any fan would recognize the RE2 remake Claire if they were simply shown the character model and not told what game it belonged to. But if you were to show that same model only with the RE2 outfit instead, people would recognize her instantaneously, because the outfit is iconic. Therefore, outfit is much more important in making the character recognizable. RE character faces during the PS1/Dreamcast/PS2 eras are also not as important to recreate in a remake because they fluctuate from game to game anyway—but never once with any of those iterations did I think Claire was unrecognizable. Also take into consideration that the majority of the time we see the characters is during gameplay, when the character's face is small in the frame, which makes facial features take a backseat compared to the outfit (at least in terms of making the character recognizable)—especially since in this case, it's an over-the-shoulder camera showing us the back of the character's head most of the time.
As for Claire’s model itself, Claire has always had a slightly rounded face,
I disagree. But even if I did agree, the problem is that her face has never been as round as it is in the RE2 remake.
the only screen shot we have of her in the remake (the wallpaper depicting her with Leon doesn’t count as those models are not used in the actual game) shows her in a “looking up” angle which can make peoples faces look rounder,
It's true that faces look rounder when viewed from below, but that's not the issue, because you can see Claire from eye level in the new trailers if you pause it at the right time.
and as I mentioned she looks a lot like Claire as she has a similar facial structure as far as the the shape of the eyes, nose, lips and ears were designed, this model without question looks a lot like Claire facially
While her eyes look fine too me, her eyebrows are a little off now that I look at them (too narrow towards the center of the face). But what's more noticeable is that her nose is too wide, particularly at the bottom. Her mouth is also too wide. While her cheekbones might be the right width, her jowls are too chubby. Her face should have more tapering as it goes down to the chin. And lol, ears? There's virtually nothing to compare in the RE2 remake—there's either no clear view or they're completely in shadow. And unless they turn her into Dumbo, it's going to be pretty hard to screw up her ears. People don't recognize other people by their ears anyway. It's the facial structure that matters.
and even though it wasn’t in the original it was still a good decision to give her lipstick like her Romero commercial actress
There's no question that it's the games people are familiar with, not the commercials. Furthermore, the live-action commercials aren't a part of RE2's canon.
as one of the creepiest things about her original model was the complete lack of lip textures
This is incorrect. Her lips have a pink lip texture. You can see it more clearly when she's in the car with Leon at the beginning, and when Sherry is waking up on the train at the end.
(and since no detail was previously put in that area they can take some liberties with if she wore lipstick or not)
I can see an argument for making the lip color a little darker, but there's no good reason to make it drastically darker. The only thing that achieves is that it makes her less recognizable. Even in the sequels she appeared in afterwards (Code Veronica and Revelations 2), Claire never wore a color that dark.
this is a good example of a redesign done right for the sake of realism
There's nothing unrealistic about lighter shades of lipstick/lip gloss. They could have darkened her lips without darkening them as much as they did with a result that is equally realistic. Take Claire's lips from Code Veronica and Revelations 2 for example. Her lip color is much lighter in both of those examples and it works fine. It's better to lean towards either of those versions rather than to create something new that people aren't familiar with. And remember, this is not a new sequel going into uncharted territory. If it were, I probably wouldn't complain about the lip color.
As for Rebecca’s introduction, I have completed the original game so many times that I lost count and I do not recall Rebecca appearing anywhere else besides the storeroom where she pepper sprayed Chris, so I would like to know how you managed to trigger the alternate scene.
Simply get to Richard before entering the save room in the west wing.
And even if that scene was in tbe original that’s doesn’t change the fact that’s they cut out her other introduction from the remake, as well as other scenes like Barry dropping Jill’s rope and Wesker escaping the Mansion while activating the self destruct without getting impaled by Tyrant.
The narrative they took out of the RE1 remake is a small percentage compared to what they reproduced faithfully. Compare that to the percentage of narrative reproduced faithfully in the RE2 remake. It's like night and day. Not only does the RE2 remake completely remove narrative like the RE1 remake does, but it goes even further and completely changes the remaining dialog—which is a vital component of the narrative. So without a doubt, the RE1 remake is more faithful than the RE2 remake. A large percentage of the dialog in the RE1 remake is nearly identical to RE1. None of the dialog from the RE2 remake is nearly identical RE2. The difference in change is grossly disproportionate.
On the topic of the Lab entrance, I wasn’t talking about the lab interior or the fountain that you drain with the medals , I was referring to the underground era where Enrico was killed, originally that tunnel system was linked to the entry of the the lab through a small elevator near a the statue puzzle after you killed the giant spider but they changed it into a passageway that’s leads to Lisa’s Trevor’s hideout, wheras the lab entrence in the remake is located behind the lobby staircase in a dungeon like room where Lisa’s mother’s grave is located,
You're talking about an underground tunnel, not the lab entrance, and the layout is basically the same. I mean, we're talking the difference between a tunnel that leads to a dead end, and a tunnel that leads to a lift. Removing the lift doesn't change the look and feel of the tunnel, whereas rearranging the lobby of the RPD definitely changes the look and feel of it. Moreover, the lift in that tunnel is not an iconic part of RE1, whereas the lobby in the RPD is most definitely an iconic part of RE2. The RPD lobby is also a central hub you cross repeatedly, so you see it a lot—whereas the lift in that tunnel isn't used nearly as often. So there's no contest here for which change has a bigger impact on the look and feel of the game.
additionally they completely changed the circumstancess of how Barry can die.
Yes, there are some differences. But look at how much of the game is the same. You're pointing out a handful of differences, whereas the RE2 remake is completely filled with differences. There's no question that the narrative of the RE1 remake is more faithful than the RE2 remake.