Resident Evil 2 HD Remaster (Official Topic)

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No, pre-REmake RE1 was canon to the rest of the series (RE3/original RE2-onwards), now REmake is.

The timeline goes something like this:

RE0-REmake-RE3-REmake 2-CV-UE-RE4-Rev1-LiN-RE5-Rev2-RE6-RE7

How can it be in an alternate universe if it no longer exists in the continuity it was originally apart of? The short answer is that it isn't, that's what remake means. It would only exist separately in an alternate universe if it were a reboot like DmC from the main Devil May Cry universe, but it's not, so that theory is out the window.

Barry grew (notice I said grew, not regrew) the beard in Rev2 BTW.

Officially there is no canon Resident Evil 1 game and all of them take place in a seperate universe from Capcoms main timeline, but certain elements from both the remake and the original are canon, Barry’s and Chris’s original faces were later used in Resident Evil 6 and Revalations 2 (yes that Barry looks exactly like the original Barry, he looks notnkng like the beardless Jeff Bridges look alike from Remake) so that means that the original faces are still canon, while Lisa Trevor was mentioned in a file in Resident Evil 5 so her she is canon in Capcoms main storyline but the game she appeared in isn’t completely canon, the true story of Capcoms main universe is a unseen scenario where Chris and Jill explored separately without one of them disappearing in the dining room, and they both escape along with Barry and Rebecca in the helicopter, something which isn’t possible in any of the games.

So all versions of Resident Evil 1 are in a different universe from Capcoms primary storyline, only bits and pieces from each game is canon in the main reality, and whenether you believe it or not Resident Evil does have a multiverse, even the first game had utilised the multiverse concept through alternate endings, then we had the Anderson movies, Operation Raccoon City etc.
Officially there is no canon Resident Evil 1 game and all of them take place in a seperate universe from Capcoms main timeline, but certain elements from both the remake and the original are canon, Barry’s and Chris’s original faces were later used in Resident Evil 6 and Revalations 2 (yes that Barry looks exactly like the original Barry, he looks notnkng like the beardless Jeff Bridges look alike from Remake) so that means that the original faces are still canon, while Lisa Trevor was mentioned in a file in Resident Evil 5 so her she is canon in Capcoms main storyline but the game she appeared in isn’t completely canon, the true story of Capcoms main universe is a unseen scenario where Chris and Jill explored separately without one of them disappearing in the dining room, and they both escape along with Barry and Rebecca in the helicopter, something which isn’t possible in any of the games.

So all versions of Resident Evil 1 are in a different universe from Capcoms primary storyline, only bits and pieces from each game is canon in the main reality, and whenether you believe it or not Resident Evil does have a multiverse, even the first game had utilised the multiverse concept through alternate endings, then we had the Anderson movies, Operation Raccoon City etc.

Stop lying, bro.
I'll do you one better:

No, there are no alternate universes, not according to the rules of a remake. In a remake, what you thought you knew no longer exists, period, dot, end of.

Ok let’s assume for a moment for the sake of the argument that I am a big fat liar and there is no alternate timelines in Resident Evil, that means that:

1.Marvel vs Capcom is Canon.

2. Paul Anderson’s Movies are Canon.

3. Operation Raccoon City is Canon.

4. all the alternate endings of the first game, where ether Rebecca or Barry died, or depending on who you played as, Chris or Jill got left behind in the Mansion, are all Canon.

Are you SURE that there isn’t a Resident Evil multiverse?

I don’t think you understand what a alternate universe is, which is a collective of events that are set in a different reality from the main storyline to avoid the continuity from becoming inconsistent, a alternate reality does not have to be drastic like Devil May Cry, it can be consistent for the most part of the original storyline like the Star Wars Legends compared to Disney’s timeline where the origin stories of the original characters are identical, this is the last time I am going to repeat myself, if you cannot understand or refuse to acknowledge a thing I said then you have my word I will stop talking about it on this topic, if wilful ignorance and mocking me is your style good for you, frankly I don’t give a crap.
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Ok let’s assume for a moment for the sake of the argument that I am a big fat liar and there is no alternate timelines in Resident Evil, that means that:

1.Marvel vs Capcom is Canon.

2. Paul Anderson’s Movies are Canon.

3. Operation Raccoon City is Canon.

4. all the alternate endings of the first game, where ether Rebecca or Barry died, or depending on who you played as, Chris or Jill got left behind in the Mansion, are all Canon.

Are you SURE that there isn’t a Resident Evil multiverse?

I don’t think you understand what a alternate universe is, which is a collective of events that are set in a different reality from the main storyline to avoid the continuity from becoming inconsistent, a alternate reality does not have to be drastic like Devil May Cry, it can be consistent for the most part of the original storyline like the Star Wars Legends compared to Disney’s timeline where the origin stories of the original characters are identical, this is the last time I am going to repeat myself, if you cannot understand or refuse to acknowledge a thing I said then you have my word I will stop talking about it on this topic, if wilful ignorance and mocking me is your style good for you, frankly I don’t give a crap.

You read way too many comic books. Every piece of media with Resident Evil in it isn't suddenly an alternate reality to Resident Evil. They're video games. Stop trying to make them more than they are. Alternate endings don't equal new universes... There are many choices you can make in the game. The game has to end somehow. Therefore, there will be endings reflective of your choices. But only few choices matter, and that's saving everyone. Those other endings are there for the player, because it's a video game... This isn't DC with its 52 universes or whatever. Resident Evil doesn't go hopping around from universe to universe, nor has the concept ever been established in the series, like they have been in comics.

You read way too much into this and come out with ridiculous conclusions like every change in appearance equals a new universe... Is it a new universe whenever someone new was cast as Bond or everytime some artist drew some superhero differently? No. That's just f*cking ridiculous. You spew lies and expect us to be cool with it? Especially when you say nonsense like RE6 Chris is based on the sh*tty actor from RE1 despite it being clearly based on the RE5 model which was also based on the REmake model. Those are facts. Your opinion doesn't change them.

So many things being discussed in this thread were never topics of contention on this forum until now. The majority of people here disagree with you. That should tell you enough. You don't have to repeat yourself to us. We all understood the first time. You're not bestowing any brand new wisdom on us. But if you want to think we're being ignorant because clearly, you got all the facts down with your awesome knowledge on multiverses, then you were never interested in debate or discussion. You just wanted to tell us that the way you view the series is correct, despite all the evidence against you.
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First of all when we were on the topic of what makes a PS1 character more recognisable, the costume or the face I already answered that both are equally important and that is my answer,
I don't think any fan would recognize the RE2 remake Claire if they were simply shown the character model and not told what game it belonged to. But if you were to show that same model only with the RE2 outfit instead, people would recognize her instantaneously, because the outfit is iconic. Therefore, outfit is much more important in making the character recognizable. RE character faces during the PS1/Dreamcast/PS2 eras are also not as important to recreate in a remake because they fluctuate from game to game anyway—but never once with any of those iterations did I think Claire was unrecognizable. Also take into consideration that the majority of the time we see the characters is during gameplay, when the character's face is small in the frame, which makes facial features take a backseat compared to the outfit (at least in terms of making the character recognizable)—especially since in this case, it's an over-the-shoulder camera showing us the back of the character's head most of the time.

As for Claire’s model itself, Claire has always had a slightly rounded face,
I disagree. But even if I did agree, the problem is that her face has never been as round as it is in the RE2 remake.

the only screen shot we have of her in the remake (the wallpaper depicting her with Leon doesn’t count as those models are not used in the actual game) shows her in a “looking up” angle which can make peoples faces look rounder,
It's true that faces look rounder when viewed from below, but that's not the issue, because you can see Claire from eye level in the new trailers if you pause it at the right time.

and as I mentioned she looks a lot like Claire as she has a similar facial structure as far as the the shape of the eyes, nose, lips and ears were designed, this model without question looks a lot like Claire facially
While her eyes look fine too me, her eyebrows are a little off now that I look at them (too narrow towards the center of the face). But what's more noticeable is that her nose is too wide, particularly at the bottom. Her mouth is also too wide. While her cheekbones might be the right width, her jowls are too chubby. Her face should have more tapering as it goes down to the chin. And lol, ears? There's virtually nothing to compare in the RE2 remake—there's either no clear view or they're completely in shadow. And unless they turn her into Dumbo, it's going to be pretty hard to screw up her ears. People don't recognize other people by their ears anyway. It's the facial structure that matters.

and even though it wasn’t in the original it was still a good decision to give her lipstick like her Romero commercial actress
There's no question that it's the games people are familiar with, not the commercials. Furthermore, the live-action commercials aren't a part of RE2's canon.

as one of the creepiest things about her original model was the complete lack of lip textures
This is incorrect. Her lips have a pink lip texture. You can see it more clearly when she's in the car with Leon at the beginning, and when Sherry is waking up on the train at the end.

(and since no detail was previously put in that area they can take some liberties with if she wore lipstick or not)
I can see an argument for making the lip color a little darker, but there's no good reason to make it drastically darker. The only thing that achieves is that it makes her less recognizable. Even in the sequels she appeared in afterwards (Code Veronica and Revelations 2), Claire never wore a color that dark.

this is a good example of a redesign done right for the sake of realism
There's nothing unrealistic about lighter shades of lipstick/lip gloss. They could have darkened her lips without darkening them as much as they did with a result that is equally realistic. Take Claire's lips from Code Veronica and Revelations 2 for example. Her lip color is much lighter in both of those examples and it works fine. It's better to lean towards either of those versions rather than to create something new that people aren't familiar with. And remember, this is not a new sequel going into uncharted territory. If it were, I probably wouldn't complain about the lip color.

As for Rebecca’s introduction, I have completed the original game so many times that I lost count and I do not recall Rebecca appearing anywhere else besides the storeroom where she pepper sprayed Chris, so I would like to know how you managed to trigger the alternate scene.
Simply get to Richard before entering the save room in the west wing.

And even if that scene was in tbe original that’s doesn’t change the fact that’s they cut out her other introduction from the remake, as well as other scenes like Barry dropping Jill’s rope and Wesker escaping the Mansion while activating the self destruct without getting impaled by Tyrant.
The narrative they took out of the RE1 remake is a small percentage compared to what they reproduced faithfully. Compare that to the percentage of narrative reproduced faithfully in the RE2 remake. It's like night and day. Not only does the RE2 remake completely remove narrative like the RE1 remake does, but it goes even further and completely changes the remaining dialog—which is a vital component of the narrative. So without a doubt, the RE1 remake is more faithful than the RE2 remake. A large percentage of the dialog in the RE1 remake is nearly identical to RE1. None of the dialog from the RE2 remake is nearly identical RE2. The difference in change is grossly disproportionate.

On the topic of the Lab entrance, I wasn’t talking about the lab interior or the fountain that you drain with the medals , I was referring to the underground era where Enrico was killed, originally that tunnel system was linked to the entry of the the lab through a small elevator near a the statue puzzle after you killed the giant spider but they changed it into a passageway that’s leads to Lisa’s Trevor’s hideout, wheras the lab entrence in the remake is located behind the lobby staircase in a dungeon like room where Lisa’s mother’s grave is located,
You're talking about an underground tunnel, not the lab entrance, and the layout is basically the same. I mean, we're talking the difference between a tunnel that leads to a dead end, and a tunnel that leads to a lift. Removing the lift doesn't change the look and feel of the tunnel, whereas rearranging the lobby of the RPD definitely changes the look and feel of it. Moreover, the lift in that tunnel is not an iconic part of RE1, whereas the lobby in the RPD is most definitely an iconic part of RE2. The RPD lobby is also a central hub you cross repeatedly, so you see it a lot—whereas the lift in that tunnel isn't used nearly as often. So there's no contest here for which change has a bigger impact on the look and feel of the game.

additionally they completely changed the circumstancess of how Barry can die.
Yes, there are some differences. But look at how much of the game is the same. You're pointing out a handful of differences, whereas the RE2 remake is completely filled with differences. There's no question that the narrative of the RE1 remake is more faithful than the RE2 remake.
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You read way too many comic books. Every piece of media with Resident Evil in it isn't suddenly an alternate reality to Resident Evil. They're video games. Stop trying to make them more than they are. Alternate endings don't equal new universes... There are many choices you can make in the game. The game has to end somehow. Therefore, there will be endings reflective of your choices. But only few choices matter, and that's saving everyone. Those other endings are there for the player, because it's a video game... This isn't DC with its 52 universes or whatever. Resident Evil doesn't go hopping around from universe to universe, nor has the concept ever been established in the series, like they have been in comics.

You read way too much into this and come out with ridiculous conclusions like every change in appearance equals a new universe... Is it a new universe whenever someone new was cast as Bond or everytime some artist drew some superhero differently? No. That's just f*cking ridiculous. You spew lies and expect us to be cool with it? Especially when you say nonsense like RE6 Chris is based on the sh*tty actor from RE1 despite it being clearly based on the RE5 model which was also based on the REmake model. Those are facts. Your opinion doesn't change them.

So many things being discussed in this thread were never topics of contention on this forum until now. The majority of people here disagree with you. That should tell you enough. You don't have to repeat yourself to us. We all understood the first time. You're not bestowing any brand new wisdom on us. But if you want to think we're being ignorant because clearly, you got all the facts down with your awesome knowledge on multiverses, then you were never interested in debate or discussion. You just wanted to tell us that the way you view the series is correct, despite all the evidence against you.


Using a VA’s likeness=\=canon BTW.
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After all this remake stuff comes and goes, Capcom better focus on working on the future of this franchise to ensure its survival, instead of playing it all nostalgic and screwing with my emotions. I'm kind of sick of them going back to 1998 over and over again because that's where the money must lay. They're lazy and have no ideas, or at least not ideas that don't involve remakes and rubbish spin off games.
You read way too many comic books. Every piece of media with Resident Evil in it isn't suddenly an alternate reality to Resident Evil. They're video games. Stop trying to make them more than they are. Alternate endings don't equal new universes... There are many choices you can make in the game. The game has to end somehow. Therefore, there will be endings reflective of your choices. But only few choices matter, and that's saving everyone. Those other endings are there for the player, because it's a video game... This isn't DC with its 52 universes or whatever. Resident Evil doesn't go hopping around from universe to universe, nor has the concept ever been established in the series, like they have been in comics.

You read way too much into this and come out with ridiculous conclusions like every change in appearance equals a new universe... Is it a new universe whenever someone new was cast as Bond or everytime some artist drew some superhero differently? No. That's just f*cking ridiculous. You spew lies and expect us to be cool with it? Especially when you say nonsense like RE6 Chris is based on the sh*tty actor from RE1 despite it being clearly based on the RE5 model which was also based on the REmake model. Those are facts. Your opinion doesn't change them.

So many things being discussed in this thread were never topics of contention on this forum until now. The majority of people here disagree with you. That should tell you enough. You don't have to repeat yourself to us. We all understood the first time. You're not bestowing any brand new wisdom on us. But if you want to think we're being ignorant because clearly, you got all the facts down with your awesome knowledge on multiverses, then you were never interested in debate or discussion. You just wanted to tell us that the way you view the series is correct, despite all the evidence against you.

First of all you do realise that the Sh*tty actor’s face type has been used in Code Veronica and Resident Evil 5 right? that was the face he had in the first game that was used all the way until Resident Evil 7 came along, whenether he is a bad actor or not that doesn’t change the fact that is his appearance in the original game and it was fairly consistent in the sequels until Resident Evil 7, of course Chris never looked exactly like he did in the original game, he was designed across multiple game engines from different eras , he aged (like everyone does) and put on muscle mass but you can still recognise him in the later games, even remake Chris has similar Features, that isn’t spewing lies that is a indisputable fact.

Secondly getting angry with me, swearing, having a tantrum and pretending alternate universes in fiction doesn’t exist doesn’t change anything, I provided examples of alternate realities within Resident Evil like Operation Raccoon City and you ignored that conpletely, like I said previously I am not going going to bother debating that with people like you anymore.

Also of course the current Bond is from a different universe, the original James Bond character from the 60s would be pushing a hundred years old by now, I can’t believe you even asked such a obvious self explaining question.

Overall you debunked nothing and I had enough of this and your immature tantrums, you are entitled to your own opinions but if you make fun of me or act disrespectful towards against me again and call me a liar because I have a different opinion I will report you, so goodbye.
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I know, man. It's bonkers.

Resident Evil fanboy syndrome has been released into the atmosphere, ensuring...


I know, man. It's bonkers.

Resident Evil fanboy syndrome has been released into the atmosphere, ensuring...


After watching your video, I have a question for you: Do you still think it's unwarranted that you received a weeklong suspension?
For acting hostile, insulting the intelligence of the people who disagree with your perspective; calling them sheep for being more optimistic about REmake 2 than you are?
It was aggravating to read what boiled down to a semantics argument up to that point, and it doesn't reflect well on you when you simply call the people on the forum Fanboys, doubling down on this namecalling crap.
I know, man. It's bonkers.

Resident Evil fanboy syndrome has been released into the atmosphere, ensuring...


I don’t know about you but I feel like that people on this forum are blaming me for the direction the franchise went, I know that it doesn’t make any sense but that is the imperssion that I am under since everyone seems to be so mad at me while selectively ignoring everything that I said.

How is it MY fault that Chris Redfield and the other characters were played by “sh*tty actors” in the original and that his face appears to have influenced the design of his later models? What do you want me to do? travel back in time and convince Capcom to hire a more Shakespearean Christian Bale type actor?

How is it MY fault that Capcom made remakes and different versions of their games with contradicting storyline and design elements?

How is it MY fault that they licensed out their property to comic book publishers, manga writers and novelists that took liberties with the lore?

How is it my fault that they made Operation Raccoon City and allowed Paul Anderson to make a film Universe that barely even remotely resembled the source material? how is it my fault that they created versions of Resident Evil characters specifically for a fighting game that involves the likes of Deadpool and Megaman?

I had nothing to do with the direction of the franchise, so when I called the different continuities a multiverse I was just calling it what it is, don’t shoot the messenger, don’t lash out at me or have tantrums, if you don’t like the direction the franchise went and are upset with how the lore branches off take it up with Capcom instead of getting angry at me or launching hate fueled posts at me like calling me a liar.

Well guess what buddy? Today is your lucky day! You don’t have to worry about me anymore because I am done with you, your followers and this entire site, I have better things to do than to talk to bullies on the internet that don’t respect other people’s opinions and make up stories about them being liars.

So jog on and forget that I existed.
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I wasn't going to post here again, but what makes you "Turo602" think this remake is canonical, anyway, when even Capcom claim it is not at all?
Reboots don't require "a total overhaul that changes the marjor plot entirely," as you say. In Superman reboots, he always arrives on Earth as a survivor of the exploding planet Krypton, sent by his biological parents, raised in Smallville by his foster parents the Kents, moves to Metropolis, becomes a reporter, dates Lois Lane, works at the Daily Planet, etc. It's the same for Batman reboots, Spider-Man reboots, etc.
I can't speak for any of the plots in superhero stories because I hate them, but even so, to me those things are describing Superman's background that never changes, just like the main details of Lara's backstory in Tomb Raider are largely unchanged. It's the plot from that point that makes it a reboot, because it affects the future story. When I said a total over haul that changes the major plot entirely, I meant an overhaul of the events of Resident Evil 2, that affect the whole series plot going forward.

It's without a doubt true that many of us are saying much based on a small sample of what the game is. But I think it's safe to say that the sample size they've given us more or less represents the direction the finished game is going to go in. Developers most certainly anticipate the reaction fans will have to a reveal, and likely wouldn't show parts that are atypical of their vision. And I think it's important to note that from what they've shown of the narrative, nothing is as close a match to the original as the RE1 remake is to the original RE1.

The key thing that separates a remake from a reboot is how distinct it is, especially with the continuity. The more drastically you change the contunity, the easier it is to say it's a reboot.

This is very true, but it's not just the clothes and hair that are different, it's the narrative too—when, where and how scenes play out and where characters are on the checkerboard, what they say, what they do, who they interact with, how they interact with each other, etc.

But these are such minor changes. Yes, they're different from the original and events didn't unfold that way, but in the end, the characters who die will still die, for example. The end result will be the same, so it doesn't matter that Leon talks to Marvin more than he did in the original. That's fleshing out the story and adding more depth, not rebooting.

Ok correct me if I am wrong you seem to be under the impression that only crazy sci fi stories involving time travel (like for example The Terminator) can have alternate realities, that is simply not how it works, any work of fiction can have a alternate universe which is basically another continuity that is similar but not identical to the source material and how different it varies can depend, like I said before a reboot doesn't have to be extremely noticeable like DMC.

And Resident Evil does have a multiverse, first of all you have the original game, directors cut, the remake and all their different endings, then you have the wildstorm comic books and SD Perry novels, Operation Raccon City , the Anderson movies and marvel vs capcom to name a few, the list goes on, just because the current games apparently follow the remakes timeline over the original's doesn't change the fact that it is an alternate universe.

I didn't say that it could only happen in a sci-fi movie involving time travel. I said it was like the way it is in sci-fi movies. It was an example. Either way, I'm not going to rehash your alternate universe arguments because I feel like all the points I'd make would just be repeating what myself and others have already said on the matter.

I know, man. It's bonkers.

Resident Evil fanboy syndrome has been released into the atmosphere, ensuring...


I watched your video, even though you appear to have deleted it now. I don't know if you were active on this forum when Resident Evil 7 was announced two years ago, but quite a few of us were very unhappy about the direction that they chose for that game, myself included. Whilst I looked forward to RE6, the end experience was a very disappointing one for me. Personally, I wasn't all that bothered about the RE2 remake, but having seen what I've seen so far I'm looking forward to it.

We are not sheep. We do not accept whatever Capcom give us and thank them on bended knee. Just because people are more optimistic than you, that doesn't make them fanboys and sheep.
I wasn't going to post here again, but what makes you "Turo602" think this remake is canonical, anyway, when even Capcom claim it is not at all?
When did they say this?
I gotta be honest, I was in the fixed angles and tank controls crowd ever since this remake was announced. I like third-person horror games, but I feel that the two playstyles have different means of conveying tension and horror, and I personally really love the way the first REmake plays, so I wanted to see more of that.

However, after seeing the reveal trailer and some of the gameplay, I'm fully on board with the direction the game has taken and I can't wait to see how it turns out. I was concerned at first because, weirdly enough, Capcom hasn't really nailed third-person survival horror before with any RE game (aside from Revelations, I guess? but that was alright). This is their first real take on it. Unlike RE4, 5 or 6, this remake seems to focus on tension and survival. It's rare that you see that in a third-person setting, and it's very compelling.
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I can't speak for any of the plots in superhero stories because I hate them, but even so, to me those things are describing Superman's background that never changes, just like the main details of Lara's backstory in Tomb Raider are largely unchanged.
And what is Leon and Claire's backstory? RE2 is their backstory. There's nothing in their backstory that takes place before RE2 begins.

Also, even if there is overlap with the original, that doesn't mean it isn't a reboot. Reboots have to have some level of overlap or they might as well be part of a different franchise.

It's the plot from that point that makes it a reboot, because it affects the future story. When I said a total over haul that changes the major plot entirely, I meant an overhaul of the events of Resident Evil 2, that affect the whole series plot going forward.
As I've said before, in order to affect the whole series going forward, Leon, Claire, or Sherry would have to be either dismembered or killed, or there would have to not be a T-virus outbreak in Racoon City. While a reboot could do some of those things (or even all of them), it doesn't have to in order to be considered a reboot.

I said:
This is very true, but it's not just the clothes and hair that are different, it's the narrative too—when, where and how scenes play out and where characters are on the checkerboard, what they say, what they do, who they interact with, how they interact with each other, etc.
But these are such minor changes.
I wouldn't call those changes minor. I would call them significant. Minor changes would be like the narrative changes made to Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (but for the record, I think the stylistic difference in the action depicted in the cutscenes of that remake is unforgivable, and there are a number of other problems with it).

Yes, they're different from the original and events didn't unfold that way, but in the end, the characters who die will still die, for example.
A reboot doesn't have to change who dies in order for it to be considered a reboot.

The end result will be the same, so it doesn't matter that Leon talks to Marvin more than he did in the original.
But the continuity is different. You can't swap Marvin's original RE2 scene in and out of the RE2 remake and have the narrative continue in a way that makes sense.

That's fleshing out the story and adding more depth, not rebooting.
As I've explained before, they removed narrative from Marvin's scene that both reduces the level of depth he has as a character and also simplifies the story, so I wouldn't call that "fleshing out the story," or "adding more depth." The depth it adds is with the graphics, editing, and continuity between takes, and I'm not complaining about any of that (and you can make an argument for the VO as well). But anyway, whether or not either of us thinks the narrative is better or worse is subjective, my point is that it's different. And a reboot doesn't have to add or remove depth in order to be considered a reboot. It has to be distinct from the original (which it is doing), and it has to have different continuity (which it has).
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So in other words, a lot of fans who wanted a scene for scene remake like the first remake pretty much was, are feeling disappointed and rightfully so. Because so much has changed with gaming, and Capcom left it over 15 years too late to do a remake like what Shinji Mikami did with the original. This is why I know many long term fans are angry and feel let down by Capcom. Like this guy here, on YouTube, says a lot.

Positivity, hallelujah.
I definitely like what I saw, too. I heard a while ago that the development team of REmake 2 were consulting the different teams of fans making their own remakes up to that point, and I think I see that reflected in the Police Station's environment, with the same dark and dramatic lighting as an older demo video.

But just seeing anything of REmake 2 was a nice surprise, because I don't think much else was shared beforehand.
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