I'm also kind of upset by the hate Claire is getting. As you can probably tell from my avi, I love her new look. She looks real now! I'm also digging the new voice, a lot more than the Revelations 2 VA, and her interactions with Sherry seem much more natural now. It's not "Little girl! Must. Help." anymore it's now "****, there's a little kid in this mess?" I think keeping Sherry around isn't going to annoy me quite as much it did originally.
I'm honestly not sure why people are like: "Yah Leon looks great but wtf is up with Claire?" The designs for both of them look awesome.
Having been one of the people in question, I'd say it's because Leon still looks like himself, even the uniform is almost the same at first glance. With Claire, I had some trouble getting used to her face, I thought it looked too young and not like her at all, but that might be because she's my favourite character and I feel protective of her in a way, unlike Leon, who I never really cared about. Seeing more of her than just a quick glimpse in the very first trailer has slowly changed my mind, however, in fact I really like her face now, and the outfit too - while not as cool and unique as the original in my opinion, it's more realistic and nice-looking in its own right, and as you said, I also prefer her new attitude towards Sherry. (And people in general. You're going to regret treating her the way you did, Irons, I assure you!)
Speaking of Sherry, though, let me be blunt: I still hate,
HATE her new school uniform - gosh! If that chequered fashion abomination isn't the fugliest piece of canon clothing I've ever seen an RE character wear, I seriously don't know what is (and yes, I'm including Jessica's one-legged wetsuit in that equation). Also not a fan of Ada's voice, but neither of those things will ruin the game for me. Sadly, Mister X probably will. :sad: