Resident Evil 2 HD Remaster (Official Topic)

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I can't wait for this. I've already attached the release date to my calendar.

It's hard not to watch all the gameplay content that's being released, but I've decided to keep everything as a surprise. :wink:
Anyone else booking release day off work? I sure am and plan to binge play for a solid 12 hours straight
Yep! I've saved the last of my holiday days to take the Friday and the following Monday and Tuesday off. That gives me four days to play RE2 and hopefully finish it before Kingdom Hearts III comes out on the Tuesday.
What if REmake 2 Ada is like a babushka that always has another jacket under the jacket? :neutral::question:
I assume there will be one of those cool action type scenes where she throws her coat at the camera to reveal her signature red outfit (possibly with another jacket :P)
I'm super hyped for this game. I never quite beat the original, though I did get pretty much to the end. I'm actually a pretty big fan of the voice acting for this one
I rarely do this nowadays, but I'm going to get physical copy since that feels a bit more special. There's just something about having a real case and CD.

However, the downside from getting the physical copy is that I'll be snobbed from the pre-order bonuses you get from the PS Store (such as special outfits). I still have to pay the same price though.
I rarely do this nowadays, but I'm going to get physical copy since that feels a bit more special. There's just something about having a real case and CD.

However, the downside from getting the physical copy is that I'll be snobbed from the pre-order bonuses you get from the PS Store (such as special outfits). I still have to pay the same price though.
You can get the deluxe edition. I don't know what all it comes with but i would think you would get the special outfits
You can get the deluxe edition. I don't know what all it comes with but i would think you would get the special outfits
That's the thing. The deluxe digital edition from the PS Store costs the same as the normal physical edition in my country. But I really want a physical copy, so....
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I just hope menu time isn't included in those 30 minutes, because knowing me, it will take me that long to configure the controls.
How do you guys feel about the demo being timed at thirty minutes? I think it's a pretty lame tactic to make you more hyped for the game because you can't revisit the demo in the meantime. I would personally be happier and more worked up for the game if I could continue to play until release but that's just me.
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I think it's a creative idea, something different for a change, but I'm not terribly fond of it either. If I knew for sure that I'm going to get the full game in two weeks no matter what, it would be a different story, but since I'm still in doubt about this "zombies and Mister X follow you to the loo" gameplay, I'd like some more time to explore and get a better idea of it before I buy.
I'm also too new game thirsty to let myself get too bummed about it.
Oh I'm still downloading it, lol. I asked my fiance if he wanted to be there to watch me play it since you can only play it for thirty minutes and he said yes so as soon as we're able to be at home at the same time, I'm totally playing!!! I just wish I had more of a chance to explore the area we're allotted without the restrictions of time.

And is it just me, or did anyone else expect the boards to be busier with the impending remake upon us? I've been ninja-ing the forums wondering when everyone is gonna get hype and come back but I've been kinda disappointed. The people here talking about it are the ones that have always been lurking around. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
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I have a similar plan with my brother. Between the two of us, there are two PS4s, an XBox One, and a monster of a PC, and we're gonna go through it together on all of them. That way we can maximize the amount of exploration.

And I too thought the board would be bustling right now. I've been kind of keeping the place in my periphery waiting for heavier conversation, but it's been kind of a bummer. I'm hoping that when the game's actually out, people will be more talkative (and that it won't all be argumentative).
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Well that's just cheating, lol.

I'm honestly surprised by the amount of hate I've seen for this on IGN comments and YouTube! The game looks great, in my opinion; a perfect upgrade from what I've seen. (Though I will admit that I'm not an avid gamer or an expert by any means.)

I'm also kind of upset by the hate Claire is getting. As you can probably tell from my avi, I love her new look. She looks real now! I'm also digging the new voice, a lot more than the Revelations 2 VA, and her interactions with Sherry seem much more natural now. It's not "Little girl! Must. Help." anymore it's now "****, there's a little kid in this mess?" I think keeping Sherry around isn't going to annoy me quite as much it did originally.

I'm honestly not sure why people are like: "Yah Leon looks great but wtf is up with Claire?" The designs for both of them look awesome.

I don't think Leon and Ada's scenario is going to bother me as much as it originally did either. They both look a little more fleshed out and there seems to be more depth there than: "Pretty girl. Must. Follow."

Game makers seem to have taken time to go through and improve everything, not just graphics and gameplay, which I'm extremely happy about.
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I'm also kind of upset by the hate Claire is getting. As you can probably tell from my avi, I love her new look. She looks real now! I'm also digging the new voice, a lot more than the Revelations 2 VA, and her interactions with Sherry seem much more natural now. It's not "Little girl! Must. Help." anymore it's now "****, there's a little kid in this mess?" I think keeping Sherry around isn't going to annoy me quite as much it did originally.

I'm honestly not sure why people are like: "Yah Leon looks great but wtf is up with Claire?" The designs for both of them look awesome.

Having been one of the people in question, I'd say it's because Leon still looks like himself, even the uniform is almost the same at first glance. With Claire, I had some trouble getting used to her face, I thought it looked too young and not like her at all, but that might be because she's my favourite character and I feel protective of her in a way, unlike Leon, who I never really cared about. Seeing more of her than just a quick glimpse in the very first trailer has slowly changed my mind, however, in fact I really like her face now, and the outfit too - while not as cool and unique as the original in my opinion, it's more realistic and nice-looking in its own right, and as you said, I also prefer her new attitude towards Sherry. (And people in general. You're going to regret treating her the way you did, Irons, I assure you!)

Speaking of Sherry, though, let me be blunt: I still hate, hate, HATE her new school uniform - gosh! If that chequered fashion abomination isn't the fugliest piece of canon clothing I've ever seen an RE character wear, I seriously don't know what is (and yes, I'm including Jessica's one-legged wetsuit in that equation). Also not a fan of Ada's voice, but neither of those things will ruin the game for me. Sadly, Mister X probably will. :sad: