After playing the game more i can finally give my review, it's full of spoiler so don't read it if you didn't play the game
The review it's a bit long, sorry for that, I'll try to be as short as possible while looking at every aspect of the game
I'll give a game an 8/10 because it was a good and enjoyable game whit some negative aspect unfortunately
Graphic 9
Let's start whit graphic and overall look of environment and character
The re engine is definitely been improved from re 2 remake, the graphic overall is awesome and one of the best I've ever seen, the environment are damn Good, probably I never saw a game so detailed , just look at how detailed is jill apartment, really amazing, there are news paper, pizza, jill stars hat, jill dogs photo ecc, you Can totally write a story of jill life only by looking at thos detail
The same goes for raccon city, just look on how detailed is the danoot shop, amazing
I loved most of the game area ans environment, except for the sewer who use recycled asset from re 2 remake, but that's fair since it set in the same city and time period, also the first part of nest 2/dead factory looked a bit anonimous, just white door and wall and some boxes, but it later became wonderful especially when you see the lab whit the tyrant and the part where you battle nemesis second form, but i miss the dead factory rude and rasty design from the original
The character are awesomely designed, they re facial expression is improved since re 2 and jill voice actor is really good as hell, i can really feel her emotion every time
Story 8/10
Story is an overall improvement from the original who was not that entertaining whit bland character, but this one was pretty good, entertaining and even faithful to the original, it's a total improvement from re 2 remake since this was a total mess also due to some cut and missing b scenario
Character are amazing, jill is fantastic, maybe it's the best portaiel of jill they ever made, they finally give her justice
But the most surprising character was Carlos, he was totally improved from the original game, where he was bland, underdeveloped and uninteresting, but in the remake totally steel the show, i was so attached to him that I was afraid that he would have died despite knowing the original story
Mikhail was Good too, improved from his boring re 3 counterpart, where he just yell nonsensical world every time, i only would have liked a more prominent death, nobody really care when he died, he would have liked jill and Carlos to share a moment for him
Tyrrell was also improved (well in the original he actually happened for 30 second) and I like him
Nicholai it's pretty mhe, he just want money that's all, pretty much like his original counterpart
I like how Brad was handled, he manage to redeem himself by defending jill, is death scene is also really powerful, that scene really stunned me, when he say sorry and Marvin looked at him, you can totally feel Marvin emotion
Dario, kendo and the other were good too but just cameo in the end
Overall i think that beside jill abd Carlos the other character could have been expanded more, for example jill and Mikhail could have had some moment whil Mikhail discussed his past and how he care for his team or else, nicholai could have also had a moment too, to let us look inside him more
Nonetheless character and story are definitely improved from the original and they are far better than re 2 remake were most character are just there but uninteresting, i feel like in the original re 2 character were better handled than in the remake, while in the case of the original re 3 and its remake it's the contrary
Gameplay 6.5
I overall liked the gameplay but i think it doesn't add anything to the already perfect re 2 remake but instead it's a total step back compared to it
This game its a decent between action and horror, but sometimes action is too much prominent, demishing the horror factor, it lack exploration and puzzle like re 2 remake, and you notice that since in the start the game have some interesting exploration and one puzzle, but become a linear action shooter after Carlos enter the scene, i simply just shoot in this section and I don't even use item box, exploration was downed to zero, fortunately Carlos isna good character so his part was entertaining but i admit that it bored me a little when i just shoot zombie
The game returned to exploration in the hospital level who was a total improvement from the original hospital who had just like 5 room and was pretty linear
The nest 2/dead factory was a total surprise, after some general action shooting against zombie we finally returned to some exploration again whit interesting environment, like tyrants room, i was glad they didn't cut this area too fortunately
I really missed the puzzle from the original game, they were so iconic, especially the water puzzle, they should have not cut them, it was a real waste
Liked the chance between first and third person in the prologue
Let's talk about nemesis, his design his good and intimidating especially in the first half of the game, the later design were also decent, ( i prefer the original second form, it was more intimideting, the one from the remake is decent but I think nemesis loose his charm) but they should have used the second form better, he should have stalked you like he did in the original, after the second part of the game nemesis simply disappear and i totally forgot about him, when he reappeared I was like: oh yes right you are in this game too
They could have used him better
From a gameplay point he is a total waste, he go down pretty easy while in the original he put up a good fight, also he is totally scripted, in the original he was not as scripted as in this remake, if you roam the city sometimes he would have randomly appeared in the street
But i enjoyed his boss battle
Mr x was better, he roam the station to try and find leon or claire, he had his own AI, he was unpredictable, nemesis its just scripted he happear on scripted location when the game demand, he never look for jill around and he is also pretty tupid, i can dodge him pretty easy, he is very predictable, he is not a real menace, in the original when you heard his music them and roar you would have realized you were screw but hear he his just a toy to play whit
Now let's talk about the cut content, game replay value and game length, the aspect that every people on the web are talking about
Yeah the game is short and review were right that it was 4 hours long on standard, it took me 5 hour on hardcore to complete it, a total of 7 hour counting cutscene, but the overall game dosent really feel short, it was OK, it dosent even feel rushed, it deliver the story the game wanted to deliver
Regarding cut Content, i was rally mad that the clock tower wasn't in the gamer but after playing i realize that the game works the same whitout it, you didn't feel it's absence, only people who played the original can feel it, because the game proceed smoothly even whitout clock tower, nonetheless, capcom could have put the clock tower in one way or another, it was my favorite part of the original game, so i really miss it
Also we can never know why they decide to cut the clock tower, it was because they didn't know what story purpose it could have served? Because they couldn't end the game in time for release date? Or because of some budget cut? Who knows
I only know that reviewer were a bit hard on this part, maybe they are fair but the game, especially for someone who never played thr originale, works the same whitout the clock tower part, re 2 remake cut like the b scenario was a worse cut than this since the story didn't make sense and they really cut what makes re 2 grate and unique , the Zapping system, yet no review mentioned this and they praised the game
However i would have liked to have the clock tower in the remake, because it has an unique atmosphere and i really missed that, i really miss thr clock tower soundtrack and nemesis second form chasing you in there
Also nobody probably noticed it but i did , but some part of the park were in the game
Take a look at the picture here
Some locations didn't make the cut for Resident Evil 3 remake. Find out if the Clock Tower, the park, and the Dead Factory made it in or not.
As for its replay value, The game is someway replayble but due to its scripted nature and linear stracture its less replayble than re 2 remake, it also have less extra content and really few things to unlock... The higher difficulty are interesting too but they can be done whit infinite ammo, and you can also get the maximum rank whit it whitout reciving any rank dimishing, so it's a joke, everybody can do that
My experience whit the game was overall good i enjoyed it a lot but I was disappointed by some gameplay aspect and by cut Contet, i would have liked more of the original puzzle and to have the clock tower in it , but in as sense i was more disappointed whit re 2 remake due to the zapping system cut , but overall re 2 remake its better game especially on gameplay level and replay value, it was also more horror and tense, while this remake its way too action and more scripted like an uncharted game, also pretty linear whit very few exploration