RE characters ages: 2019

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Nice find. Ugh we’re all getting older aren’t we. I’m closer to Sherry and Sheva’s age. So a 46 year old Chris doesn’t sound too bad for me! ;D

Seeing their ages though only makes me feel like RE8 might be one of the last games to feature the icons. If RE7 is any consolation, I feel like CAPCOM has a stigma against aging characters and wants to weed them out (especially females). It’s annoying because I really want a follow up to Revelation 2’s story and a follow up on Jill and so far we’ve only heard about remakes and a spinoff that looks... meh.
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RE9 should end with Jill and Chris marrying. End of story.
I don't think so. The games have never hinted at any romantic feelings between them. They're more like 'brothers in arms' and very close friends imo.

There is a theory among fans that Chris might be gay but there isn't any real evidence to support this.
I don't think so. The games have never hinted at any romantic feelings between them. They're more like 'brothers in arms' and very close friends imo.

There is a theory among fans that Chris might be gay but there isn't any real evidence to support this.
Actually resident evil revelations hintend at the fact that Jill and Chris had feelings for each others, also the photo of Jill boyfriend was replaced whit a dog in resident evil 2 remake and the answer is easy... But obviously is not yet clear

I hate Capcom they are never clear about character relationships, like in the devil may cry series... The fact is that Capcom lack the ability to write good character relationships... How long can leon continue play game whit ada and other women until we get tired of it? Just let the character express feeling Capcom God damn
Seeing their ages though only makes me feel like RE8 might be one of the last games to feature the icons. If RE7 is any consolation, I feel like CAPCOM has a stigma against aging characters and wants to weed them out (especially females). It’s annoying because I really want a follow up to Revelation 2’s story and a follow up on Jill and so far we’ve only heard about remakes and a spinoff that looks... meh.

Part of me thinks that's one reason they keep remaking everything, it gives them a way of bringing back the original cast while keeping them young. But it's their own fault really, no one forces them to set their newer stories in the same years as the games are released, in fact doing so only creates the weird impression that nothing of interest happened in-between those years, even though so many things happened in 1998 alone. If RE8 comes out next year featuring Jill, it doesn't have to be set in 2020, because Jill's last chronological appearance was in 2009 with not a single mention of her since other than an optional email in Revelations 2, and I'm pretty sure fans are interested in what she's been up to since then.

the photo of Jill boyfriend was replaced whit a dog in resident evil 2 remake

It's strange to think that, even if it survived Raccoon City, that dog probably isn't even alive anymore. :confused: That's how many years have passed. Never really pictured Jill as a dog lady either, but it makes sense when you think about it; if RE characters were animals, I could definitely see Jill being a dog.
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Weird to think of Sherry as OLDER than me. I was born in 87 and she is an 86 baby according to that research.

It makes sense that these characters would have aged this way after all these years. But I wouldn't mind playing as the characters I love even in to their 60s.
Weird to think of Sherry as OLDER than me. I was born in 87 and she is an 86 baby according to that research.

It makes sense that these characters would have aged this way after all these years. But I wouldn't mind playing as the characters I love even in to their 60s.
It would be cool to play whit old leon or old chris
Weird to think of Sherry as OLDER than me. I was born in 87 and she is an 86 baby according to that research.

It makes sense that these characters would have aged this way after all these years. But I wouldn't mind playing as the characters I love even in to their 60s.
Wasn't Sherry supposed to be 10 in RE2?
Yeah I loved the parts with Barry. And just look at The Last of Us where you play as an almost 50 year old dude, or how about Old Snake in MGS4? It works more than well.
Yeah Infact I prefer to play whit older characters, also I like movies were the character looks old like Logan, rambo Rocky, Luke in star wars...
I think making a character old make it more interesting in term of story and storytelling
The problem isn't older men, the "problem" for many game developers (and possibly also gamers) is older women, both as playable and non-playable characters. Let's take a look at RE: On the male side, we have 40-something-year-old Chris in RE7, Leon who should also be pushing 40 by Vendetta, Wesker and Barry who were already "old" in RE1 and just got older, that fossil Spencer, Simmons, Quint and Keith (not sure about the latter, but Quint is certainly 40+), the singing maniac from Zero that eventually got himself a younger body, and several older-looking side characters like Chief Irons, President Benford, Enrico Marini, etc. Not that there aren't plenty of young men as well, but the games don't shy away from letting them age.

On the female side, we have 50-year-old Alex Wesker who doesn't have a single visible wrinkle or grey hair, Svetlana from Damnation, and 40ish-year-old Ada in RE6 who is probably only in the game because of Leon. Leon himself was paired with 24-year-old newcomer Helena instead of Claire or Jill, who would have been in their mid to late 30s at that point (and haven't been seen since even before that), and even Sherry was made to look younger than she really is, as if 26 was already too old for a woman. I guess with Sherry, they wanted to retain some of her childlike sweetness for the sake of memorability, but then they could have made Helena a bit older at least, and it's notable that Sheva is also only 23 next to 35-year-old Chris in RE5.

Looking at other long-running game franchises, we have Tomb Raider which was rebooted around the time the original Lara would have turned 40. Okay, we have Natla who is technically thousands of years old, but naturally doesn't look the part because she's immortal. The only female protagonist in the entire Silent Hill franchise is a 17-year-old girl, otherwise it's usually a middle-aged male protagonist surrounded by younger, attractive females. The Last of Us isn't revolutionary in that regard either, personally I would have found a Joel-aged woman paired with an Ellie-aged boy a lot more interesting, but I'm probably the only one.
Obviously developer always tend to put younger character in videogames and movie so younger are more able to identify themself and becouse they can easy sell the product to casual game

The only game that I remember that truly put and old man as playable character his metal gear solid 4, he looks very old...

I belive the last of us was revolutionary by putting an old man looking for younger characters, since it inspired other games like God of War but also movie... They put an old man and female children because that was the tipe of story they wanted to tell its interesting as it is, as much as I like your ideas of an older female protagonist alongside a male children it wouldn't have fit the last of us story and character, I really can't imagine a woman whit Joel character, if they would have put a woman as main protagonist we would have had someone like Tess who doesn't fit as a protagonist in the game but it's a very well done character
I really can't imagine a woman whit Joel character, if they would have put a woman as main protagonist we would have had someone like Tess who doesn't fit as a protagonist in the game

Yeah, well, the good old "men have to be like this and women have to be like that" attitude is unfortunately part of the problem.
Yeah, well, the good old "men have to be like this and women have to be like that" attitude is unfortunately part of the problem.
I wouldn't necessarily jump to conclusions and assume that that kind of attitude is the problem. The problem is that many people nowadays have a hard time accepting that there are differences between men and women, and not just physical ones. This has nothing to do with representation but rather what is perceived as being masculine and feminine, and how players react to that. That's why people generally don't like if a woman is portrayed as overly masculine, and vice versa for men. It's the same reason why movies don't cast ugly people in the lead roles, but I don't see people like you campaigning for more ugly people in lead roles.

With that being said, while I think The Last of Us would've absolutely have worked if Joel was a 50 year old woman and Ellie was a 14 year old boy, the story and characters would've been completely different to the point of being unrecognizable. Even Neil Druckmann, who is probably the biggest male feminist you can find in the gaming industry, acknowledges that men are physically stronger than women and therefore they designed the gameplay and story with that in mind. Joel and Tess's partnership is described as Tess being the brains and Joel being the muscles. And in an interview for Part II, Druckmann said that they designed Ellie's combat mechanism as being agile and make use of leveled areas to make up for her smaller size compared to the enemies. There's nothing wrong with that. And as you can see, it has nothing to do with representation.

And yes, I'd definitely play a game where the protagonist is a 50 year old woman if its done the right way.
@Jonipoon Ok, if you want to see people "like me" campaigning for a conventionally unattractive cast (I dislike the word "ugly"), just scroll up and you'll find me nagging about Alex Wesker not looking the age she's supposed to be, probably not least because that would have made her less attractive to (straight male) players. And since we're already talking about it, I find it worrying that Hollywood always seems to prefer casting picture-perfect 30-year-old actors with ridiculously well-toned bodies and not a single sign of acne in their faces to play teenagers half their ages in movies, because most normal teenagers don't actually look like that and might develop inferiority complexes for thinking that they should.

No need to educate me on the differences between the sexes, I know that some people are really overdoing it with this modern idea of 534 different genders, each with their own designer pronouns that everybody should naturally know by heart, but experience has taught me that the world also isn't as black and white as detractors of that idea like to paint it. But I'll stop before this gets political, what I mean is: If a gender-flipped version of The Last of Us would really have resulted in a completely different story than what the developers had invisioned, even though I don't believe that, fine by me. As a writer myself, I would never tell another writer what story they should have gone for instead of what they delivered, because I wouldn't let anyone ever do that to me either. But the real question is, why does no one tell that completely different story? I'm glad to hear that you would be fine with a 50-year-old female protagonist, but can you honestly argue with me about the fact that there simply is no such thing at the moment?
@Jonipoon Ok, if you want to see people "like me" campaigning for a conventionally unattractive cast (I dislike the word "ugly"), just scroll up and you'll find me nagging about Alex Wesker not looking the age she's supposed to be, probably not least because that would have made her less attractive to (straight male) players. And since we're already talking about it, I find it worrying that Hollywood always seems to prefer casting picture-perfect 30-year-old actors with ridiculously well-toned bodies and not a single sign of acne in their faces to play teenagers half their ages in movies, because most normal teenagers don't actually look like that and might develop inferiority complexes for thinking that they should.

No need to educate me on the differences between the sexes, I know that some people are really overdoing it with this modern idea of 534 different genders, each with their own designer pronouns that everybody should naturally know by heart, but experience has taught me that the world also isn't as black and white as detractors of that idea like to paint it. But I'll stop before this gets political, what I mean is: If a gender-flipped version of The Last of Us would really have resulted in a completely different story than what the developers had invisioned, even though I don't believe that, fine by me. As a writer myself, I would never tell another writer what story they should have gone for instead of what they delivered, because I wouldn't let anyone ever do that to me either. But the real question is, why does no one tell that completely different story? I'm glad to hear that you would be fine with a 50-year-old female protagonist, but can you honestly argue with me about the fact that there simply is no such thing at the moment?
Regardless of your like or dislike of the word "Ugly" it was accurate there. Softening your phrasing doesn't alter the fact. Ugly people don't get jobs in showbiz unless it's to play the intentionally ugly person.

As for RE...It has nothing to do with the female's ages in why they haven't used them. At least that we know of. There is NO evidence of that being the case, and you're just jumping to a conclusion that would incite controversy. Frankly, Claire shouldn't have been used after Degeneration. Revelations 2 was a mistake. This is nothing against Claire. I like her a lot. But Degeneration wrapped up her story in a nice neat little bow. You had a great way to retire a character. And not because of age, but because of her character arc being fulfilled. As for Jill, my favorite video game character of all damn time, we don't have a reason she hasn't been brought back, but big deal? We still don't have sufficient information to say it's because of her age, and we also don't know what the future is gonna hold. Frankly, Jill was looking up in age in RE5 if you ask me, but maybe that was just because of the horrible decision to make her blonde. Point is, your claims are baseless, your problem is non-existent, and RE has been a pioneer series in featuring prominent females since its inception. Find something else to throw on your outrage bonfire and leave Jill and Claire outta this.