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RE 4 or RE 5?(PC versions)

RE 4 or RE 5?

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Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
I was planning of buying resident evil 5 for the PC, but from what I read Sheva must be a real pain in the ass and I don't want to babysit her all the time.

I have understood that these two are action games so I probably won't have any problem with the whole change of genre issue.

So which one do you propose me to buy?

I've read that RE 4 doesn't support mouse-aiming unless you have a mod. Is it the same in RE 5? Hmmm I never understood how the xbox players manage to play shooter games with the sticks..


Polkka. lol
Actually, as far as I know, you can use Xbox 360 controllers to play RE5 in the PC. Don't know about PS3 controllers, but, I guess they're pretty much the same.

As much, I prefer RE5 over RE4 in the PC anyday. :)

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Levan;70147 said:
Actually, as far as I know, you can use Xbox 360 controllers to play RE5 in the PC. Don't know about PS3 controllers, but, I guess they're pretty much the same.

As much, I prefer RE5 over RE4 in the PC anyday. :)

Ummm.. I don't have an Xbox360 nor a PS3.


Chief Researcher
Both games are very good. In RE4 you have Ashley instead of Sheva, which is a little worse. RE4's PC version ir REALLY REALLY bad, everything in it is a complete disaster (graphics, controls, everything). So, if your PC can supposrt RE5, i'd reccomend it. Also, if you get ****ed with Sheva's AI, you can coop with someone online (i'm not sure if you can in the PC version, but i think you can).


The Master Of Unlocking
As much as I love the whole Birkin family, I have to say that Sherry was worse than all three of the side-kick characters you had to watch over.

Sheva is probably my least favorite, in how she was thrown in and took up alot of time away from important things. Seeing Chris & Jill, but then having Sheva interupting the scene was something I truly hated.

Anyway, I wouldn't call RE4 & RE5 action games, they aren't in a different genre. Now it is harder to say that about RE5 and get away with it, as it has alot of action elements, but RE4 is definately not in that genre, no way, no how.:) Anyone who claims that is spreading slanderous lies.:)


Well-Known Member
I'd vote for RE5 over RE4 any day. Sheva is at least armed,so she can defend herself sometimes,Asheley's a real pain in the ass and an insult to blondes.


The Norwegian Dude
RE4 on PC was crap. It was like the PC version was just converted from GameCube directly to PC. Haven't played RE5 on PC, but in good faith I choose RE5.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Trinity;70314 said:
Asheley's a real pain in the ass and an insult to blondes.

Haha! Kave I ever told you about the joke with the blondes?

Never mind! I was just kidding! :p

Anyway, thanks everybody for your help. Yeah RE 4 seems to be a direct port from the consoles.


Chief Researcher
Hauge;70333 said:
RE4 on PC was crap. It was like the PC version was just converted from GameCube directly to PC. Haven't played RE5 on PC, but in good faith I choose RE5.

I think it was ported from PS2 (at least the extra content is the same as the PS2 version), but with Game Boy graphics (they really screwed up at the graphics).


The Norwegian Dude
bruno;70373 said:
I think it was ported from PS2 (at least the extra content is the same as the PS2 version), but with Game Boy graphics (they really screwed up at the graphics).

That may be true, but the game it self is a lot of fun :)
My'God, the graphics was as bad as Mark Wahlberg's acting in "The Happening" :p After the patch it became much better, but if I someday want to play it again I'll fireup the old GameCube instead ;)


Well-Known Member
RE 5, hands down...

Sheva's not that bad actually, she's quite useful, though there were some quite funny/annoying moments that I experienced. One of them was this one time during the oil factory level. I placed a proximity mine as a trap for the incoming chainsaw majini. Being the dumb AI she is, she picked it up right before the chainsaw majini scene triggered, I was like "Arghh!! Why the hell did you picked that up?!!"

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
This is a tough one on which I should recommend.

For RE4: The game is mega customizable as you can switch up and make new things withoout having a sh*t load of glitches with mods. You can play with any console base controller as long as the controller as a USB end to it. Fun with and without mods. And if I am not mistaking, it should be easier to install. You can use mods to play as other characters from the series.

For RE5: Amazing graphics. Fun co-op. Compatible with some mods. Can be played with a console base controller as long as the controller as a USB end. Fun with and without mods. So d*nm fun. Has a mod where you can take out a co-op partner. The only thing that RE4 does have that RE5 can't not have are mods that can actually let you play as every single character from the RE series including Rebecca, Chris from RE Remake, CV, and 5, Jill, Wesker, Claire, Carlos, and all those good characters, even Nemesis gets a playable mod, as long as you can find the mods for them, then you can play as them. RE4 can also have mods that let you play as other Video game characters like Snake, Lara Croft, Heather Mason, Agent 47, and more. The nearest to RE5 of playing past characters are Claire Code Veronica costumes for Jill and Sheva even though they only put the ladies in costums rather than actually makeing them into the real girls.

Against RE4: No co-op. Lags alot. Sh***y graphics at some points. Glitches alot with some mods. Babysit Ashley most of the time.

Against RE5: Some mods are very glitchy and hardly useable. Can't be compatible with some mods. The AI likes to abuse some of the healing items.

So far I think that RE5 probably is better on the PC than RE4. RE4 on PC is almost like RE5 on PC except the absense of co-op and that on RE5 you don't have to help Sheva alot, but Ashley is kinda of a pain to help as she dosen't like to move at some points, 100% can not help you at all, and she dies easily, as with RE5 AI they can help you and are obident, but will sometimes do some stupid stuff about once or twice on each level.
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