My T-Shirt Arrived :)

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I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
Mar 25, 2012

Got this T-shirt specially made for me because of the way Capcom was treating its fans lol
Meh. Capcom has been giving a number of forums on this network free Resident Evil / Devil May Cry games to hand out via the contests we have here. I thought that was quite generous of them to do so.
That's not something you're probably planning on wearing in public, correct? The play on words is overused, and most people would see you as a childish complainer. I'm not saying Capcom doesn't treat its fans with respect, it just does not seem worth it to get a custom made shirt expressing your hate.
I requested this t-shirt made before RE6 was announced so it was way back when Capcom was still screwing their fans.

This Crapcom shirt is mostly aimed at the prick Capcom lawyers who screw the fans (i should have put that on the back of the shirt or something) however the Capcom development team and community managers who give out their stuff to this forum and such are the good guys who have my respect, the lawyers are the ones who can go screw themselves, even DC Douglas agrees.
I requested this t-shirt made before RE6 was announced so it was way back when Capcom was still screwing their fans.

This Crapcom shirt is mostly aimed at the prick Capcom lawyers who screw the fans (i should have put that on the back of the shirt or something) however the Capcom development team and community managers who give out their stuff to this forum and such are the good guys who have my respect, the lawyers are the ones who can go screw themselves, even DC Douglas agrees.
if this is such an issue in your life at the moment then i suggest you get out more.
Capcom has ruined several other game series I liked. Long as they can keep RE a good series they're fine in my book.
My feelings are completely mixed on Capcom. While they do things like La Femme said which are undeniably generous, things like on-disc DLC and action-ising games like RE just to appeal to more people and rake in as much money as they can at the expense of their hardcore fans that have been there since the beginning of the series bothers me greatly.

Having said that, as long as they make games that appeal to me I'll still buy them. A companies business practices don't bother me so much that I'll boycott their products if I want them as badly as I want RE games. I don't think they deserve half of the hate that they seem to get from complainers on the internet.

As for the term 'Crapcom' itself, it was funny years ago when I first heard it. Now, not so much.
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i think all the abuse there getting is out of order.
if it's such a problem you aren't being forced to buy their games.
you make that choice, no one else does for you (or if someone buys you a capcom game as a gift you have the choice not to play it)
so ease of a bit, and buying a shirt just to ridicule them..well, don't even get me started on that....
I'm getting kind of tired of hearing people go on about the DLC. Yes, content is lock on the disk; however, it's not the entire scenario. Information is stored on the disk to help with stability easier to transition the new content. If the entire scenario were to be stored, why would you need to download a gigabyte to play it?

Let's also look at the fanbase. It's become larger than it ever has thanks to both the movies and "new" style of gameplay. Since Resident Evil 4 the fanbase has grown to new heights. Why? Because people want action. Plain and simple. Yes it would be awesome to have it go back to the times of old, but that would be suicide by this point. A company has to change with the times in order to survive, much like the old style of RE.

Whether you like it or not RE has changed and it is here to stay. Either change with the times or be left behind. It's your choice to make.
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When I buy a game I expect to get my moneys worth, when it comes to Capcom I NEVER get that.

  1. I payed $110 for RE Mercs 3D after paying $400 for a 3DS and what did I get? I got a bad game that I cant even play through again from scratch or sell, (middle finger to Capcom)
  2. I payed $130 (yes $130) for Operation Raccoon City and I got a broken, unfinished game: Broken AI(shooting endlessly at walls), broken controls(ability option dosnt work) and over powered enemies that dont die. Plus do you really think I'm gonna pay extra on top of that $130 for something that's already on the disc? (Glad I could return that game for a full refund)
  3. When I payed $110 for Revelations I payed an extra $40 for the control pad accessory(cant remember what it's called) but then I realized I can only use it for Revelations and I cant make use of it with my other games :mad:
  4. $1200 for a Leon Jacket? I currently own a replica of Albert Wesker's Midnight outfit complete with the long coat, shirt, pants, belt, boots, gloves and even the freaking glasses and it all cost me $200. (Maybe I should have had the T-shirt say Cashcom instead of Crapcom)
Capcom has NEVER given me anything worth my hard earned money since RE4, my Crapcom T-shirt has been the only thing related to Capcom that was worth the money I payed for it.
I'm getting kind of tired of hearing people go on about the DLC. Yes, content is lock on the disk; however, it's not the entire scenario. Information is stored on the disk to help with stability easier to transition the new content. If the entire scenario were to be stored, why would you need to download a gigabyte to play it?

Let's also look at the fanbase. It's become larger than it ever has thanks to both the movies and "new" style of gameplay. Since Resident Evil 4 the fanbase has grown to new heights. Why? Because people want action. Plain and simple. Yes it would be awesome to have it go back to the times of old, but that would be suicide by this point. A company has to change with the times in order to survive, much like the old style of RE.

Whether you like it or not RE has changed and it is here to stay. Either change with the times or be left behind. It's your choice to make.
Thank you Elochai...That's what I've been saying for...well...As long as it's been an issue...
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