Got this T-shirt specially made for me because of the way Capcom was treating its fans lol
if this is such an issue in your life at the moment then i suggest you get out more.I requested this t-shirt made before RE6 was announced so it was way back when Capcom was still screwing their fans.
This Crapcom shirt is mostly aimed at the prick Capcom lawyers who screw the fans (i should have put that on the back of the shirt or something) however the Capcom development team and community managers who give out their stuff to this forum and such are the good guys who have my respect, the lawyers are the ones who can go screw themselves, even DC Douglas agrees.
I couldn't agree more.if this is such an issue in your life at the moment then i suggest you get out more.
if this is such an issue in your life at the moment then i suggest you get out more.
Thank you Elochai...That's what I've been saying for...well...As long as it's been an issue...I'm getting kind of tired of hearing people go on about the DLC. Yes, content is lock on the disk; however, it's not the entire scenario. Information is stored on the disk to help with stability easier to transition the new content. If the entire scenario were to be stored, why would you need to download a gigabyte to play it?
Let's also look at the fanbase. It's become larger than it ever has thanks to both the movies and "new" style of gameplay. Since Resident Evil 4 the fanbase has grown to new heights. Why? Because people want action. Plain and simple. Yes it would be awesome to have it go back to the times of old, but that would be suicide by this point. A company has to change with the times in order to survive, much like the old style of RE.
Whether you like it or not RE has changed and it is here to stay. Either change with the times or be left behind. It's your choice to make.