I can't stand her screaming when a ganado carries her through a gate. It seems to never stop. The few times it happens, I have to quickly mute the TV.La Femme Fatale;45499 said:Yeah, and her screaming for Leon got a bit irritating,
In the beginning I didn't know why they called her Assley. A few chapters later I do know.Tyrant;45810 said:I think everyone agrees...ASHLEY!
I liked the first RE movie but the second as I've said in other topics 'should of been JILLS STORY' Alice being in every movie kinda kills it for me.Ashley, hands down.
Nails-on-a-chalkboard, tits-down annoying.
Though, if you count the movies, or the whole trilogy (everything) then the only other to add to the list is Alice. *suicides* That ruined the movies.
Metal armour is a lot better, those ganardo things can't lift her! >:]Ashley is cuddly , so i dont hate her. Besides she is less irritating in metal armor where she is safe.I hate krauser. He is a bitch on PRO.
I hate Ashley.
I actually love Saddler for taking her off of my hands.