See i think MOST, not all, fans will agree with you on this...that because its a non-cannon side story then its okay...what people are most upset about it seems, is that why put this game out and waste time instead of making RE6 and putting it out...well in my opinion its way to soon after RE5 for there to be an RE6...
I don't think it could ever be too soon, so long as they put in the proper effort and all....which they don't seem to do anyway anymore. At least recently.
It just like when some complain about the movies, that is a legitimate complaint, sure, but it also has absolutely no bearing on the games. The movies aren't affecting what happens in the games, you could ingnore the movies, and just play the games, and it wouldn't bother anyone at all...
That's how I see the side story, or non-canon games, no that those are the same, but neither are part of the main, canon, story.