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So, which score is it, Harvey Dent? :lol:

I was hooked on the first one and platinumed it, but just never picked it up to play through the other ones. I kind of got the impression the series just kind of got worse as it went on from reviews I've seen. I never played any of the games before and the only memory I have of Spyro is the demo for the first one I used to play on one of those original Playstation demo discs. I did eventually want to get through them, but I have heard part 3 isn't really that good either.
Guess I had a typo in there XD

As for playing them, I Personally think the 2nd is the best. Actual supporting characters. Reasons to collect gems rather than just for completions sake. Harder challenges to collect orbs (Your replacement for Dragons), that sometimes require you to hold off one 100% completing levels until you're farther in the game and have the right skills, only to return to them later, so replay value is better. I'd definitely say get into the second one if I were to offer my humble opinion.
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Guess I had a typo in there XD

As for playing them, I Personally think the 2nd is the best. Actual supporting characters. Reasons to collect gems rather than just for completions sake. Harder challenges to collect orbs (Your replacement for Dragons), that sometimes require you to hold off one 100% completing levels until you're farther in the game and have the right skills, only to return to them later, so replay value is better. I'd definitely say get into the second one if I were to offer my humble opinion.

I don't know how I feel about having to redo levels, but that definitely sounds reassuring overall.
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I don't know how I feel about having to redo levels, but that definitely sounds reassuring overall.
It's not redoing whole levels. Maybe I described it wrong. Like, level one there's a ladder at one point. But you don't get the climbing skill until about the halfway point in the game. After you get that, you can go back to old levels where you saw ladders, climb up them, and find additional secrets and sidequests. So basically the whole rest of the level is still done. Gems are still picked up. Other secrets are still secured. You just run back to the parts that were inaccessible before, for even more stuff you may have missed.

Spyro 3 does this as well...but it's not new or innovative. It's exactly like Spyro 2. So there's less fun to be had doing it, because it just feels like a repeat of the template of the second game, with nothing to improve upon it.
It's not redoing whole levels. Maybe I described it wrong. Like, level one there's a ladder at one point. But you don't get the climbing skill until about the halfway point in the game. After you get that, you can go back to old levels where you saw ladders, climb up them, and find additional secrets and sidequests. So basically the whole rest of the level is still done. Gems are still picked up. Other secrets are still secured. You just run back to the parts that were inaccessible before, for even more stuff you may have missed.

Spyro 3 does this as well...but it's not new or innovative. It's exactly like Spyro 2. So there's less fun to be had doing it, because it just feels like a repeat of the template of the second game, with nothing to improve upon it.

Do you mean like within the hub worlds or the actual levels?
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Do you mean like within the hub worlds or the actual levels?
Both actually XD. The levels AND Hub worlds have secrets that make going back to them after you've gotten further in the game a treat. Spyro 2 has the least amount of Hub worlds, at only 3. But they're the largest in the series. Making them the most fun to explore.
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Killer Instinct 1 1994 - CINDER

CPU Difficulty: MEDIUM

Arcade version emulated on M.A.M.E.

10/10 Fun games... the 3D levels and the camera movement work make the game shine forever.
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Haven't played Killer Instinct in SO long. I wish I could go play it right now.

Every time I hear that word "MAME", I think of Billy Mitchell and the Donkey Kong cheat story. Man, is that a rabbit hole I could get lost in for hours.
I managed to finish two games over the last week.

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (PC)
I played this game on the old Xbox and the Anniversary edition on the 360 and the original PC version, and I must say the new PC version is the best version so far (the XBone version is probably en par, but I don't have an XBone). Compared to the 360 Version, this one looks smooth and playes at very high framerates. The only thing missing so far, is the split screen co-op campaign of the 360 version.

I still hold this game in high regards, despite its many flaws. There is a lot of going back and forth over more or less the same few maps for the majority of the game. Almost every map has to be traversed more than once. I am not an enemy of backtracking and I actually oppose the "only forward" mentality of 2005-2015 video games, but Halo CE really pushes you through the same set of repetitive areas three times and only changes small things in between. Another flaw would be the mission structure. Sometimes you'll get a floating marker for something completely obvious, another time you only get a vague description and no help at all. In addition, why I prefer not to be bombarded with cut scenes in a fast paced shooter, I have asked myself more than once, why I'm going where I'm going and what I wanted to do once I got there, because I forgot what the level was about between all those explosions.

There is one thing, though, that catapults Halo CE into my top 10 list of all-time FPS favourites: When it was done and the credits were rolling, I immediately started scrolling through my Steam list to find another shooter that could deliver a similar sensation and couldn't find one. Halo CE keeps you in the action. The dull walking sim passages are really short compared to other games and you're under fire and pressure most of the time. The enemies feel almost alive (until you meet them, that is) and the number of times where I barely made it with a sliver of health and felt that rush of victory and sense of accomplishment was hard to count.

Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
Another remake. I've played the original on PS2 and the HD version on the PS3, but I never finished the game until now. This game has what I'd call a very cinematic camera, that constantly fights the player by rotating to the prettiest but most impractical angles. The PS4 remake already addresses some of the control scheme problems of the original, but that camera has a free will and doesn't help the fact, that the framerate will tank below 30, if the scenery tries to impress you with a lot of effects. Thanks to that (and a damaged TV that had a good 300ms latency) I almost rage-quit at the last boss, because that strong-willed drifter camera, the inconsistent frame rate and the lag introduced by my old TV on top of the weather effects gave me motion sickness and a headache. I actually had to use RemotePlay on the PC to make one of the jumps with less lag in a tiny window. I'll try that boss again with my new TV, maybe the game can't be blamed after all.

I can recommend this game to anybody who likes puzzle bosses. The PS4 remake has a very pretty scenery and the simple story can have quite an emotional impact.
Binary Domain (Xbox 360)
A fun action packed shooter. Nothing deep or ground breaking. If you enjoy the action kind of RE games you might find some enjoyement in this. The cast was pretty entertaining. Ending was pretty great too.


Do you want to play the easiest Sonic Games of all time? Sonic Forces even on Hard Mode is one of the easiest games I have ever beaten, period. It took like 4-5 hours tops to get through all 30 levels. But the level designs are unique enough and they keep the game fairly uncluttered - I ended up enjoying myself a LOT.

Game levels are divided in to 3 Mission types - New Sonic levels where you play as the more modern homing attack version of Sonic, Classic Sonic levels which are mainly updated versions of older levels and are played in 2D like classic but easier, and then your custom character levels where you play as a custom character with a gun. There are also Modern Sonic/Customer Character levels, but they play like a hybrid. Each mission type is varied enough that each one feels fresh. And the music for the levels (ranging from Pop Punk, Melodic EDM, and Classic Sega Sounds) are all pretty good. Some of the Pop Punk songs are overutilized and get grating fast, but it definitely has like a Cool Sonic feel.

If the game had bigger levels or more to do in general, it would get a better grade from me. But it's fun, easy, and sort of relaxing to play. So, why not enjoy it?
King Of Fighters 2002.

Arcade game rating: 10/10

One of those all time classics you can't resist to put in you're collection.
I recently just finished;

Yakuza 0

Solid 10/10.

The game was an experience literally from the start to the end. There was one break in it all, and then it went back to typical Yakuza nonsense.
It was just pure cathartic fun with some of the most visceral super moves I've seen in a game.
When you shank someone with a knife and then the fight ends and they're just on the ground somehow not dead? Funniest ****, hands down.

And for once "This game is super Japanese." isn't a negative because the things they do put in the game are just so out there and balls to the walls wild that you actually can't hate the mini-games, side quests, activities, etc. It's an absolutely insane juxtaposition that well, just works.
I COULD dock points for some of the really boosh areas where it locks your progression, but the game pretty much makes you WANT to do those same quests because they offer more benefits that you would naturally need than just learning new moves.

The characters were great, the two hub worlds were great, the music was one of the best things about this game and has become one of my favorite soundtracks, the voice acting was great, the combat is by far the most fun I've ever had in a game to date. The activities are actually unreasonably in-depth and for the most part all all really fun, except for the hard RNG ones. Those ones are just trash because apparently you get hardcoded losses in some cases.

The story was actually very interesting even, if when they mentioned "Protags have never killed." Is the biggest disconnect since every single super move you do would cripple or kill a normal man. Still funny though.

The first game I was actually sad to beat because I just wanted more of what they offered.
Paper Dolls Original - 2/10

Do you guys wanna feel more disappointed than teens who grew up listening to Motley Crue and Poison, who got their first guitars for Christmas in 1994, started a band, only to find out Hair Metal has been replaced with Gangster Rap and your dreams of being famous were dashed before they even began?? Well then you should play the game Paper Dolls Original! Not about music at all. Just that same level of Immediate excitement only to boil down to EXTREME disappointment from the two hour mark or so onward. I'd say this is gonna be a spoiler review of this game, but the story is so non-existent that there's really nothing to spoil.

As a horror game it starts of really compelling. Like...there IS gonna be a story. You get a short cutscene of a man (Your character) driving really fast on a rainy highway, and your daughter in the back seat asking how long till you're at mommy's, and if you took your medicine today. Hmm...Ok...Interesting premise. You're a medicated single father, having an erratic breakdown in your car on a rainy road. When's the car gonna cra----Oh. Nevermind. It just happened. Cars crashed.

You awake, and call out for your daughter, only for some reason to be in a dilapidated Chinese house next to a headless body. Then you take control of the game. Now...I'm tense. It's a horror game. At any point that body is gonna start moving. And as a horror game, there's puzzles. The game is basically, solve all these puzzles in this house to presumably find your daughter and escape. And for the first couple of hours. I'm INTO it. The puzzles are creative. The atmosphere is terrifying. You run into the occasional jump scare. You can't fight back, it's a run and hide type of horror. On top of that, you have a diary with you that details your events leading up to this, talking about going to the doctor because of the voices in your head, and needing to be put on medication. It's clear you have SOME kind of hardcore mental illness. Probably schizophrenia by the sounds of it?

Then, it devolves into just tedious bullsh*t that refuses to scare you at ANY point. At about the two hour mark you realize that...there's just one ghost. It randomly walks the halls and you have to avoid it while solving the puzzles to keep moving through the house. Which...Is fine. But that's IT. They never do ANYTHING else to scare you. I one point they at TWO ghosts...Ooooooooh. How Scary. Seriously, No random sounds. No objects mysteriously changing location. No creepy imagery that you haven't already seen in the first part of the game. Just...keep avoiding this Ghost. It's like they expected the tension of running from this guy to carry you ALL the way through a six hour game. just becomes "Dude...stop popping up. I'm trying to solve this puzzle and now I've gotta run away. It's annoying. You're annoying. I bet you deserved to die. You're Chinese. I bet it was Coronavirus that killed you. Stupid ghost. Jesus."'s NOT scary. Just annoying. On top of that...the puzzles get really dumb too. Specifically the last 3 or so. Like most horror games, you find files that give you hints on how to solve the puzzles. But...They're SO poor at writing the hints, that I ended up just googling the last three. I never do that, because the puzzles are part of the fun of horror. But these hints just made NO sense. Now...This is a Chinese indie game with an all Chinese crew. Maybe the reason they were too difficult was some sort of translation error, so that the hints didn't quite work in English. I'll give it that possibility. But it doesn't alter the fact that it completely hampered my enjoyment of the game.

Not only that...but the game can't even follow its own established rules. See...there ARE other ghosts aside from the dude who wanders around. But...You maybe only see each of them once. Survive a short encounter with them. And exorcise their souls once you find their real bodies. Which is all well and good. The lore of the game straight up says, Once you perform the exorcism or purification or whatever, their souls are laid to rest, and they'll move on to the after life. Which is fine. They never bother you again...Until the climax of the game. You exorcise the last dude...then all of a sudden ALL the ghosts you've purified so far come back! Why? That makes no sense. They've been purified for hours now. The game NEVER explains why it goes back on its own lore. How are these ghosts, that are supposed to have moved on, now back in the land of the living? It's like the just tell the story to go suck a bag of lemons and razor blades so they can make the last 5 f*cking minutes of the game "extra tense." Which it doesn't even work because at this point you're so bored of the monotony that you can't even summon the will to be scared by more ghosts appearing. You're just grateful they're FINALLY doing something different. But what they're doing different BREAKS THEIR OWN ESTABLISHED F*CKING RULES. God I hated it.

Anyway, you escape the re-risen ghosties. Make it upstairs, which is the goal, and instead of finding your daughter, the game ends. Gives you credits. One more ghost appears and kicks you back downstairs, and the game ends. No explanation as to WHY you even appeared in that house after your car wreck. Daughter is never even seen. Literally ZERO relevance to the mental illness the game makes so clear in the beginning. It just...ends. Like, Resident Evil: Afterlife and Fight Club's endings looking like f*cking Shakespeare compared to this.

Anyway, there's my review for Paper Dolls Original. If you have $16 burning a hole in your like 8 Snickers bars instead and forcibly give yourself diabetes. You'll have more fun that way.
DOOM (2016)

I never actually played any doom game, i only remember my brother playing them
I remember that doom 3 was really awesome
So i decided to play the doom reboot and damn it's so bad and boring
The level design is boring and flat, gameplay is boring

Strange because i read so many good review around that i didn't think it was possible to not like the game, and I'm one of that people who like every tipe of game and even if they are bad, always made it trought the end of it...
But this game is really bad I'm unable to play it
Maybe it's just me, I hope there is a way to make me like this game
Doom 2016 was more like the classic Doom games than Doom 3 for example. They were all about going in guns blazing and killing things and clearing levels as quickly as possible. I actually really liked the game.
DOOM (2016)

I never actually played any doom game, i only remember my brother playing them
I remember that doom 3 was really awesome
So i decided to play the doom reboot and damn it's so bad and boring
The level design is boring and flat, gameplay is boring

Strange because i read so many good review around that i didn't think it was possible to not like the game, and I'm one of that people who like every tipe of game and even if they are bad, always made it trought the end of it...
But this game is really bad I'm unable to play it
Maybe it's just me, I hope there is a way to make me like this game
Lol..This game isn't "Bad." You may not like it, and that's cool...But in almost no way can you call this game "bad" in terms of how it was made. It's INCREDIBLY well made.
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
So I finally revisited this game on the Switch after my initial playthrough on the Wii U back in 2017 and my thoughts pretty much still remain unchanged, even after the DLC and an additional 235 hours with the game. After 3 years, Breath of the Wild is still incredibly brilliant and still just as immersive on a subsequent playthrough as it was the first time playing it.

I'm still not on board with the way Nintendo chose to implement specific conventions, like the removal of dungeons, in favor of bite sized puzzle rooms scattered across the map. A lot of the game's main content seems to follow this type of formula as well, as the game's story is presented through memories you have to track down across Hyrule. While this works for now, it still feels like a half solution to keep exploration open-ended to justify the massive game world.

That's not to say the massive map and freedom to explore is the issue here, in fact, they're the game's biggest strengths, but it is very apparent that Nintendo struggled to balance the linear progression of past entries with the freedom to explore any and everything from the start of the game.

Which is really my biggest problem when discussing this game, because Breath of the Wild does a tremendous job bringing the series back to its exploration based roots. The new physics engine not only brings about new possibilities in both combat and puzzle solving, but it impacts the way in which you can explore the world, which is also greatly expanded by the new climbing mechanic, which adds yet another dimension to exploration. Survival has never been more prominent in a Zelda game as you now have to mine for materials, hunt and cook recipes for food, and constantly pick up new weapons to defend yourself with. There are so many new layers to Breath of the Wild that enhance the overall experience and push the series forward, but is the trade-off worth it?

Like Ocarina of Time before it, Breath of the Wild has changed the way we think about and play Zelda games and I can honestly say that it was for the best. While I don't believe certain conventions necessarily had to be compromised in order to keep the game open, which is something they could potentially remedy moving forward, I do however believe it was worth it in order for the series to grow. But as a longtime fan of the series, I still harbor some frustrations over the lack of unique boss battles, traditional dungeons, classic items, and a linear structured story, but not once did I ever find myself bored or unhappy during my near 500 total hours on this grand adventure, which speaks more than any gripe or nitpick I could ever make.


The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
After having played games like The Minish Cap, A Link to the Past, and A Link Between Worlds, Link's Awakening just kind of felt redundant and fell off my radar, so I never touched it despite having easy access to it on the 3DS. But after Nintendo announced they'd be remaking it on the Switch, I finally had a reason to give the game a shot and I was very pleasantly surprised.

While I can't really compare and contrast the original from the remake, from what I gather, it's a pretty faithful remake, but with some more oomph. Having said that, my mind was completely blown by how enjoyable, unique, and influential to the series Link's Awakening was for a mere Gameboy game that I was so easy to disregard.

The kind of content present is just so much different from what I'm used to with top down Zelda games and I mean that in the best way. The 2D segments, fishing, the crane game, all the Mario characters, and even the way some of the story beats play out is so refreshing and the kind of creativity I want to see from brand new top down Zelda games. But the brand new charming visuals, updated soundtrack, and new button inputs can't be understated as they're a big part of why I enjoyed this game as much as I did too.

The game is a little on the short side however and took me about 15-20 hours to complete. It's very straightforward compared to other top down Zelda games, but that's not exactly a negative either as the entire game is a showcase of quality design that feels satisfying in its simplicity and even gets significantly complex and difficult near the end.

Unfortunately, there is one major sore spot in this remake that sours the experience for completionists, and that's the brand new dungeon builder. It's a solid concept but it's rendered meaningless without the ability to share your creations online. But that's not even the worst aspect of it. Heart containers and other miscellaneous items are locked behind what should have been an optional mode. I was at the very end of the game before I noticed things weren't adding up and had to look online only to learn that I had to clear a number of dungeon building challenges to get the rest of my missing items and I honestly can't imagine having to sit through this again whenever I want to start up a new file.

While it's still not my favorite of the top down formula games, and is a little short to warrant the 60 dollar price tag, the fun to be had from this game is like Christmas, and belongs in everyone's Switch collection.

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