Hmmm. Hmm? I'm not completely sure, but I might want to change the year to 4000 BC again. All the problems mentioned so far, happened at a later stage. Maybe we need a second chance.
Hmmm, a second chance, good idea!
Global Economic Collapse
Hmmm. Hmm? I'm not completely sure, but I might want to change the year to 4000 BC again. All the problems mentioned so far, happened at a later stage. Maybe we need a second chance.
...Hmmm. Hmm? I'm not completely sure, but I might want to change the year to 4000 BC again. All the problems mentioned so far, happened at a later stage. Maybe we need a second chance.
And I'd invent a new type of chocolate that helps you to loose weight the more you eat it.
*sigh* If only it was possible ;_;
Imo you can't ban religion or anything for that matter. If you try to ban things, especially a value system, you cause conflict, repression and give something great significance. Things go underground. You can outgrow things or educate though. Thats what politicians try to do: Ban things. Because they don't know a solution they make a law, a consequence for your actions. They have no understanding in the field of human behaviour to truly solve anything. Its why the drug wars, stopping violence, the law systems are all a big fat failure.
If i could change one thing it would be the current monetary system. We are 1 planet, 1 human family, that require all the same needs. Beyond religion,beliefs,opinions,national divisions and artificial boundaries which we differ, we all have the same needs and promotion of positive health that can be met very easily.It is through the means of science and technology, related to the capacity of the earth(Science and technology aligned with nature). The fact is if we consume more trees faster then they can grow, we run out of resources, we all end up suffering regardless of what we both believe.
One example is we can cut back about 99% of landmass used by current agricultural farming. The method is a vertical tower, which can make fruits and vegetables all year around,100% organic with no need for pesticides and the like.It is totally automated. These can popped locally in towns, so there is no need for trucks travelling 1000s of kms. One of these towers can easily feed about 10000 people. This is just a very short, 1 of a 1000 examples of what we can truly accomplish if we put our minds together to use our technology efficiently, although people are not aware it exists. I will stop there.
That's not a problem, people in the stone age never complained about lack of electronics! They maybe complained about broken tools but they were able to make new tools....
But then there'd be no technology and the magic it brings ;_; But then again, I think life wouldn't be this boring...
Sometimes I'm just derping around on the internet, and in the end I'm like: ''Dafuq am I doing with my life.''
Primal humans weren't that bad. But we've ascended past the level of an animal, despite being one. While we are dominant, the only thing that got us this far was the ability to communicate effectively. Certain primates are factually smarter than humans (on average).That's not a problem, people in the stone age never complained about lack of electronics! They maybe complained about broken tools but they were able to make new tools.
I also thought about going far far back, maybe 200,000,000 BC (similar to what Rathit suggested). Humans are the worst that ever happened to Earth, we all know it. We are just too selfish to accept it as a fact. Or is it a fact? I'm a human so I'm disqualified to give the answer, and so are every other human. We should ask the ants.
Mammals and humans succeeded thanks to an asteroid. Maybe another asteroid will wipe us out and correct the problem.
I'm not joking.
Primal humans weren't that bad. But we've ascended past the level of an animal, despite being one. While we are dominant, the only thing that got us this far was the ability to communicate effectively. Certain primates are factually smarter than humans (on average).
I don't think anyone called for banning religion, I certainly didn't, I just said it should have it's influence removed from every aspect in life except for people's personal right to believe what they want.
If it is allowed to have influence, we'll never have these food towers, or many other innovative solutions to world problems, because if the world starts getting better, then religion was always wrong, they thrive on the idea that the world is getting worse, because it then means their (insert apocalyptic scenario) is coming, therefore they have a huge hold over people over fear of said apocalyptic scenario.
My word though, those food towers sound awesome. Then again, look at the people in the UK and America that are being prosecuted for growing their own food (Monsanto influencing laws to prevent losses much?).