Resident Evil 7 If RE7 turns into another RE6, are you done with the franchise?

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Also out of all characters, Jill has the biggest potential for a character development. In her E-Mail to Barry in Rev2 we saw signs of it. I'm looking forward to see that Jill ;)

Although Chris and Leon are cool guys, both are probably the biggest walking clichés in RE.

Chris will be forever stuck in his lone wolf/tragic hero who will never find happiness role and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up as mental case in RE7 as he had all sorts of depressions/amnesias in his life, while Leon will always be the doomed romance guy with Ada. Seems like neither of them will be ever able to break the cycle, which is meh to me :P Therefore Jill Valentine, please!

I think all other characters developed well in RE6&Rev2
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Me personally, I wouldn't touch any of the numbered games anymore if RE7 turns into another 6. I'd keep up with the Revelations games though, unless Rev. 3 turns out to be a giant piece of sh!t.
I wouldnt stop playing. I liked 6. (Only major complaint is how many new questions we have with nothing being answered, except that Chris still has a reason to fight, and what Sherry has been up too.) Not as much as 4, but more then 5. Shevas AI made solo play not super fun for me. And I didn't like Jill not getting to pull the trigger on Albert after being mind raped and maybe more for a few years.
And with Leons story and rev 2 in general, I still think they have some horror survival writing in them. The only thing that would shake me is if they start writing off or ruining the origional cast before their time. The storyline is important to my enjoyment of the series, and the character dev needs some advancing imo. I want more actual interaction between the cast in cutscenes. The vets replay for these characters, more in depth looks into their inner turmoils and hopes would be nice as long as it fits in with the plot of the current game.
But there's not a lot that would make me stop playing all together, besides maybe if 7 stars Sheva and Ashley. "Where are you going, Sheva?", "Ashley! I need more ammo!", "Too bad! I don't carry my own inventory!"
At worst I'd stop buying them early in release and wait for the price to drop. Or start only buying used from Game Stop.
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Absolutely not! I love all of the games for different reasons. RE6 was a **** up but it had some fantastic moments. That snake fight as Chris! Oh god that was a fantastic throwback to the original and one of my favorite moments in the whole game. Leon in the subway? DAMN! Jake and Sherry's get away? That was epic even if it was over the top! The story had some great moments, especially the ending with Chris and Piers. Face it as much as you fans claim to hate RE6, then why do you always mention such awesome parts you tend to love?

The game is a love hate relationship with the RE fans and that's alright... for one game. I look at Resident Evil 6 as the "Fast and the Furious" of the Resident Evil series. The game was not about the villains, it was about the protagonist and how they interacted with one another. The villains were.... well forgettable and while their concepts were interesting. They had no place in this franchise.

As for RE7. I got to say..... if the rumors I've heard are true then I am STOKED! I think it's going to be a soft-reboot in the vain of RE4 and Capcom said that it'll "blow our minds away". I don't doubt that! I can think of 3 possible ways this series can go. I got one theory in particular, given the rumors. This game may very well be a solo adventure for the meat of the game. There may be playable parts as other characters but I think it's going to be focused on one single protagonist and the survival horror elements may be very much alive here and possibly the scariest Resident Evil to date. Don't worry, it'll push the story forward no matter which way they go.

As far as Capcom and horror go. On an unrelated (or potentially related) note. Has anyone here heard of the "Project Kitchen" demo Capcom showed at E3? That shows they still know how make "horror" games.

One way or another. I have reasons to believe that Resident Evil 7 will **** with your mind and that may be the whole point! ;) I'm sure most of you know exactly what I mean by this! ;P
Not "they", just Shinji Mikami. He said he preferred strong female characters like Jill, and disliked Rebecca because she was "weak" in his opinion. Whatever... For someone so "weak", she went through an awful lot in just two nights, and survived it all. I don't consider her weak at all, just more human than most other characters we know.
Yeah thats it was a while ago thats why i couldnt rememer, that is dumb saying rebecca is weak i dont see how she is when everyone in that situation had no experience what so ever dealing with B.O.W.S to start with.
Ahh I think I know what you're talking about.
Shinji Mikami once stated that he doesn't like Rebecca cuz she's way too submissive and not independent and he doesn't like weak female characters in his games. I think that's what you're talking about :) Well I have to disagree with Mikami-san on this one. Sure, Rebecca isn't exactly a Jill Valentine, but she certainly isn't a damsel in distress or weak. She can kick some ass too. If they dislike her so much then why the hell did she get her own game in the first place?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Mikami never actually used the term weak to describe Rebecca at all - he uses submissive and that's a different thing entirely. Submissiveness indicates obedience and humility; you're inclined to yield to the authority of another. To be weak is to lack strength - whether that's in intelligence, physical prowess, etc etc. I also got the impression from the interview that he was asked which character he disliked from the original Resident Evil.

Rebecca's role in RE 1 is as a rookie field medic - of course she's going to rely on and defer to the other characters who are much more seasoned and experienced and who also, with the exception of Jill, happen to be men in positions of authority. It makes sense. She has also, as you all have noted, shown tremendous strength of character as well. Submissiveness and physical/mental strength are not mutually exclusive. Mikami just happens not to value female submissiveness in his games - he is suggesting there's no room for it in his artistic vision.

That being said, Shinji Mikami no longer works for Capcom. So if he was the reason Rebecca was flying under the radar for so long, perhaps fans will see an update on her story soon.

Anyway, I can't see myself being finished with the franchise if RE7 is like RE6. Don't get me wrong; RE 6 has certainly caused me to lose a considerable amount of interest - but I've been down this route with RE before. I lost a lot of interest after RE 0 - but then RE4 absolutely blew me away. I can't deny that they certainly have a lot of potential.
Rebecca is not weak (speaking as a fan of her), and the way she acted in RE-zero was strength of character all the way through.

P.S. way too excited for the RE0 remaster :)

Well said! Glad to know that I'm not the only one who saw this. She's pretty determined to always do the right thing. I really hope we see her again and also get answers about what happened to Billy after those events.

The main reason I replied to this comment was to tell you how awesome your Gray Fox sig is. Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid are my top two all time favorite franchise! :)
There many great faults with RE6, to the extent that if RE7 was exactly like RE6 I would likely stop following the main numbered series until I was assured it would improve. What made the early games relateable despite all of the events that were whacky is that it was always about, "How do we get out of this and escape?". Newer games are all primarily about how super cool special people save the world from super BOWs, when earlier games the BOWs were basically obstacles to your survival. I preferred that and I think that in some ways that has impacted the structure of the games negatively.

That having been said, RE6 had some good elements to it. It is my least favorite main game by a country mile, but the mistakes it made are hopefully learned from.