Also out of all characters, Jill has the biggest potential for a character development. In her E-Mail to Barry in Rev2 we saw signs of it. I'm looking forward to see that Jill 
Although Chris and Leon are cool guys, both are probably the biggest walking clichés in RE.
Chris will be forever stuck in his lone wolf/tragic hero who will never find happiness role and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up as mental case in RE7 as he had all sorts of depressions/amnesias in his life, while Leon will always be the doomed romance guy with Ada. Seems like neither of them will be ever able to break the cycle, which is meh to me
Therefore Jill Valentine, please!
I think all other characters developed well in RE6&Rev2

Although Chris and Leon are cool guys, both are probably the biggest walking clichés in RE.
Chris will be forever stuck in his lone wolf/tragic hero who will never find happiness role and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up as mental case in RE7 as he had all sorts of depressions/amnesias in his life, while Leon will always be the doomed romance guy with Ada. Seems like neither of them will be ever able to break the cycle, which is meh to me

I think all other characters developed well in RE6&Rev2