Gamertags. Not sure if this is permitted.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2011
Hello all,

So I was thinking I just got an xbox and have been playing on my ps3 a while. It'd be awesome to add new friends! Especially if you all play gears or mw. If this is not permitted please let me know!

My gamertag for ps3 is endlessillusion9
Xbox prolificdream
Yeah You Can Ask For Gamertags, Maybe We Could A Sticky Thread Because We Have A Lot Of Threads Asking For Gamertags And PSN Ids. Sadly I Myself Do Not Have An Xbox Or PS3 But I Hope To Have One Eventually.
Gamertag is the same as my username, but I no longer have an Xbox. Feel free to add me anyway.
You'll know you got it right when you see the avatar of an enemy from Dig Dug.
This forum software don't support gamertags at the moment, but you can have one as your signature if you wish.
Search and you will find one or more PSN ID threads. :)

As this is a forum related question I am moving this to Feedback and Assistance.

Nope you can't search for "PSN" as the keyword must be longer than three characters. You maybe want to use this thread as a thread for sharing IDs, so I won't bother moving it to the Feedback forum.
Gamertag: Brutal Offense

I only have Gears of War 3 at the moment but i am always, always up for any gametype.
Yay sounds good! I could be on at any time during day or night, our timezones are probably wacky but if i go on and you haven't added me i will just add you.