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Favorite zombie movie!

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
As the title says, which is your favorite zombie movie?

Mine is Shaun of the Dead! It's a comedy with slow-moving zombies for those who don't know it. It is hilarious! I would give it an 8/10!

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
Mine would be rather Dawn of the Dead Remake, Flight of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, or Resident Evil Degeneration.

I am mostly going with the Dawn of the Dead Remake.


Fallen91;65903 said:
As the title says, which is your favorite zombie movie?

Mine is Shaun of the Dead! It's a comedy with slow-moving zombies for those who don't know it. It is hilarious! I would give it an 8/10!

Shaun of the dead ftw. I love that movie.


Well-Known Member
It's a tie for me between Shaun of The Dead and 28 Days Later! The latter as it scared the hell out of me, the first simply because it's a British CLASSSSSIIIICCCC!


4 itchy tasty
I could watch Shaun of the Dead all day lol. I love it when Shaun and Ed are sitting on the couch watching the news and that armless zombie walks in. The look on their faces is priceless. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I had an old one that came to mind and it was pretty cool but I forget what it was called and totally forget what happened.....I just caught it on TV once.

/brain explodes.


Tiger Army Never Dies!
Shaun of the Dead is AWESOME! "Yeaaah Booyyyy!" :lol:

Dawn of the Dead remake is up there, too. Down with the Sickness in the "Lounge Singer" remake was hilarious.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse takes it for me, though. It's the closest to the make of my favorite Resident Evil game.

T-Virus Injected

Well-Known Member
My fav new zombie movie is Zombieland. I guess is should be since I loved Shaun of the Dead.

Did anyone like RE: Degeneration. I thought it was real good.

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
Elochai;66170 said:
Dawn of the Dead remake is up there, too. Down with the Sickness in the "Lounge Singer" remake was hilarious.

I rember that part of the movie. Yet it starts out with the cop killing the girl's dad and then it suddenly starts this with everybody doing normal stuff that they would do not even caring about the zombies and then it shows everybody acting stupid. I liked this part, but the scene after that part was kinda of gross with that old guy talking about how he is g*y. I would have done the same thing CJ did, shut my ears up and yell in the sky with pain.

Another part that I really like was the opening after the woman crashes her car. That song and other zombie attacks happening was pretty cool. So far that song in the opening is my #1 favorite Johnny Cash song.

the venomous grand design

REmake enthusiast
Elochai;66170 said:
Dawn of the Dead remake is up there, too. Down with the Sickness in the "Lounge Singer" remake was hilarious.
in case you were wondering, the guy that does that song is richard cheese. if you liked that, definitely check out some of his other work.

as for my favorite zombie movie, i really don't know, there are a lot of great ones and a lot of terrible ones. the first thing that comes to mind in recent years is diary of the dead. i had really low expectations for that movie, but it ended up being great. also, shaun of the dead is a classic for me.


4 itchy tasty
I thought Degeneration was pretty awesome. It was nice seeing Leon and Claire together in a movie.


RE1 .Day of the dead [85] Dawn of the dead [both], Land of the dead, Diary of the dead, Re Degeneration, Zombie land. ,Evil Dead,


The Pro Zombie Killer
Zombieland was stupid, That kid couldn't be more on Micheal Cera's stuff than Micheal Cera, but you guys are right on with Shaun of the Dead, but... everyone forgot the best Zombie movie....
From Dusk Til Dawn.


Martian Ambassador
The Resident Evil Movie Series, Shaun of The Dead, and Zombieland. Haven't really seen many other Zombie movies... but I did really enjoy "Land of The Dead" (though most of Romero's movies are WAAAY too gory for my taste, and "Land of The Dead" isn't an exception).


PSN: floaty_McTurd
ahh man shaun of the dead is a clear winner I think, and I've got to agree it is damn funny. Apart from that 28 days later is the top serious zombie movie for me. The infected are so fast and scary.


Martian Ambassador
aintnoscrub;71928 said:
ahh man shaun of the dead is a clear winner I think, and I've got to agree it is damn funny. Apart from that 28 days later is the top serious zombie movie for me. The infected are so fast and scary.

Oh, I completely forgot about "28 Days Later". Yeah... that movie gave me serious creeps. Those were some freaky infectees...
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