do you guys use walkthroughs?

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the venomous grand design

REmake enthusiast
Feb 20, 2010
i generally believe that using a walkthrough is basically the same as cheating. sometimes, after i've beaten a game once, i'll use a walkthrough to find new things i didn't find the first time through, but does anyone here use walkthroughs the first time through a game? and if so, do you feel the same gratification after completion, if any?
Only & If, I get to a spot and have been stuck for sometime do I look up just that area so that I can get on with the game.
Only when I find myself in a impossible position. I don't like following steps, I usually lost myself, I don't know.
Usually, when I get stuck for 3-5 hours. It really penalizes my time.
I usually don't, but I had lot of help on Final fantasy 7 and 8 when I played those. But then again it was a strategy guide, so it's pretty much the same thing :p
So far, I have used a walkthough for Resident Evil Remake.

Any Resident Evil game besides Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Outbreak Files 1 and 2, 4, and 5, I will use a walkthrough for.
occassionally, but only when in dire straits. I try to stay away from them as much as possible.
the venemous grand design;69247 said:
i generally believe that using a walkthrough is basically the same as cheating. sometimes, after i've beaten a game once, i'll use a walkthrough to find new things i didn't find the first time through, but does anyone here use walkthroughs the first time through a game? and if so, do you feel the same gratification after completion, if any?
Yes I always use walkthroughs. And I usually use several at the same time because different documents put emphasis on different aspects, and also because the poor quality in most walkthroughs. Most of them have all kinds of errors (language, facts or it was written for GameCube). But most of the data is correct though.

A walkthrough/guide usually contains much more than a step by step guide. It contains many data about weapons and other items, and often this is the most valuable part.

I read the step by step guide too, but I do it after I have played that part. In a game like RE4, I play every part several times and try out different things before I continue. It's interesting to read if the authors of different guides took a different approach than I do.
This adds greatly to the play value I experience, in a way I play the game multiple times at one playthrough.

I never use cheat codes to beat a game because cheating takes away the fun. But the game guides does not feel like cheating, at least not the way I utilize them.
i used a walkthrough i still couldnt get passed the freakin water room in the castle(if its not called the water room then i mean the room after el garrador). i resarted the game(counted) 6 times and got stuck at the EXACT same spot. and so i stop trying. a couple months later my brother decides to play it( hes NEVER played any RE games in his life) and beats it with only one death. either he got lucky or hes got skills
yes when i get stuck by puzzles or i have no idea which way is better to go first i look up to avoid detours otherwise theres also some time i get enough jumpy i look up some guide stuff to make sure whats gonna pop out next
The only time I ever used a walkthrough was when I played RE1 for PS1. I was 12 and impatient when it came to figuring things out for myself. Never used one again after, though.
I'll use walkthroughs, cheats, anything to get through a game I am otherwise struggling with. Or just to save time when trying to locate somewhere/someone in an RPG. Love 'em :D
Sometimes,when I really don't know what to do; I think I needed one for Tomb Raider Anniversary,Egyptian levels.
If I'm absolutely and totally stuck, yes, I might, but for the most part I stick to the rule that on my first playthrough, I do so without help. :)

For Resi 5 this wasn't a problem. I don't recall ever getting so stuck that I felt I needed help.

Usually the games that present more difficulty for me in that area are the Final Fantasy games. But I try to stick to my guns and figure it out for myself.

That said, I always buy the strategy guides later because they DO have juicy tidbits about stuff that I probably missed on my first playthrough, plus I like the artwork that usually comes in a strategy guides.
I bought the guide books/walkthroughs for RE remake, RE2 & RE3(GC) These walkthroughs were in one guide!, and RE CVX.

I only had these as collectables and because I like reading the documents they have in them such as the bio, weapons, types of monsters, and the history/fact points.

Other than that, I really don't use them because I like to take my time and explore the game the first time. After the first time I start to speed up and already know where everything is at and the passwords/puzzles.

In RE3, there's always a part in which I use the walkthrough for. It's almost at the end, where you have to crack a lock for a door. U have to level the water in the Umbrella Plant. I get confused and just look at the walkthough to just get it right and move on.

I remember when I was playing RE Director's Cut on the PS I got stuck and took me hours to finally find a fix. I had to find the battery for this elevator in the courtyard and try to find the code for that one door in the area where there was a room with a moose head where u get the other stones for the lion head. I didn't use a guidebook because I didn't have access to one back then.