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Best RE memory


Well-Known Member
What is your best memory of playing RE? Mine would have to be either playing the original in the dark with my friends on my 13th birthday or the first time I played RE3 on new year's eve or 1999. What about you guys?


4 itchy tasty
My best RE memory would be sittin' at my friend's house (keep in mind these are a bunch of guys) playing RE2 on the PS1. I had just beaten it in under 2 hours and the whole living room erupted into this "Oh my GOD!! She beat it in under 2 hours!" Lol, I think we were all like, eight or nine years old too. :p

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
When I was playing the original.. By the time I encountered the first zombie in the corridor I would press the start button and go find my brother and cousin for help! :lol:


4 itchy tasty
Fallen91;69953 said:
When I was playing the original.. By the time I encountered the first zombie in the corridor I would press the start button and go find my brother and cousin for help! :lol:

I did the same thing lol..except I was watching my dad play and everytime I'd see that zombie, I'd run off and go sit in my mom's lap hahaha.


Well-Known Member
my best memory is playing the original with my friends when we were about 8 and seeing that first zombie scared the **** outta us

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
When ever I went to my grand parents house on a holiday I took RE4 with me and after I got it hooked up me and my cousins just sat down and played while also talking about it. Best memorys that I had with RE4.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
In fact, I have a lot of nice memories from RE. The most recent one is Rathit decapitating 36 zombies with a single blow in the RE RPG.. :lol:


Fallen91;69993 said:
In fact, I have a lot of nice memories from RE. The most recent one is Rathit decapitating 36 zombies with a single blow in the RE RPG.. :lol:

Wtf? That was Levi though i was controlling him, but it was a gas station. Boom boom explosion.


Bottle Lover
When I first picked up that controller and played the original RE all by myself, at night, with no one around, all lights off, and nothing but the TV on. It was awesome. :lol:

&&. I was 7 years old at the time. :) Back in 1999


Her royal court joker
Fallen91;69993 said:
In fact, I have a lot of nice memories from RE. The most recent one is Rathit decapitating 36 zombies with a single blow in the RE RPG.. :lol:
Lol, where was that?

I have many memories from playing RE4 but it's hard to single out one.

Some moments I remember right now:

- The first time I played it, when the game began.
- The big fight in the village.
- The cabin with Luis.
- Several "chapter end" screens with maximum enemies killed and 100% accuracy.


Well-Known Member
Playing Resident Evil 4 with a really good old friend and laughing our heads off.We used to make out that the enemies said ridiculous things.
"*whispering*hugh hefner, hefner hefner, hugh hefner..."
"MACDONALDS*points at you*" XD

Dogs jumping through the maze.:lol:
Popping people in the knees when they sprint.
Blowing off a regenerators leg and then didn't realize it can hop towards you and bite your face off!

Insane double chainsaw men in Mercenaries.
That song in the mansion
Krauser Knife fight and the lasers straight after it.
Countless hours put into that game..all worth it and its still beast

Resident Evil 0: The crazy ass monkeys man.
Everything in general it was scary as hell i was like 10-11 or sumthing.


La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Hmm... let's see...

There was one time my friend Janelle and I were playing RE 4/doing a project. We wanted to get both done at once, so I was playing and she was working, lmao. Anyway, so I was in the water room with all the zealots and I had thought I finished everything. I equipped my rifle, turned around and aimed immediately - and the only thing I could see was a giant zealot face. I screamed so loud, my friend totally jumped and accidently made a big giant red line on our project. So we had to start again, this time vice versa haha.

The same weekend - I think it was the next night actually (or maybe it was the night before, I can't remember). Janelle was reading outloud from the walkthrough and I was playing but not really listening to her. It was at the part after the nest with the felling rocks, no joke - the walkthrough read 'You have to pull the lever, because if Leon gets caught under the falling rocks, he's going to feel alot worse about life'. As I said - I was listening, didn't notice the lever, and got smushed by the rocks about 20 seconds after she read it.

Then there were just stupid times with the first couple of games... I'd be so scared that I'd take a good twenty minutes just putting the item box in alphebetical order just to stall, then in the first game... I'd play 'tag' with the zombie on the balcony above the dining hall. Yeah... I used to be pretty lame lmao.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Me, my brother and my cousin playing the original again. I and my brother didn't know English back then. So we had our cousin, who was older, slowly translating the files which we found scattered in the mansion. Ohh.. It was so thrilling. Especially when he was translating the itchy diary! good times.. :)

Romero;70033 said:

Lol, where was that?

Nowhere! I just imagined that! :lol:


The Norwegian Dude
O'man, the original at my friends house.

In a dark room, 4 kids sat infront of an 20 inch screen, the intensity growing larger for each secound... music stops... "**** me, I forgot to save"
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