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Bad or Unhealthy Habits!


Super Saiyan Member
My two biggest ones are nail biting, and trying to hard to get involved with people...I'm one of those that has always been the go to guy...and when i KNOW someone isn't at there best, i try to help...even if they don't want it...I guess it really annoys people sometimes, but, i feel if i CAN help them then it's my responsibility, even if it means they have to share something personal with me, which a lot of people are against sharing personal stuff...And due to that I've accidentely pushed away those i wanted nothing more to help...I suppose you could call it more of a flaw then a habbit...but...those times when they let you in and you really do help, make it all so worth it...

v for valentine

Well-Known Member
I tend to get super offended when someone tries to force their opinion on me. But then again, when I feel strongly about something, I do the same. So.. there's my bad habit. :) And I worry about my animals too much.


After a meal there's nothing like a good cigar.
Cigarettes and I am also addicted to soda (not much into beer, why drink myself stupid when I can smoke (weed) myself calm)
Weed is not bad. It's not addictive and it only kills about as much braincells as holding your breath for 10 seconds. So if you smoke weed all of your life you will still be an intelligent functional individual. But if you drink all your life you will get liver failure, and be very, very stupid (not to mention alchohol is addictive)

1) Repeating myself endlessly
2) Serious arrogant streaks
3) Incessant f*****g swearing
4) Repeating myself endlessly
5) I tend to force my opinion down the throat of others
Don't worry, we all still love you Chris.

Gaming! Urgh
I'm not addicted but I do like videogames.
3 posts in a row im on a roll.

THREE POSTS MERGED. Don't flood the thread.


Well-Known Member
Swearing, the bad habit of not studying for any test, when I try to study, looking at the wall becoms more interesting than studying. Guitar is life, when I am holding a guitar in my hands and playing it, everything around me stops existing, I only focus on the guitar, which annoys a lot of people when they are trying to talk to me and I just ignore them(not on purpose though xD)

About health habits... i don't really think I have bad health habits, I go out for a run almost everyday, I recently started going to the gym, I don't eat too much junk food, I rarely drink, only when I go out at night, which happens like once every 2 months, but I do get wasted when that happens xD
Maybe lack of sleep, I have classes at 8 am and I usually go to bed at like 3 am.


REN's #1 Barry fan
I dip tobaccy. It's a nasty and unhealthy habit, but I'm weaning myself off of ciggs with it. It's not a good excuse, I know.. but it's working. I'll hopefully be back off all of it by the end of next month.
I quit smoking in 2006 cold turkey. It's not for everyone but thats what worked for me. I actually did rub snuff when I was trying to quit a previous time and it didn't work out. I got sick of the nasty after taste and getting little bits of stuff in my teeth, just nasty. I wish you luck though and hope you keep trying. Once you get in the mindset and know in your head "Im done" then thats really all there is to it... the addiction part is what sucks. The cravings and habit of lighting up is tricky, peer presure and being around friends that smoke can actually help if you tell them you are quiting because then you don't want to look like a hypocrite and give in. So good luck


Entertain me.
I used to be bad, but I've gotten pretty good with my sleep schedule. I don't game as much as I used to since I picked up the guitar, so that's a better alternative I guess. That's about all I have to say for my healthy side.

Smoking is my worst habit, probably. I smoke as few as 4 a day and as many as a pack (if drinking is involved). I quit about a year ago and it didn't really take. I started smoking while I was drinking and before you know it, here I am a year later smoking daily again. I'm a social drinker, which isn't so bad I guess... I do tend to overdo it though. I have a bad habit of mixing it with... other things which can't be good for my health any way you cut it. I don't excersize. At. All. Every once in a while I decide I'll start beginning my days with push ups but it never lasts more than a day before I'm back to doing nothing.

Lastly, and probably worst of all is my terrible diet. Lots of coffee and pretty much nothing nourishing (save multivitamins). My metabolism is a force of biblical proportions though, so I don't have to watch my weight or anything. If it wasn't the way it is right now, coupled with the fact that I don't exercise, I would be far heavier than I am.

Yeah... I lead a very unhealthy lifestyle. My parents are completely disgusted by it but it's been going on for so long (add to that I don't live at home) that they've really given up on interventions. They tried to correct it so much that I stopped listening and now have a sense of humor about it which probably isn't healthy. I'll often catch myself saying things like "You should smoke more, it's good for you!"


Moving Mountains
- I think I'm addicted to coca cola. I've had atleast 3-4 cans a day for the past 4 years.

- I tend to pick my nose.

- I swear alot.

- Listen to music perhaps alittle too loud. ****ing off the neighbors and my parents in the process.

- I'm on the computer way too often. Practically live on goddamn computer.


The Confucius of ReNews...Cheers KK.
- I think I'm addicted to coca cola. I've had atleast 3-4 cans a day for the past 4 years.

- I tend to pick my nose.

- I swear alot.

- Listen to music perhaps alittle too loud. ****ing off the neighbors and my parents in the process.

- I'm on the computer way too often. Practically live on goddamn computer.
I used to drink Cola by the ton. Cutting back drastically, even though it was hard at first, was one of the best things i've ever done.

I'll spare you the aspertame stuff, but if there was ever one thing that would re-energize you, it's cutting back of soda's.

The human body by nature, want's to climb mountains, discover uncharted land and be pushed to breaking point, so filling it with junk is only robbing yourself of large amounts of fun.


Moving Mountains
I used to drink Cola by the ton. Cutting back drastically, even though it was hard at first, was one of the best things i've ever done.

I'll spare you the aspertame stuff, but if there was ever one thing that would re-energize you, it's cutting back of soda's.

The human body by nature, want's to climb mountains, discover uncharted land and be pushed to breaking point, so filling it with junk is only robbing yourself of large amounts of fun.
Correct. There was a period of two weeks in my life where I managed to go without soft drinks, and it felt great, but I slipped back into the habit. Maybe it's the caffein?

About aspertame, isn't that a toxin? Or is dangerous to some extent?

Thank you for the concern, bud. ^^


Well-Known Member
Concerning the cigarettes..gosh i have to stop one day, i keep trying but failing and it only gets harder each time.The longest i went was 3 weeks..when i make an attempt now its maximum 3-4 days.I think i just brainwash myself into the addiction stronger.Not to mention i hate trying to hide the smell and craving it when im with someone who despises smoking.


REN's #1 Barry fan
Juggling any object that I see that is round or close to being round.. Pool balls, Fruits, even basket balls I've juggled. You would only understand if you are a juggler yourself... the urge to pick up random stuff and juggle them.


Her royal court joker
Another bad habit I have, is to fall asleep in a chair. It can be any chair, but usually in front of the PC or TV.
And here must be a spirit with bad habits too, because sometimes when I wake up, there are fingerprints on my glasses. Needless to say, I hate that.

in a 'he or she thinks this so they must be a moron' kind of way.

And I've got bad road rage
Ops. It's always useful to realize what your friends thinks about you. :p

I can have bad road rage too, but not all the time. I think it is much more common for men to have bad temper in traffic, but women can have road rage too, and I think that is sexy. It's sexy in a similar way as women with power tools and guns lol. Just don't kill anyone of us OK? ;)

Lol !

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Ops. It's always useful to realize what your friends thinks about you. :p
Nah, you're good muffin. There's only one or two people who give off the 'duhhhhh' vibe. And you are not one of them, haha.

I can have bad road rage too, but not all the time. I think it is much more common for men to have bad temper in traffic, but women can have road rage too, and I think that is sexy. It's sexy in a similar way as women with power tools and guns lol. Just don't kill anyone of us OK? ;)

Wow - you're the first guy I've talked to that finds female road rage sexy! Most of my male friends thinks its either repulsive or ridiculous aha.


Her royal court joker
Wow - you're the first guy I've talked to that finds female road rage sexy! Most of my male friends thinks its either repulsive or ridiculous aha.

It's not sexy if it leads to dangerous driving, and I hate tailgating. Road raging women are generally confident drivers and if they are confident, they are likely good drivers (in contrast, confident men might not be good). I've got a crush on Vicky Butler Henderson in 5th Gear, just because she's so good at driving. :p But I don't know if she's got road rage.
I like to go fast and I like women who does the same, if they do it safely.
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