RegeneratorHater24 Well-Known Member Jun 22, 2008 816 9 7,421 20 America Aug 31, 2008 #21 Because she had a troubled past. Why are Ashley's ears so big?
A_Wesker123 The Original Apr 2, 2008 1,276 73 8,771 UK Aug 31, 2008 #22 So she can fly! Why is a Garrador blind?
C ChrisRedfield1994 Potato Lobber Jul 21, 2008 1,765 536 26,228 Aug 31, 2008 #23 So it can see! Duh! Why is the soundtrack so... Musical?
RegeneratorHater24 Well-Known Member Jun 22, 2008 816 9 7,421 20 America Sep 1, 2008 #24 Because its been watching to many Disney movies. Why did Luis die?
C Cousintony Well-Known Member Jan 21, 2008 839 3 22,028 Sep 1, 2008 #25 he talked stuff bout my mamma! why is it luis not louis?
RegeneratorHater24 Well-Known Member Jun 22, 2008 816 9 7,421 20 America Sep 1, 2008 #26 Because it was his mamma's choice. Why is Cousintony a cousin named tony?
C Cousintony Well-Known Member Jan 21, 2008 839 3 22,028 Sep 1, 2008 #27 cuz it was his grand-mammas choice (it was no lie) why do regenerators regenerate?
A_Wesker123 The Original Apr 2, 2008 1,276 73 8,771 UK Sep 1, 2008 #28 Because they like pie Why do the villagers speak spanish?
C ChrisRedfield1994 Potato Lobber Jul 21, 2008 1,765 536 26,228 Sep 1, 2008 #29 Because they eaat fish. Why does a midget have a huge spike pit?
A_Wesker123 The Original Apr 2, 2008 1,276 73 8,771 UK Sep 1, 2008 #30 So he can play the piano Why do you like fish so much?
RegeneratorHater24 Well-Known Member Jun 22, 2008 816 9 7,421 20 America Sep 1, 2008 #31 Because I found Nemo when I killed a Regenerator. Why do Regenerators twitch?
A_Wesker123 The Original Apr 2, 2008 1,276 73 8,771 UK Sep 1, 2008 #32 Because they all have head lice Why do the monks wear black?
RegeneratorHater24 Well-Known Member Jun 22, 2008 816 9 7,421 20 America Sep 1, 2008 #33 Because they have no soul. Why do the farmers own cows?
A_Wesker123 The Original Apr 2, 2008 1,276 73 8,771 UK Sep 1, 2008 #34 Because they make good pets Why do the villagers have plagas inside them?
RegeneratorHater24 Well-Known Member Jun 22, 2008 816 9 7,421 20 America Sep 1, 2008 #35 Because they didn't use protection. Why doesn't Leon climb down ladders?
A_Wesker123 The Original Apr 2, 2008 1,276 73 8,771 UK Sep 1, 2008 #36 Beacuse then you would be able to look up his skirt Why do villagers like poop?
RegeneratorHater24 Well-Known Member Jun 22, 2008 816 9 7,421 20 America Sep 1, 2008 #37 Because of the Olympics Why are Garradors blind?
A_Wesker123 The Original Apr 2, 2008 1,276 73 8,771 UK Sep 1, 2008 #38 So they cant look at filth! Why does my mum clean the house?
A_Wesker123 The Original Apr 2, 2008 1,276 73 8,771 UK Sep 2, 2008 #40 Because your stalking me! ;D Why does Leon have his hair that way?