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  • hi dude im pretty new to this but i was wondering if u had any new news on resident evil remakes
    Still at Future Shop, unfortunately. I have no idea when I'll have it back for good. I've had it back about four times already, but each time it ****ed up like, the very next day. I don't think they know whats wrong with it.
    Hey love!

    I've actually been having a bit of computer problems lately- I had to take my own laptop in 'cause it broke (I think I told you about that), and the Live Messenger on my dad's computer sucks ass in that it works when it wants to. I promise to get on though, as soon as I finally get my own laptop back. And there will be lots of swearing and cursing over the ridiculous company I had to deal with. It was a nightmare.

    How are things going?
    yea, i feel the same. :)

    it annoys me to death that almost EVERYONE here hates them and that their hatred takes the shape of a new thread about how much they hate them EVERY SINGLE day.

    it just makes me wanna punch them... because they have no real reason to hate the movies but the reason that they are different from the games... they dont care a **** about how good the ACTUAL MOVIE is... and instead they keep complaining about them being different from the games. :(
    ah yeah, I just couldn't put my finger on the name lol.. good luck with that site BTW.
    I forget the name of that actress, but her character was good in that first movie. though those movies were lacking IMO
    Do you run that site alone? It takes much work to build and maintain a website. But it looks like you're doing well.
    Dollface! Good to see ya. *hugs*
    I'm not in synch with the sun and the moon, else than that I'm OK.
    I'm about to check for new posts and I hope you have posted some.
    Yeah I know exactly what you mean...unfortunately.:( I think if they fit the qualifications,then it is cool, but they need to be mature, and at least know a thing or two about RE, in this case.:)
    Sorry to hear that, sounds like an annoying situation...although I am not too familiar with any of the mods...except Femme, but she is cool.:)
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