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  • I didn't mean it too literally when I used the word 'perving', lol.
    I also learned in a thread today that this word might be a little bit stronger than I first thought. :P
    You're welcome dollface. I'm right now perving on your profile messages. I think I can hear someone coming, I'm gonna hide in that dark corner.
    For sure. I kinda hope I get a new one- FS has a policy that if you take the computer in three times to get fixed, they give you a new one. This will be the fourth, haha :lol:

    Anywho, how's it going?
    Hey hun, not at the moment. :( My computer crashed on Wednesday, and it's in being repaired. I'm on my dad's computer right now, and he doesn't want me downloading MSN. :( Hopefully I get it back tomorrow, aha
    Prohaps? Lol what a fun word. Haha. Btw you're one of the persons I missed while I was away.
    So I did make you feel embarrassed? Lol. But never underestimate my perviness. :p
    Haha, you my friend is awesome- so fun and so charming from day one. Wishing you a happy weekend.
    I say we petition Capcom and make it happen for RE 6! Oh man, it would be so nice to see those boys in that thing. I would be in heaven.
    How are you, sweetie?
    So Wesker was a project, sort of experiment? I know so little, I've only played RE4 (and I'm not done with it yet).
    Oh man, that would be AMAZING.

    And maybe they can put Leon into one of those costumes from '300' while they're at it too. :lol:
    Well, how about some more ahem... revealing alternate outfits for our boy? I mean, it's no fun that the guys get to see Jill in a mini-skirt and Rebecca in a cow-girl outfit, and we don't get a whole heck of alot (given, Leon's mafia outfit is pretty darn cool). So, wouldn't it be lovely to see Leon go topless? And maybe some tight pants that leave little to the imagination? Maybe a bow-tie to top it all off? Which would be better; a fixed camera or behind the shoulder? :lol:

    That might be asking TOO much. But... *sigh* A girl can dream.
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