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  1. 013

    Hey how have you been!? It's been a long time.

    Hey how have you been!? It's been a long time.
  2. 013

    Name one thing unique about the characters.

    Sherry- The only character to make a come back after 14 years. (Not counting remade scenes of the Raccoon city incident, but even then it was a while.) -She is also the only character infected with the g-virus and survived. Jill- The only one mind controlled with a device. Leon- The only one...
  3. 013

    If your favorite RE character asked you out...

    I've been looking at the post and I really don't think most of you guys are being honest. Man, I would *censor* *censor* *censor* all over Leon's *censor* *censor* and then I would *censor* until it was dry, while Chris *censor* *censor* me from behind. Then I would have Piers...
  4. 013

    Resident Evil 6 Why Kill Someone Off

    I wouldn't have minded if Chris or Leon died in this game as long as it was a good death like Piers. (I was almost certain Leon was gonna die in this one.) One of the main reasons I get ****ed over character deaths is not because the character died, but because it wasn't done right...
  5. 013

    Unpopular Resident Evil opinions thread.

    Yeah, I heard that about Barry before. And I love the old RE games Code Veronica as well, but I like the new numbered titles too except for 5. And even 5 can be okayish depending how I look at it.
  6. 013

    Wesker and Birkin

    More like frienamies. I think they were allies. But William didn't survive long enough to betray Wesker and vice versa. But from what i've seen and from what I have read in the files, William and Wesker were competitive allies. That's why a lot of fans make such a big deal out of the pair...
  7. 013

    Unpopular Resident Evil opinions thread.

    Looking at this thread I must say I don't think most of these are unpopular, it's more like, "Your RE opinions." Oh well, here go mine. I do NOT want a remake of RE2, that's right I said it. The game is fine just the way it is, all they would do is make a bunch of changes and additions I that...
  8. 013

    Resident Evil 6 Why the Jake and Sherry story seems like a love story?

    My bad, I was being lazy and didn't scroll back up to see your name when I posted.
  9. 013

    Resident Evil 6 Did anyone notice?

    I am watching Alphaomegasin's let's play of RE1 and he said in the DC of RE1 there is a part where you look in the bathroom mirror and eventually a zombie comes up behind you and you can see it in the mirror. When he said that I instantly thought of Leon and the Shreiker. Although I must say...
  10. 013

    Resident Evil 6 Why the Jake and Sherry story seems like a love story?

    Wesker having a son was definitely pulled out of the ass, but I think the Birkin/Wesker thing rocks anyway because if they had children (Which they both did) it would make sense that they share the respectful chemistry their parents did. And as already mentioned their similar circumstances...
  11. 013

    What non RE character would you like to see in a RE game?

    I'm ususally not a big fan of cross-overs either, but sometimes it depends. Goodness I haven't seen Sailor Moon in ages, I don't even remember her powers other then her badass break dancing transformation. Lara Croft would kill it! She's a total survivor, I think she'd be perfect for a RE...
  12. 013

    Resident Evil 6 Favourite campaign

    I vote for Leon's campaign because his had a scarier theme to it. (At least in the first few chapters) But even after the scary part was over it was still really fun. I don't know if many would agree but running from the blue fog in chapter 5 was REALLY fun for me and it was something new, yet...
  13. 013

    Resident Evil 6 Did anyone notice?

    Funny, the whole time I was playing of Resident Evil 6, I would get stuff here and there that would make me go, "Hey, that reminds me of..." I thought it was awsome. The ones I can think of have already been stated, but there were some other ones including one that made me think of RE4.
  14. 013

    What non RE character would you like to see in a RE game?

    In that case I think he would need more than a needle and knife. XD
  15. 013

    What non RE character would you like to see in a RE game?

    Excella would have SO ended up on his table. XD