idk, I like how Shake and Jerry's (

) interest in each other was portrayed in the game. I think they're cute and I like how they are the opposite of their parents. idk. (And then there was that stupid song at the end XD)
And really, they have only known each other for about 4 days, so I can see the reason behind them not having a smooch.
They had no contact in the 6 months in China, so really, they met on December 24th, 2012, I think they were captured on the 25th, 2012 (Merry Christmas! You get to be stuck in China and tortured/tested on!) then there is the 6 month break, Jake and Sherry reunite on June 30th, 2013, and then the game ends the next day.
I mean, even if I was attracted to a person, I'm not going to plant one on them after knowing them for only 4 days. Then again, I also wouldn't get naked and start changing with them in the room either. (And come on, I think Sherry totally know what she was doing there. ;D )
(Also **** yeah to Helena/Hunnigan. I started pairing them up in my head because I hate left over people, and then it was like, 'oh wait no I actually like this'. So now the DOS/FOS crew is all paired up UwU )
(Wow long reply sorry XD)(And the breaks are because I hate text walls XC)