Resident Evil 6 Favourite campaign

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Your favourite RE6 campaign?

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Goddess of the Dead
Jul 29, 2012
I'm surprised that there's no thread for this so far; I only found some pre-release threads about which campaign we're looking forward to the most, which one we're going to play first, etc. Now that RE6 is out on all platforms, here's my question for those who have played the whole game:

Which campaign do you like the most, and why?

Note: Since I don't think this kind of question requires anonymity, I made it so that everyone can see who voted what in the poll. Multiple responses are also allowed for those who can't decide, but personally, I'm more interested in which campaign you would choose if you could only pick one.
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I voted for them all, but I enjoyed playing Ada's the most. Chris and Piers' campaign was my least favorite only because I almost rage quit several times during the final boss.
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Quick question: Does anyone else see who voted what? If not, then it seems that either a mod changed my poll or this function doesn't work right.

Anyway, whatever, my vote goes to Ada. When I first saw the trailers and gameplay videos, I thought Leon's campaign would be the winner, but after playing them all, it's only in the third place.

Chris and Piers' campaign was my least favorite only because I almost rage quit several times during the final boss.

I have to quote one of the characters here:

Jake said:
Jesus Christ!

Annoying as hell. Chris's campaign is also my least favourite for the same reason. I hate the last two chapters, actually.

who DOESN'T like Leon?
I don't. :p But that has nothing to do with my vote.
I would say Leon but I gotta go with Jake, Usanak was just a throwback to the good old Nemesis days and I loved it.. being stalked and wondering if you finally killed him or not. The motorcycle part was cool and running around the Neo-Umbrella detenton center Kung fu'ing ppl was fun.. and seeing the relationship between Jake and Sherry was probally the best voice acting in the RE series in a VERY long time... maybe ever.
I liked all the campaigns. They all had their ups and downs and I prefer to cycle through them when I play the game (so I don't get bored).

There are chapters I don't like as much on each campaign (Leon's chapter 5, Chris's chapter 4, Jake's chapter 2 and Ada chapter 5). Otherwise, I think I enjoyed each campaign pretty equally, so I voted for them all.
Quick question: Does anyone else see who voted what? If not, then it seems that either a mod changed my poll or this function doesn't work right.

Yeah, you have to click where it says -vote(s)

I voted for Ada's campaign too. I think Ada was my favourite character in this game, which is strange because I never really liked her before, and I just feel that the campaign was the most like the earlier games in the series. I loved the puzzles and the overall feel of the campaign. I didn't like it when they added agent because the gameplay with him is really weird, you can't open any doors or interact with any objects so it is definitely best to play in single player.

I thought I would like Leon's campaign too but there were a couple of things that really annoyed me. First of all I don't really like Leon either so I don't know why I thought I was going to like it. The whole walking bit at the beggining got annoying very quickly, the L1 R1 climby parts were terrible and made me want to kill myself (at least they fixed this in one of the updates), and the final boss fight with simmons wasn't very good. Capcom promised survival horror with this campaign but I think they tried too hard to please everyone and it ended up being a mess.

Chris's campaign was a bit repetitive and way too actiony. I liked Sherry's campaign though, it was quite fun and did remind me of RE3 a bit.
Chris's Is really annoying on higher difficulties.

No Hope on Chapter 1 is a perfect example since a second of getting shot knocks like what 3 bars? Worse since you are seperated from your partner

Leon's was amazing until 4. I really enjoyed the 2nd chapter the most though

Ada's was fun as well but not as good as a thought. I did like the 1st chapter as we had to play it like a MGS game: Being Stealthy My 2 fav games total bliss...

Jake's was Ok I thought it was boring though ESPECIALLY chapter 2

As far as the game goes it was Ok story-wise but after beating all 4 pretty boring

The OST was a different story though, I Liked it alot especially Jake's He had the best OST of them all except his Staff Roll

Leon took 2st place on that

Also Jake's And Chris's Campaign looked as you were FORCED to have a co-op partner but maybe that's just me

Hmm...Don't thing I missed anything else...well that's my rant
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I vote for Leon's campaign because his had a scarier theme to it. (At least in the first few chapters) But even after the scary part was over it was still really fun. I don't know if many would agree but running from the blue fog in chapter 5 was REALLY fun for me and it was something new, yet different. I wish it was longer, I really liked it, from a story and gameplay standpoint that part of the game gave me chills. The end of the game is nearing and death is literally closing in on you in all directions your only real concerned threat is a formless obstacle that is engulfing the whole city, and the music and scene that plays out when you make it to the car and there are zombies trying to get in. Ugh! I'll say it again, it gave me chills it's like I connected to the character and all they had been through. (Especially Leon of course.) It's moments like that, that make me think of unforgettable moments in the previous games.

And then there's falling in the graves, lol. I always love it when things like that are thrown in. I could go on and give other reasons but I really wanted to elaborate on that gas part, I never hear anyone mention that so yeah I wanted to say how I felt about that...Buuuuuut with that said, I just wanna say that despite this being my fav. that rope climbing sequence made me want to strangle kittens! It is by FAR the worst QTE that I have EVER had the displeasure of dealing with since the end of God of War 2. And this is coming from someone who loves QTEs. XD Although it should be better next time I play since I THINK I might have it figured out now.

The second and last one I voted for was Jake and Sherry's campaign. I had always thought Sherry would come back as a bad "guy" and because originally she WAS in fact in Wesker's care. But I happened to like her as a protagonist. And Jake, even though he is an obvious pulled out of the a$$ character, he is the best one i've ever seen. Their chemistry to me is off the chain, and they work together well. Seeing the children of two of the main classic villains who help start it all is fantastic. I know some people say it's cheap and obvious that their kids would get along, but to me they were written in a way that if they had no connection to Wesker or Birkin, they would still seem just as perfectly matched.

Now, going on to gameplay, Ustanak was an excellent boss! I loved dealing with him he was so awsome! I think Jake's campaign definitely had the most variety. Hiding from Usty, the jet ski thingy, finding the data chips, being unarmed in the facility and having to rely on stealth, (Which I did horrible with btw.) and the helicopter scenario.
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@ Father: Thanks for the hint with the votes; it's handled differently on another forum I visit, so I didn't see it at once.
And sorry for picking apart your post the way I will do now, but you said many things I want to comment on.

I think Ada was my favourite character in this game, which is strange because I never really liked her before.

Same here! I never liked nor disliked Ada in particular, she was more or less just "there", but RE6 made me change my mind and she's one of my favourite characters now. Even my opinion on Leon improved a little thanks to this game.

I just feel that the campaign was the most like the earlier games in the series. I loved the puzzles and the overall feel of the campaign.

Again, same here, and the music is great too. Ada's campaign is actually the only one where you meet both zombies and J'avo, interact with all other characters at some point, and have to solve puzzles. (Yes, everyone else needs to find and use keys once in a while, but I don't really consider that a puzzle.) Also, the boss fight with Carla is the only thing in the whole game that really gives me the creeps, I know Leon's campaign tries to be scary, but doesn't succeed in my opinion and turns into a shooter after the first half of the first chapter. That doesn't mean I don't like it, I like all campaigns, but Ada's just stands out with its clever mixture of action, stealth and horror levels.

Chris's campaign was a bit repetitive and way too actiony.

Especially repetitive, that's my main problem with Chris. (And it's even more repetitive if you consider that RE5 had exactly the same plot and character development for him, and other things as well.) It somehow feels like the developers didn't put much effort into this campaign. I don't mind the action part, though, I'm used to that since RE5. Actually, I wouldn't have minded more action, but not in the form of J'avo fights, but other cool stuff like what Leon and Helena do in their cutscenes.

As for Sherry, she should be used to running away from monsters by now; there were two of them chasing her in RE2. :D
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I loved Leon's campaign, but I like the J'avo enemies better in the other campaigns because they are tougher and smarter.
I voted for Jake and Sherry's campaign, buuuut that's because I just really like Sherry's character :P

I do like all the campaigns, even if there are certain parts I do the final part of the battle with HAOS, and any part with the Rasklapanje...(And Chris's attitude :T)

In regards to why I enjoyed Sherry n Jake's campaign, I liked the character interaction, I liked that they showed more of Sherry's past, in between RE2 and RE6, I liked the progression of the chapters (From the town/city, to the mountains/caves, to china, and then to the oil field.) , and I liked their boss.

The only thing I didn't really like is that Sherry didn't get more bad ass scenes, and she didn't get to save Jake as much as I would have liked :C
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For me, it's a tie between Leon/Helena and Jake/Sherry. Those are the two campaigns I felt incorporated the new mechanics best, for starters. On top of that, they added the two best new characters into the series in some time (in my opinion). I also felt the acting was better when compared with the other campaigns (not that they were bad, mind you). I especially feel the need to mention Helena's voice actress' performance; She really went for it!

I am also a big, big fan of playing unarmed with Jake. I've always wanted that option in this series, so finally getting it (and having it turn out to be so solid once you get the hang of it) really made my year, from a gaming standpoint. I love that you can fist fight Ustanak almost every time you encounter him! I think the only time you can't is in the caves.

Honestly, I have really loved the game as a whole. I feel it's the best numbered installment in the series since RE0/REmake came out!
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My favorite campaign was Leon's. Because most of the time, the zombies they're battling against weren't the smart ones with the rocket launchers and guns, they either attack by hand or an axe and that's what I liked the most. Chris' was my next favorite because of the ending, it definitely made an impact on me although throughout the game I was annoyed by Chris' personality.
Leon / jake/ ada then Chris.

Leon's campaign would have been perfect if you could go solo for a while but games have been going through a tag team phase over the past couple of years.

Jake was a breath of fresh air.

Ada was well.....Ada.

And Chris, hopefully that is him retired because his Re5 run out was awful and re6 was pain staking to play from start to finish, it was basically run shoot run shoot run shoot.
Definitely Leon and Helena. I think it comes the closest to catching the mood of the original games (but loses it pretty quick when they go underground) :( . I also really like Ada's, since it cover's everyone's story in a sense.
Still have to beat Chris' campaign, so far done the 3 others but I can safely say Leon's was the most entertaining one. Jake's would be a close second but it wasn't as good as I expected it to be mainly because Ustanak didn't live up to Nemesis example that well but besides that it was great.
Just did the first Chapter on Chris', wasn't that bad, not bad at all actually. I enjoy that every Campaign has its own style.
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Definitely Leon's, closely followed by Jake.

I absolutely hate Ada's campaign. I've been rage-quitting my way through that one all week.